
Provides for importing a netCDF dataset into VisAD.


Class Summary
CompositeStrategy Chains together import strategies for netCDF datasets.
Context Provides support for the context in which data values are retrieved.
DataFactory Provides support for creating VisAD Data objects from VirtualData objects.
DefaultView Provides support for the default view of a netCDF dataset as documented in the netCDF User's Guide.
FileDataFactory Provides support for creating VisAD Data objects that use a file backing-store from VirtualData objects.
FileStrategy Provides support for importing netCDF datasets using the strategy of employing FileFlatFields wherever possible, but merging the data so as to keep the number of FileFlatFields to a minimum.
FlatMerger Provides support for merging of virtual data objects.
InMemoryStrategy An import strategy that attempts to read the entire netCDF dataset into memory.
MaxFileFieldStrategy Provides support for importing netCDF datasets using the strategy of employing FileFlatField-s wherever possible and not merging them so as to keep the number of FileFlatField-s to a maximum.
Merger Provides support for merging of virtual data objects.
NetcdfAdapter A class for importing a netCDF dataset.
NetcdfQuantityDB Provides support for mapping netCDF elements to VisAD quantities by decorating a existing quantity database with methods specifically appropriate to netCDF variables.
Strategy A strategy for importing a netCDF dataset.
View A convention-dependent view of a netCDF dataset.
VirtualData Provides support for a virtual VisAD data object.
VirtualDataIterator Supports iteration over the virtual VisAD data objects in a netCDF dataset.
VirtualField Provides support for a virtual VisAD Field.
VirtualFlatField Provides support for a virtual VisAD FlatField.
VirtualReal Provides support for a virtual VisAD Real.
VirtualScalar Provides support for a virtual VisAD Scalar.
VirtualText Provides support for a virtual VisAD Scalar.
VirtualTuple Provides support for a virtual VisAD Tuple.

Exception Summary
InvalidContextException Exception thrown when the I/O context is invalid for an operation.

Package Description

Provides for importing a netCDF dataset into VisAD.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: