Package visad

The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration.


Interface Summary
Action Action is the VisAD interface for runnable threads that need to be notified when ThingReference objects change.
ActivityHandler Display activity handler supplied to DisplayImpl.addActivityHandler.
AnimationControl AnimationControl is the VisAD interface for controlling Animation display scalars.
AVControl AVControl is the VisAD interface for AnimationControl and ValueControl.
Cell Cell is the VisAD interface for computations.
ControlListener ControlListener is the EventListener interface for ControlEvents.
Data Data is the top-level interface of the VisAD data hierarchy.
DataReference DataReference is the VisAD interface for named holders for data objects.
DataSourceListener Deprecated. Use RemoteSourceListener instead.
Display Display is the VisAD interface for displays.
DisplayListener DisplayListener is the EventListener interface for DisplayEvents.
Field Field is the VisAD interface for finite samplings of functions from R^n to a range type, where n>0.
FlatFieldIface FlatField is the VisAD class for finite samplings of functions whose range type and range coordinate systems are simple enough to allow efficient representation.
Function Function is the interface for approximate implmentations of mathematical function.
Gridded1DSetIface Gridded1DSetIface is the interface to a finite set of samples of R.
GriddedDoubleSet GriddedDoubleSet is an interface for GriddedSets that have double-precision samples rather than single-precision samples.
GriddedSetIface GriddedSetIface is the interface to a finite set of samples of R^n.
IntegerSet IntegerSet is an interface for finite sets of samples of R^n at an integer lattice based at the origin.
InverseLinearScaledCS An interface which CoordinateSystems can implement to indicate that they invert another CS, but the transforms linearly scale the CS being inverted.
LinearSet LinearSet is an interface for finite sets of samples of R^Dimension in a cross product of arithmetic progressions.
LocalDisplay LocalDisplay is the VisAD interface for local instances of displays.
MessageListener Interface for objects which wish to receive VisAD messages.
MouseBehavior MouseBehavior is the VisAD interface for mouse behaviors for Java3D and Java2D
RealIface Interface to scalar data for real numbers represented as double precision floating point values.
RealTupleIface Interface to the VisAD data class for vectors in R^n for n>0.
RemoteAction RemoteAction is the interface for Remote Action-s.
RemoteCell RemoteCell is the interface for Remote Cell-s.
RemoteData RemoteData is the interface for Remote VisAD data objects.
RemoteDataReference RemoteDataReference is the interface for Remote DataReference-s.
RemoteDisplay RemoteDisplay is the interface for Remote Display-s.
RemoteField RemoteField is the interface for Remote VisAD Field-s.
RemoteFlatField RemoteFlatField is the interface for Remote VisAD FlatField-s.
RemoteFunction RemoteFunction is the interface for Remote VisAD Function-s.
RemoteReferenceLink RemoteReferenceLink is the interface for links to Remote objects.
RemoteServer RemoteServer is the interface for serving RemoteDataReferences.
RemoteSlaveDisplay RemoteSlaveDisplay is the interface for "slave" displays that receive their images from another source, instead of doing the rendering themselves.
RemoteSourceListener The interface for objects which need to be informed when a remote data source goes away.
RemoteThing RemoteThing is the interface for Remote VisAD Thing objects.
RemoteThingReference RemoteThingReference is the interface for Remote ThingReference-s.
RemoteTupleIface RemoteTupleIface is the interface for Remote VisAD TupleIface-s.
SampledSetIface Interface to the abstract superclass of GriddedSet-s and the like.
ScalarIface Interface to the VisAD hierarchy of scalar data.
ScalarMapListener ScalarMapListener is the EventListener interface for ScalarMapEvents.
Set1DIface Interface to a finite set of samples of R.
SetIface Interface to the abstract superclass of the VisAD hierarchy of sets.
SimpleSetIface Interface to the abstract superclass of Sets with a unique ManifoldDimension.
Thing Thing is the top-level interface for objects that send ThingChangedEvents to Actions.
ThingChangedListener ThingChangedListener is the EventListener interface for ThingChangedEvents.
ThingReference ThingReference is the VisAD interface for named holders for objects.
TupleIface TupleIface is the VisAD data interface for vectors.
ValueControl ValueControl is the VisAD interface for controlling SelectValue display scalars.

Class Summary
ActionImpl ActionImpl is the abstract superclass for runnable threads that need to be notified when ThingReference objects change.
AnimationSetControl AnimationSetControl is the VisAD class for sampling Animation steps.
AxisScale Class which defines the scales displayed along the spatial axes of a display.
BaseColorControl BaseColorControl is the VisAD class for controlling N-component Color DisplayRealType-s.
BaseQuantity This class represents a base quantity (e.g.
BaseUnit A class that represents the base units of a system of units.
CachingCoordinateSystem A wrapper class for CoordinateSystems that will cache the last values input and output values of the toReference and fromReference methods.
CartesianProductCoordinateSystem A class for creating a new CoordinateSystem that is the product of two or more CoordinateSystems.
CellImpl CellImpl is the abstract superclass for computations.
CMYCoordinateSystem CMYCoordinateSystem is the VisAD CoordinateSystem class for (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) with Reference (Red, Green, Blue).
ColorAlphaControl ColorAlphaControl is the VisAD class for controlling 4-component Color DisplayRealType-s (e.g., RGBA).
ColorControl ColorControl is the VisAD class for controlling 3-component Color DisplayRealType-s (e.g., RGB, HSV, CMY).
CommonUnit CommonUnit is a class for commonly used Units
ConstantMap mapping from constant to DisplayRealType
Contour2D Contour2D is a class equipped with a 2-D contouring function.
ContourControl ContourControl is the VisAD class for controlling IsoContour display scalars.
ContourLabelGeometry VisADGeometryArray stands in for j3d.GeometryArray and is Serializable.
Control Control is the abstract VisAD superclass for controls for DisplayRealTypes.
ControlEvent ControlEvent is the VisAD class for changes in Control objects.
CoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem is the VisAD abstract superclass for coordinate systems for vectors in R^n for n>0.
CylindricalCoordinateSystem CylindricalCoordinateSystem is the VisAD CoordinateSystem class for (CylRadius, CylAzimuth, CylZAxis) with a Cartesian Reference, (XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis) and with CylAzimuth in degrees.
DataDisplayLink DataDisplayLink objects define connections between DataReference objects and Display objects.
DataImpl DataImpl is the superclass for VisAD's data hierarchy, inheriting the Data interface.
DataReferenceImpl DataReferenceImpl is a local implementation of DataReference.
DataRenderer DataRenderer is the VisAD abstract super-class for graphics rendering algorithms.
DataShadow DataShadow is the VisAD class for gathering RealType value ranges and Animation sampling Sets for auto-scaling Displays.
DateTime DateTime is a class of objects for holding date and time information.
Delaunay Delaunay represents an abstract class for calculating an N-dimensional Delaunay triangulation, that can be extended to allow for various triangulation algorithms.
DelaunayClarkson DelaunayClarkson represents an O(N*logN) method with high overhead to find the Delaunay triangulation of a set of samples of R^DomainDimension.
DelaunayCustom DelaunayCustom is a set of constructors to create an instance of Delaunay by passing in a pre-computed triangulation.
DelaunayFast DelaunayFast is a method of finding an imperfect triangulation or tetrahedralization of a set of samples of R^2 or R^3.
DelaunayOverlap DelaunayOverlap quickly constructs a triangulation of a series of partially overlapping two-dimensional gridded sets.
DelaunayWatson DelaunayWatson represents an O(N^2) method with low overhead to find the Delaunay triangulation or tetrahedralization of a set of samples of R^2 or R^3.
DerivedUnit A class that represents a unit consisting of zero or more base units.
DisplayActivity Manage busy/idle handlers for a Display
DisplayEvent DisplayEvent is the VisAD class for Events from Display objects.
DisplayImpl DisplayImpl is the abstract VisAD superclass for display implementations.
DisplayMapEvent DisplayMapEvent is the VisAD class for Events from Display ScalarMap and ConstantMap objects.
DisplayRealType DisplayRealType is the class for display real scalar types.
DisplayReferenceEvent DisplayReferenceEvent is the VisAD class for Events from Display DataReference obkects.
DisplayRenderer DisplayRenderer is the VisAD abstract super-class for background and metadata rendering algorithms.
DisplayTupleType DisplayTupleType is the class for tuples of DisplayRealType's.
DoubleSet DoubleSet represents the finite (but large) set of samples of R^dimension made by vectors of IEEE double precision floating point numbers.
DoubleStringTuple This provides a LoCal Tuple that can hold numeric and string values without taking the hit that having slots and lots of Real and Text objects around.
DoubleTuple This provides a LoCal RealTuple that can hold numeric values without taking the hit that having lots and lots of Real objects around.
EarthVectorType EarthVectorType is the VisAD data type for 2-D and 3-D wind or current vectors in Units convertable with meter / second whose first component is parallel to latitude lines, positive east, and whose second component is parallel to longitude lines, positive north.
EmpiricalCoordinateSystem Provides support for empirically-defined CoordinateSystem-s.
ErrorEstimate ErrorEstimate is the immutable VisAD class for statistics about a value or array of values.
FieldImpl FieldImpl is the VisAD class for finite samplings of functions from R^n to a range type, where n>0.
FlatField FlatField is the VisAD class for finite samplings of functions whose range type and range coordinate systems are simple enough to allow efficient representation.
FloatSet FloatSet represents the finite (but large) set of samples of R^dimension made by vectors of IEEE single precision floating point numbers.
Flow1Control Flow1Control is the VisAD class for controlling Flow1 display scalars.
Flow2Control Flow2Control is the VisAD class for controlling Flow2 display scalars.
FlowControl FlowControl is the VisAD abstract super-class for controlling Flow display scalars.
FlowSphericalCoordinateSystem FlowSphericalCoordinateSystem is the VisAD CoordinateSystem class for (Elevation, Azimuth, Radial) with a Cartesian Reference, with Elevation and Azimuth in degrees and Radial in meters per second.
FunctionImpl FunctionImpl is the abstract superclass for approximate implmentations of mathematical functions.
FunctionType FunctionType is the VisAD data type for functions.
GraphicsModeControl GraphicsModeControl is the VisAD interface class for controlling various mode settings for rendering.
GridCoordinateSystem GridCoordinateSystem is the VisAD CoordinateSystem class for grids defined by GriddedSets.
Gridded1DDoubleSet Gridded1DDoubleSet is a Gridded1DSet with double-precision samples.
Gridded1DSet Gridded1DSet represents a finite set of samples of R.
Gridded2DDoubleSet Gridded2DDoubleSet is a Gridded2DSet with double-precision samples.
Gridded2DSet Gridded2DSet represents a finite set of samples of R^2.
Gridded3DDoubleSet Gridded3DDoubleSet is a Gridded3DSet with double-precision samples.
Gridded3DSet Gridded3DSet represents a finite set of samples of R^3.
GriddedSet GriddedSet is implemented by those Set sub-classes whose samples lie on a rectangular grid topology (but note the geometry need not be rectangular).
GridVectorType GridVectorType is the VisAD data type for 2-D and 3-D wind or current vectors in Units convertable with meter / second whose first component is parallel to grid rows, positive toward increasing column, and whose second component is parallel to grid columns, positive toward decreasing row.
HSVCoordinateSystem HSVCoordinateSystem is the VisAD CoordinateSystem class for (Hue, Saturation, Value) with Reference (Red, Green, Blue).
IdentityCoordinateSystem A CoordinateSystem that will return the input values when toReference() and fromReference() are called.
ImageFlatField ImageFlatField is a VisAD FlatField backed by a java.awt.image.BufferedImage object, instead of the usual float[][] or double[][] samples array.
Integer1DSet Integer1DSet represents a finite set of samples of R at an integer lattice based at the origin (i.e, 0, 1, 2, ..., length-1).
Integer2DSet Integer2DSet represents a finite set of samples of R^2 at an integer lattice based at the origin.
Integer3DSet Integer3DSet represents a finite set of samples of R^3 at an integer lattice based at the origin.
IntegerNDSet IntegerNDSet represents a finite set of samples of R^n at an integer lattice based at the origin.
InverseCoordinateSystem InverseCoordinateSystem is the VisAD CoordinateSystem class for inverting other CoordinateSystems.
Irregular1DSet Irregular1DSet represents a finite set of samples of R.
Irregular2DSet IrregularSet for a finite number of samples of R.
Irregular3DSet Irregular3DSet represents a finite set of samples of R^3.
IrregularSet IrregularSet is implemented by those Set sub-classes whose samples do not form any ordered pattern.
Linear1DSet Linear1DSet represents a finite set of samples of R in an arithmetic progression.
Linear2DSet Linear2DSet represents a finite set of samples of R^2 in a cross product of two arithmetic progressions.
Linear3DSet Linear3DSet represents a finite set of samples of R^3 in a cross product of three arithmetic progressions.
LinearLatLonSet LinearLatLonSet represents a finite set of samples of (Latitude, Longitude) in a cross product of two arithmetic progressions.
LinearNDSet LinearNDSet represents a finite set of samples of R^Dimension in a cross product of arithmetic progressions.
List1DDoubleSet List1DDoubleSet is the class for Set-s containing lists of 1-D double values with no topology.
List1DSet List1DSet is the class for Set-s containing lists of 1-D values with no topology.
LogarithmicUnit A class that represents a scaled unit with an offset.
LogCoordinateSystem A CoordinateSystem to transform between values and their logarithms.
MathType MathType is the superclass for VisAD's hierarchy of mathematical types.
MouseHelper MouseHelper is the VisAD helper class for MouseBehaviorJ3D and MouseBehaviorJ2D.
OffsetUnit A class that represents a scaled unit with an offset.
PlotDigits PlotDigits calculates an array of points to be plotted to the screen as vector pairs, given a number and a bounding rectangle, for use as a label on a contour R^2.
PlotText PlotText calculates an array of points to be plotted to the screen as vector pairs, given a String and location, orientation and size in space.
PolarCoordinateSystem PolarCoordinateSystem is the VisAD CoordinateSystem class for (Longitude, Radius) with a Cartesian Reference, and with Longitude in degrees.
ProductSet ProductSet is the cross-product of an array of SampledSets.
ProjectionControl ProjectionControl is the VisAD interface for controlling the Projection from 3-D to 2-D.
PromiscuousUnit PromiscuousUnit is the VisAD class for units that are convertable with any other Unit.
QuantityDimension This class represents the dimension of a quantity.
QuickSort QuickSort sorts a set of samples in R using a quicksort algorithm combined with an insertion sort algorithm to avoid an excess number of recursive calls.
RangeControl RangeControl is the VisAD class for controlling SelectRange display scalars.
Real Real is the class of VisAD scalar data for real numbers represented as double precision floating point values.
RealTuple RealTuple is the VisAD data class for vectors in R^n for n>0.
RealTupleType RealTupleType is the VisAD data type for tuples in R^n, for n>0.
RealType RealType is the VisAD scalar data type for real number variables.
RealVectorType RealVectorType is the VisAD data type for vector field tuple in R^n, for n>0.
ReferenceActionLink ReferenceActionLink objects are used by Action objects to define their connections with ThingReference objects.
RemoteActionImpl RemoteActionImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for ActionImpl.
RemoteCellImpl RemoteCellImpl is the VisAD class for remote access to Cell-s.
RemoteDataImpl RemoteDataImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for DataImpl.
RemoteDataReferenceImpl RemoteDataReferenceImpl is VisAD remote adapter for DataReferenceImpl.
RemoteDisplayImpl RemoteDisplayImpl is the VisAD class for remote access to Display-s.
RemoteFieldImpl RemoteFieldImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for FieldImpl.
RemoteFlatFieldImpl RemoteFlatFieldImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for FlatField.
RemoteFunctionImpl RemoteFunctionImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for FieldImpl.
RemoteReferenceLinkImpl RemoteReferenceLinkImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for DataDisplayLink-s.
RemoteSlaveDisplayImpl RemoteSlaveDisplayImpl is an implementation of a slaved display that receives its images from a RemoteDisplay (via RMI).
RemoteThingImpl RemoteThingImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for ThingImpl.
RemoteThingReferenceImpl RemoteThingReferenceImpl is VisAD remote adapter for ThingReferenceImpl.
RendererControl RendererControl is the VisAD class for controlling DisplayRenderer data.
SampledSet SampledSet is the abstract superclass of GriddedSets, PolyCells and MultiCells.
Scalar Scalar is the superclass of the VisAD hierarchy of scalar data.
ScalarMap A ScalarMap object defines a mapping from a RealType to a DisplayRealType.
ScalarMapControlEvent ScalarMapControlEvent is the VisAD class for control-related Events from ScalarMap objects.
ScalarMapEvent ScalarMapEvent is the VisAD class for Events from ScalarMap objects.
ScalarType ScalarType is the superclass of the VisAD hierarchy of scalar data types.
ScaledUnit A class that represents a certain amount of a derived unit.
Set Set is the abstract superclass of the VisAD hierarchy of sets.
SetType SetType is the VisAD data type for subsets of R^n for n>0.
ShadowFunctionOrSetType The ShadowFunctionOrSetType class is an abstract parent for classes that implement ShadowFunctionType or ShadowSetType.
ShadowFunctionType The ShadowFunctionType class shadows the FunctionType class, within a DataDisplayLink.
ShadowRealTupleType The ShadowRealTupleType class shadows the RealTupleType class, within a DataDisplayLink.
ShadowRealType The ShadowRealType class shadows the RealType class, within a DataDisplayLink.
ShadowScalarType The ShadowScalarType class shadows the ScalarType class, within a DataDisplayLink.
ShadowSetType The ShadowSetType class shadows the SetType class, within a DataDisplayLink.
ShadowTextType The ShadowTextType class shadows the TextType class, within a DataDisplayLink.
ShadowTupleType The ShadowTupleType class shadows the TupleType class, within a DataDisplayLink.
ShadowType The ShadowType hierarchy shadows the MathType hierarchy, within a DataDisplayLink.
ShapeControl ShapeControl is the VisAD class for controlling Shape display scalars.
SI A class that represents the SI system of units.
SimpleSet SimpleSet is the abstract superclass of Sets with a unique ManifoldDimension.
SingletonSet SingletonSet is the class for Set-s containing one member.
SocketSlaveDisplay A SocketSlaveDisplay server wraps around a VisAD display, providing support for stand-alone remote displays (i.e., not dependent on the VisAD packages) that communicate with the server using sockets.
SphericalCoordinateSystem SphericalCoordinateSystem is the VisAD CoordinateSystem class for (Latitude, Longitude, Radius) with a Cartesian Reference, and with Latitude and Longitude in degrees.
Text Text is the class of VisAD scalar data for text strings.
TextControl TextControl is the VisAD class for controlling Text display scalars.
TextControl.Justification A class to represent the different types of justification.
TextType TextType is the VisAD scalar data type for text string variables.
ThingChangedEvent ThingChangedEvent is the VisAD class for changes in objects (usually Data objects) referred to by ThingReference objects.
ThingImpl ThingImpl is the abstract superclass of the VisAD objects that send ThingChangedEvents to Actions.
ThingReferenceImpl ThingReferenceImpl is a local implementation of ThingReference.
ToggleControl ToggleControl is the VisAD class for toggling other Control-s on and off.
Tuple Tuple is the general VisAD data class for vectors.
TupleType TupleType is the general VisAD data type for vectors.
UnionSet UnionSet is the union of an array of SampledSets.
Unit A class that represents a unit of a quantity.
VisADAppearance VisADAppearance stands in for j3d.Switch and is Serializable.
VisADEvent VisADEvent is the VisAD class for Events passed between Displays.
VisADGeometryArray VisADGeometryArray stands in for j3d.GeometryArray and is Serializable.
VisADGroup VisADGroup stands in for j3d.Group and is Serializable.
VisADIndexedTriangleStripArray VisADIndexedTriangleStripArray stands in for j3d.IndexedTriangleStripArray and is Serializable.
VisADLineArray VisADLineArray stands in for j3d.LineArray and is Serializable.
VisADLineStripArray VisADLineStripArray stands in for j3d.LineStripArray and is Serializable.
VisADPointArray VisADPointArray stands in for j3d.PointArray and is Serializable.
VisADQuadArray VisADQuadArray stands in for j3d.QuadArray and is Serializable.
VisADRay VisADRay stands in for j3d.PickRay and is Serializable.
VisADSceneGraphObject VisADSceneGraphObject stands in for j3d.SceneGraphObject; it is the parent of VisAD j3d stand-ins, and is Serializable.
VisADSwitch VisADSwitch stands in for j3d.Switch and is Serializable.
VisADTriangleArray VisADTriangleArray stands in for j3d.TrianlgeArray and is Serializable.
VisADTriangleStripArray VisADTriangleStripArray stands in for j3d.TriangleStripArray and is Serializable.

Exception Summary
BadDirectManipulationException BadDirectManipulationException is an exception for an illegal DirectManipulation with a VisAD display.
BadMappingException BadMappingException is an exception for an error with ScalarMaps in a VisAD display.
CoordinateSystemException CoordinateSystemException is an exception for a bad VisAD CoordinateSystem.
DisplayException DisplayException is an exception for an error with a VisAD display.
DisplayInterruptException DisplayInterruptException is an exception for interrupting data transformation.
DomainException Supports exceptions for bad or invalid or inappropriate domains of Fields.
FieldException FieldException is an exception for an error with a VisAD field.
ReferenceException ReferenceException is an exception for an error with a VisAD DataReference.
RemoteVisADException RemoteVisADException is an exception for an error with a VisAD Remote class.
SetException SetException is an exception for an error with a VisAD sampling.
TypeException TypeException is an exception for a bad VisAD data type.
UnimplementedException UnimplementedException is an exception for a VisAD method not yet implemented.
UnitException A class for exceptions in the units package.
UnitExistsException Provides support for attempting to define a unit with a previously-used identifier.
VisADException VisADException is the superclass of all exceptions defined within the VisAD package.

Error Summary
VisADError VisADError is the superclass of all errors defined within the VisAD package.

Package visad Description

The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration.