Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeException
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration. Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. Provides for importing a netCDF dataset into VisAD and for exporting a VisAD data object to a netCDF dataset. Provides for importing a netCDF dataset into VisAD. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of TypeException in visad

Methods in visad that throw TypeException
 void ScalarType.alias(String alias)
          Change the primary name for this ScalarType.
 MathType RealTupleType.binary(MathType type, int op, Vector names)
          Performs an arithmetic operation with another MathType.
 CoordinateSystem[] FlatField.getRangeCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the range CoordinateSystem assuming that the range type is a RealTupleType (and throws a TypeException if its not).
 CoordinateSystem[] FlatField.getRangeCoordinateSystem(int i)
          Returns the CoordinateSystem of a component of the range.
static void ScalarType.validateName(String name, String type)
          Throw a TypeException if the name is invalid.

Uses of TypeException in

Methods in that throw TypeException
 CoordinateSystem[] FileFlatField.getRangeCoordinateSystem()
 CoordinateSystem[] AreaImageCacheAdapter.getRangeCoordinateSystem()
 CoordinateSystem[] FileFlatField.getRangeCoordinateSystem(int component)
 CoordinateSystem[] AreaImageCacheAdapter.getRangeCoordinateSystem(int component)

Uses of TypeException in

Methods in that throw TypeException
 QuantityDB StandardQuantityDB.add(String[] definitions, String[] aliases)
          Adds the given quantities and aliases to the database.
 QuantityDB QuantityDBImpl.add(String[] definitions, String[] aliases)
          Adds the given quantities and aliases to the database.
protected  void QuantityDBImpl.add(String name, String unitSpec)
          Adds a quantity to the database given a name and a display unit specification.

Uses of TypeException in

Methods in that throw TypeException
protected  VirtualData View.DataIterator.getData()
          Returns a copy of the next virtual VisAD data object.
 VirtualData View.getData(String name)
          Returns the virtual VisAD data object corresponding to a named netCDF variable.
protected  VirtualData View.getData(ucar.netcdf.Variable var)
          Returns the virtual VisAD data object corresponding to a netCDF variable.
protected abstract  View.Domain View.getDomain(ucar.netcdf.Variable var)
          Returns the domain of a netCDF variable.
protected  View.Domain DefaultView.getDomain(ucar.netcdf.Variable var)
          Returns the domain of a netCDF variable.
protected  SimpleSet View.getRangeSet(ucar.netcdf.Variable var)
          Gets the representational set for the values of a netCDF variable.
protected  RealType View.getRealType(ucar.netcdf.Dimension dim)
          Returns the VisAD MathType of the domain corresponding to a netCDF dimension.
protected  RealType View.getRealType(ucar.netcdf.Variable var)
          Returns the VisAD RealType of a netCDF variable.
protected  RealType View.getRealTypeFromName(ucar.netcdf.Variable var)
          Returns the VisAD RealType corresponding to the name of a netCDF variable.
protected  ScalarType View.getScalarType(ucar.netcdf.Variable var)
          Gets the type of the values of a netCDF variable.

Uses of TypeException in visad.util

Methods in visad.util that throw TypeException
static Field DataUtility.consolidate(Field[] fields)
          Consolidates fields.
static Field DataUtility.ensureRange(Field field, MathType newRangeType)
          Ensures that the range of a Field is a given type.
static RealTupleType DataUtility.ensureRealTupleType(MathType type)
          Ensures that a MathType is a RealTupleType.