Uses of Interface

Packages that use Function
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration. 
visad.cluster Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. Provides for importing a FITS dataset into VisAD. 
visad.formula Provides an interface for automatically evaluating formulas based on user-defined operators and functions. 
visad.georef Provides classes for geo-referencing. 
visad.meteorology Provides classes that are useful in the field of meteorology. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of Function in visad

Subinterfaces of Function in visad
 interface Field
          Field is the VisAD interface for finite samplings of functions from R^n to a range type, where n>0.
 interface FlatFieldIface
          FlatField is the VisAD class for finite samplings of functions whose range type and range coordinate systems are simple enough to allow efficient representation.
 interface RemoteField
          RemoteField is the interface for Remote VisAD Field-s.
 interface RemoteFlatField
          RemoteFlatField is the interface for Remote VisAD FlatField-s.
 interface RemoteFunction
          RemoteFunction is the interface for Remote VisAD Function-s.

Classes in visad that implement Function
 class FieldImpl
          FieldImpl is the VisAD class for finite samplings of functions from R^n to a range type, where n>0.
 class FlatField
          FlatField is the VisAD class for finite samplings of functions whose range type and range coordinate systems are simple enough to allow efficient representation.
 class FunctionImpl
          FunctionImpl is the abstract superclass for approximate implmentations of mathematical functions.
 class ImageFlatField
          ImageFlatField is a VisAD FlatField backed by a java.awt.image.BufferedImage object, instead of the usual float[][] or double[][] samples array.
 class RemoteFieldImpl
          RemoteFieldImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for FieldImpl.
 class RemoteFlatFieldImpl
          RemoteFlatFieldImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for FlatField.
 class RemoteFunctionImpl
          RemoteFunctionImpl is the VisAD remote adapter for FieldImpl.

Methods in visad that return Function
 Function RemoteFunctionImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
abstract  Function FunctionImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
 Function Function.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
          return the derivative of this Function with respect to d_partial; d_partial may occur in this Function's domain RealTupleType, or, if the domain has a CoordinateSystem, in its Reference RealTupleType; propogate errors according to error_mode
 Function FlatField.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
 Function FieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
 Function RemoteFunctionImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)
abstract  Function FunctionImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)
 Function Function.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)
          return the derivative of this Function with respect to d_partial; set result MathType to derivType; d_partial may occur in this Function's domain RealTupleType, or, if the domain has a CoordinateSystem, in its Reference RealTupleType; propogate errors according to error_mode
 Function FlatField.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)
 Function FieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)
 Function BaseColorControl.getFunction()
          Return the color lookup Function.

Methods in visad with parameters of type Function
 void BaseColorControl.setFunction(Function func)
          Define the color lookup by a Function, whose MathType must have a 1-D domain and a 3-D or 4-D RealTupleType range; the domain and range Reals must vary over the range (0.0, 1.0)

Uses of Function in visad.cluster

Subinterfaces of Function in visad.cluster
 interface RemoteClientField
          RemoteClientField is the interface for cluster client VisAD Field data objects that are not partitioned over nodes.
 interface RemoteClientPartitionedField
          RemoteClientPartitionedField is the interface for cluster client VisAD Field data objects that are partitioned over nodes.
 interface RemoteNodeField
          RemoteNodeField is the interface for cluster node VisAD Field data objects that are not paritioned.
 interface RemoteNodePartitionedField
          RemoteNodePartitionedField is the interface for cluster node VisAD Field data objects that are paritioned.

Classes in visad.cluster that implement Function
 class RemoteClientFieldImpl
          RemoteClientFieldImpl is the class for cluster client VisAD Field data objects.
 class RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl
          RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl is the class for cluster client VisAD Field data objects.
 class RemoteNodeFieldImpl
          RemoteNodeFieldImpl is the class for cluster node VisAD Field data objects.
 class RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl
          RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl is the class for cluster node VisAD Field data objects that are paritioned.

Methods in visad.cluster that return Function
 Function RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
 Function RemoteNodeFieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
 Function RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
 Function RemoteClientFieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, int error_mode)
 Function RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)
 Function RemoteNodeFieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)
 Function RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)
 Function RemoteClientFieldImpl.derivative(RealType d_partial, MathType derivType, int error_mode)

Uses of Function in

Classes in that implement Function
 class AreaImageCacheAdapter
          Adapts a FlatField backed by a AreaImageAccessor to work with a FlatFieldCache.
 class CachedFlatField
          This is a FloatField that caches to disk its float array.
 class FileField
 class FileFlatField

Uses of Function in

Methods in with parameters of type Function
abstract  boolean func, Tourist tourist, int depth)
 boolean func, Tourist tourist, int depth)
 boolean TourWriter.visit(Function func, int depth)
 boolean Tourist.visit(Function func, int depth)
 boolean TourInspector.visit(Function func, int depth)

Uses of Function in visad.formula

Methods in visad.formula with parameters of type Function
static Data FormulaUtil.derive(Function f, VRealType rt)
          evaluate the derive function
static Data FormulaUtil.implicit(Function f, Real r)
          evaluate implicit function syntax; e.g., A1(5) or A1(A2)

Uses of Function in visad.georef

Subinterfaces of Function in visad.georef
 interface NavigatedField
          A particular type of Field whose Domain Set contains values of Latitude and Longitude, or whose CoordinateSystem can transform to RealType.Latitude and RealType.Longitude

Uses of Function in visad.matrix

Classes in visad.matrix that implement Function
 class JamaMatrix
          JamaMatrix is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA matrices.

Uses of Function in visad.meteorology

Subinterfaces of Function in visad.meteorology
 interface ImageSequence
          Interface for representing a time sequence of single-banded images.
 interface SingleBandedImage
          An interface for representing single--banded planar satellite or radar imagery.

Classes in visad.meteorology that implement Function
 class ImageSequenceImpl
          Implementation of an ImageSequence.
 class NavigatedImage
          An implementation for representing single-banded planar satellite or radar imagery.
 class SatelliteImage
          An implementation for representing single-banded planar satellite that has navigation.
 class SingleBandedImageImpl
          An implementation for representing single-banded planar satellite or radar imagery.

Uses of Function in visad.sounder

Classes in visad.sounder that implement Function
 class Sounding
          Sounding is the VisAD class for atmospheric soundings.
 class Spectrum
          Sounding is the VisAD class for atmospheric soundings.

Uses of Function in visad.util

Methods in visad.util with parameters of type Function
static int DataUtility.getComponentIndex(Function function, MathType componentType)
          Gets the index of a component in the range of a Function.
static RealTupleType DataUtility.getDomainType(Function function)
          Gets the MathType of the domain of a Function.
static RealTupleType DataUtility.getFlatRangeType(Function function)
          Gets the MathType of the flat-range of a Function.
static int DataUtility.getRangeDimension(Function function)
          Gets the number of components in the range of a Function.
static TupleType DataUtility.getRangeTupleType(Function function)
          Gets the TupleType of the range of a Function.
static MathType DataUtility.getRangeType(Function function)
          Gets the MathType of the range of a Function.