Package visad.util

Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design.


Interface Summary
ColorChangeListener The interface that all objects must implement to recieve color change events from the color widget
FloatTupleArray Growable data structure for float tuples.
SliderChangeListener The interface that any object that wishes to listen to SliderChangeEvents must implement
ThreadManager.MyRunnable MyRunnable

Class Summary
AnimationWidget A widget that allows users to control aspects of animation (stop/start, step, animation speed and direction).
ArrowSlider A pointer slider for visad .
BarGraph BarGraph provides methods for plotting colored bar graphs in 2D or 3D.
BarSlider The visad utillity sliding bar
BaseRGBMap An extensible RGB colormap with no interpolation between the internally stored values.
ChosenColorWidget A color widget that allows users to interactively map numeric data to RGB/RGBA tuples in a ScalarMap, and to choose from a drop-down list of canned colormap combinations.
CmdlineGenericConsumer Simple implementation of CmdlineConsumer interface which can be extended to easily add command-line parsing to an application.
CmdlineParser Parse command-line arguments passed to the initial main() method of an application.
CodeEditor An editor for writing and executing source code in Java runtime.
CodeFrame A GUI frame for editing source code in Java runtime.
ColorChangeEvent An event to be dispatched when the color widget has been changed
ColorMap The abstract class that all color-mapping widgets must extend.
ColorMapWidget A color widget that allows users to interactively map numeric data to RGB/RGBA tuples in a ScalarMap.
ColorPreview A small preview bar generated for a color widget
ColorWidget A color widget that allows users to interactively map numeric data to RGBA tuples based on the Vis5D color widget
ComboFileFilter A file filter that recognizes files from a union of other filters.
ContourWidget A widget that allows users to control iso-contours.
CursorUtil Utility methods for cursor-related functions, including converting between pixel, cursor and domain coordinates, and evaluating functions at a given cursor location.
DataConverter DataConverter provides a simple GUI for converting data between VisAD-supported formats, using the data form of choice.
DataUtility A general utility class for VisAD Data objects
DataUtility.RealTupleComparator Provides support for comparing RealTuple-s of the same RealTupleType.
DualRes Maintains two representations for a given data reference: one at high (normal) resolution, and one at low (scaled-down) resolution.
ExtensionFileFilter A file filter based on file extensions, for use with a JFileChooser.
FloatTupleArrayImpl Growable array of float tuples.
FormFileFilter A file filter based on a file form adapter's isThisType(String) method, for use with a JFileChooser.
GMCWidget A widget that allows users to control graphics mode parameters.
GUIFrame A general-purpose frame for simplifing GUI construction and management.
HersheyFont HersheyFont supports the Hershey Fonts for VisAD.
ImageHelper Helper class for monitoring loading images.
LabeledColorWidget A color widget that allows users to interactively map numeric data to RGB/RGBA tuples in a ScalarMap.
LabeledRGBAWidget Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget
LabeledRGBWidget Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget
McIDASFileFilter Deprecated. use FormFileFilter (see Util.getVisADFileChooser)
PrintActionListener PrintActionListener is an ActionListener which is used to print the contents of the VisAD DisplayImpl.
ProjWidget A widget that allows users to save and restore different projections.
RangeSlider A slider widget that allows users to select a lower and upper bound.
RangeWidget A widget that allows users to specify a ScalarMap's range scaling
ReflectedUniverse A general-purpose reflection wrapper class.
ResSwitcher Handles automatic toggling between a high-resolution representation and a low-resolution one for a data object.
RGBAMap A simple RGBA colormap with no interpolation between the internally stored values.
RGBMap A simple RGB colormap with no interpolation between the internally stored values.
SaveStringTokenizer Parses a save string containing a series of lines of the form: keyword = value
SelectRangeWidget A slider widget that allows users to select a lower and upper bound.
SimpleColorMapWidget A "simple" color widget that allows users to interactively map numeric data to RGB/RGBA color maps.
Slider An abstract class which is very similar to java.awt.ScrollBar, except using all floating point values and having an internal name.
SliderChangeEvent The event that occurs when a slider is changed
SliderLabel A label that can be attached to any slider showing the current value, and optionally, the bounds.
StepWidget StepWidget is a slider GUI component with directional step arrows at either end.
TextEditor A general-purpose editor for reading and writing text files.
TextFrame A GUI frame for editing text files.
ThreadManager This class provides support for running a collection of Runnables concurrently.
ThreadPool A pool of threads which can be used to execute any Runnable tasks.
Trace This class provides a hook into the IDV Trace facility.
Util A hodge-podge of general utility methods.
VisADSlider VisADSlider combines a JSlider and a JLabel and links them to either a Real (via a DataReference) or a ScalarMap that maps to Display.SelectValue.
WeakMapValue A weakly-referenced Map value.
WidgetLayout A simple layout manager for use in the visad ColorWidget.
WidgetTest A program for testing the VisAD ColorWidget.

Package visad.util Description

Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design.