Uses of Class

Packages that use DisplayImpl
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration.   
visad.java2d Provides support for two-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java2D. 
visad.java3d Provides support for two- and three-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java3D. 
visad.sounder Provides a spreadsheet user interface for VisAD that can import data from any form VisAD supports and compute new data objects using formulas by utilizing the visad.formula package. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad

Methods in visad that return DisplayImpl
 DisplayImpl ShadowType.getDisplay()
 DisplayImpl ScalarMap.getDisplay()
          Get the DisplayImpl this ScalarMap is linked to
 DisplayImpl MouseHelper.getDisplay()
          Get the Display for this Helper
 DisplayImpl DisplayRenderer.getDisplay()
          Get the Display associated with this renderer.
 DisplayImpl DataRenderer.getDisplay()
 DisplayImpl DataDisplayLink.getDisplay()
 DisplayImpl Control.getDisplay()

Methods in visad with parameters of type DisplayImpl
 void RemoteServerImpl.addDisplay(DisplayImpl di)
          add DisplayImpl to server (after wrapping it in a RemoteDisplayImpl)
 byte[][] ShadowType.assembleColor(float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, boolean[][] range_select, boolean[] single_missing, ShadowType shadow_api)
          composite and transform color and Alpha DisplayRealType values from display_values, and return as (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
 void ShadowType.assembleFlow(float[][] flow1_values, float[][] flow2_values, float[] flowScale, float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, boolean[][] range_select, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowType shadow_api)
          assemble Flow components; Flow components are 'single', so no compositing is required
 boolean[][] ShadowType.assembleSelect(float[][] display_values, int domain_length, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, ShadowType shadow_api)
          return a composite of SelectRange DisplayRealType values from display_values, as 0.0 for select and Double.Nan for no select (these values can be added to other DisplayRealType values)
 VisADGeometryArray[] ShadowType.assembleShape(float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToMap, Vector MapVector, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, int[] inherited_values, float[][] spatial_values, byte[][] color_values, boolean[][] range_select, int index, ShadowType shadow_api)
          collect and transform Shape DisplayRealType values from display_values; offset by spatial_values, colored by color_values and selected by range_select
 Set ShadowType.assembleSpatial(float[][] spatial_values, float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, int[] inherited_values, Set domain_set, boolean allSpatial, boolean set_for_shape, int[] spatialDimensions, boolean[][] range_select, float[][] flow1_values, float[][] flow2_values, float[] flowScale, boolean[] swap, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowType shadow_api)
          collect and transform spatial DisplayRealType values from display_values; add spatial offset DisplayRealType values; adjust flow1_values and flow2_values for any coordinate transform; if needed, return a spatial Set from spatial_values, with the same topology as domain_set (or an appropriate Irregular topology); domain_set = null and allSpatial = false if not called from ShadowFunctionType
static int ShadowType.getDefaultColorIndex(DisplayImpl display, int index)
 void DisplayRenderer.setDisplay(DisplayImpl d)
          Specify DisplayImpl to be rendered.
 void DataRenderer.setDisplay(DisplayImpl d)
          set DisplayImpl associated with this DataRenderer
 void DataRenderer.setEarthSpatialDisplay(CoordinateSystem coord, DisplayTupleType t, DisplayImpl display, int[] indices, float[] default_values, double[] r)
          save information from ShadowType.assembleSpatial() about relation between earth and display spatial coordinates
abstract  void DataRenderer.setLinks(DataDisplayLink[] links, DisplayImpl d)
          set DataDisplayLinks for linked Data, and set associated DisplayImpl

Constructors in visad with parameters of type DisplayImpl
AnimationSetControl(DisplayImpl d, AnimationControl p)
          construct an AnimationSetControl for the given DisplayImpl and AnimationControl
BaseColorControl(DisplayImpl d, int components)
          Create a basic color control.
ColorAlphaControl(DisplayImpl d)
          construct a ColorAlphaControl for given DisplayImpl
ColorControl(DisplayImpl d)
          construct a ColorAlphaControl for given DisplayImpl
ContourControl(DisplayImpl d)
          Construct a new ContourControl for the display
Control(DisplayImpl d)
          construct a Control for the given DisplayImpl
DataDisplayLink(DataReference ref, DisplayImpl local_d, Display d, ConstantMap[] constant_maps, DataRenderer rend, long jd)
          construct a DataDisplayLink linking a DataReference to a Display
DisplayActivity(DisplayImpl dpy)
          Manage busy/idle handlers for a Display, using a default idle time of 0.25 second.
DisplayActivity(DisplayImpl dpy, int milliseconds)
          Manage busy/idle handlers for a Display, using the specified idle time, with the minimum idle time being 100 milliseconds.
Flow1Control(DisplayImpl d)
Flow2Control(DisplayImpl d)
FlowControl(DisplayImpl d)
          Create a FlowControl
GraphicsModeControl(DisplayImpl d)
          Create a GraphicsModeControl for the display.
ProjectionControl(DisplayImpl d)
          Construct a ProjectionControl for the display in question.
RangeControl(DisplayImpl d)
RemoteDisplayImpl(DisplayImpl d)
RendererControl(DisplayImpl dpy)
          Construct a renderer control.
ShapeControl(DisplayImpl d)
SocketSlaveDisplay(DisplayImpl d)
          construct a SocketSlaveDisplay for the given VisAD display
SocketSlaveDisplay(DisplayImpl d, int port)
          construct a SocketSlaveDisplay for the given VisAD display, and communicate with clients using the given port
TextControl(DisplayImpl d)
ToggleControl(DisplayImpl d, Control p)

Uses of DisplayImpl in

Methods in with parameters of type DisplayImpl
 void ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.buildCurvedTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, byte[][] color_bytes, DisplayImpl display, int curved_size, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowFunctionOrSetType adaptedShadowType, int[] start, int lenX, int lenY, float[][] samples, int bigX, int bigY)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.buildCurvedTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, DisplayImpl display, int curved_size, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowFunctionOrSetType adaptedShadowType, int[] start, int lenX, int lenY, int bigX, int bigY, VisADImageTile tile)
 void ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.buildLinearTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, byte[][] color_bytes, DisplayImpl display)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.buildLinearTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, DisplayImpl display, VisADImageTile tile)
 void SceneGraphRenderer.plot(Graphics2D graphics, DisplayImpl display, CoordinateSystem cs, int width, int height)
          Implements the Plottable interface.
 int SceneGraphRenderer.print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex, DisplayImpl display, CoordinateSystem cs)
          Print the display
static void Swells.setupSwellDisplay(RealType swellDir, RealType swellHeight, DisplayImpl display)
          set up ScalarMaps from swellDir and swellHeight to Display.Shape in display; swellDir default Unit must be degree and swellHeight default Unit must be meter
static VisADGeometryArray[] ShadowBarbRealTupleTypeJ3D.staticMakeFlow(DisplayImpl display, int which, float[][] flow_values, float flowScale, float[][] spatial_values, byte[][] color_values, boolean[][] range_select, DataRenderer renderer, boolean direct)
static VisADGeometryArray[] ShadowBarbRealTupleTypeJ2D.staticMakeFlow(DisplayImpl display, int which, float[][] flow_values, float flowScale, float[][] spatial_values, byte[][] color_values, boolean[][] range_select, DataRenderer renderer, boolean direct)

Uses of DisplayImpl in

Methods in with parameters of type DisplayImpl
 Object TriangleJ3D.toDrawable(DisplayImpl display)
          Make the TriangleJ3D into a Shape3D.
 Object ScreenAnnotation.toDrawable(DisplayImpl display)
          Make the Object into a Shape3D.
 Object QuadrilateralJ3D.toDrawable(DisplayImpl display)
          Make the QuadrilateralJ3D into a Shape3D.
 Object PointJ3D.toDrawable(DisplayImpl display)
          Make the PointJ3D into a Shape3D.
 Object LineJ3D.toDrawable(DisplayImpl display)
          Make the LineJ3D into a Shape3D.
 Object LabelJ3D.toDrawable(DisplayImpl display)
          Make the LabelJ3D into a Shape3D.
 Object JLabelJ3D.toDrawable(DisplayImpl display)
          Make the JLabelJ3D into a Shape3D.
 Object ImageJ3D.toDrawable(DisplayImpl display)

Constructors in with parameters of type DisplayImpl
ScreenAnnotatorJ3D(DisplayImpl display)
          Construct a ScreenAnnotatorJ3D for the given DisplayImpl.

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad.collab

Constructors in visad.collab with parameters of type DisplayImpl
DisplayMonitorImpl(DisplayImpl dpy)
          Creates a monitor for the specified Display.
DisplaySyncImpl(DisplayImpl dpy)

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad.java2d

Subclasses of DisplayImpl in visad.java2d
 class DisplayImplJ2D
          DisplayImplJ2D is the VisAD class for displays that use Java 3D.

Methods in visad.java2d that return DisplayImpl
 DisplayImpl ShadowTypeJ2D.getDisplay()

Methods in visad.java2d with parameters of type DisplayImpl
 byte[][] ShadowTypeJ2D.assembleColor(float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, boolean[][] range_select, boolean[] single_missing, ShadowType shadow_api)
          composite and transform color and Alpha DisplayRealType values from display_values, and return as (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
 void ShadowTypeJ2D.assembleFlow(float[][] flow1_values, float[][] flow2_values, float[] flowScale, float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, boolean[][] range_select, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowType shadow_api)
          assemble Flow components; Flow components are 'single', so no compositing is required
 boolean[][] ShadowTypeJ2D.assembleSelect(float[][] display_values, int domain_length, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, ShadowType shadow_api)
          return a composite of SelectRange DisplayRealType values from display_values, as 0.0 for select and Double.Nan for no select (these values can be added to other DisplayRealType values)
 VisADGeometryArray[] ShadowTypeJ2D.assembleShape(float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToMap, Vector MapVector, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, int[] inherited_values, float[][] spatial_values, byte[][] color_values, boolean[][] range_select, int index, ShadowType shadow_api)
          collect and transform Shape DisplayRealType values from display_values; offset by spatial_values, selected by range_select
 Set ShadowTypeJ2D.assembleSpatial(float[][] spatial_values, float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, int[] inherited_values, Set domain_set, boolean allSpatial, boolean set_for_shape, int[] spatialDimensions, boolean[][] range_select, float[][] flow1_values, float[][] flow2_values, float[] flowScale, boolean[] swap, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowType shadow_api)
          collect and transform spatial DisplayRealType values from display_values; add spatial offset DisplayRealType values; adjust flow1_values and flow2_values for any coordinate transform; if needed, return a spatial Set from spatial_values, with the same topology as domain_set (or an appropriate Irregular topology); domain_set = null and allSpatial = false if not called from ShadowFunctionType
 void DisplayRendererJ2D.setDisplay(DisplayImpl dpy)
          Specify DisplayImpl to be rendered.
 void RendererJ2D.setLinks(DataDisplayLink[] links, DisplayImpl d)
 void DirectManipulationRendererJ2D.setLinks(DataDisplayLink[] links, DisplayImpl d)
 void DefaultRendererJ2D.setLinks(DataDisplayLink[] links, DisplayImpl d)

Constructors in visad.java2d with parameters of type DisplayImpl
AnimationSetControlJ2D(DisplayImpl d, AnimationControl p)
GraphicsModeControlJ2D(DisplayImpl d)
ProjectionControlJ2D(DisplayImpl d)
          Construct a new ProjectionControl for the display in question.

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad.java3d

Subclasses of DisplayImpl in visad.java3d
 class DisplayImplJ3D
          DisplayImplJ3D is the VisAD class for displays that use Java 3D.

Methods in visad.java3d that return DisplayImpl
 DisplayImpl ShadowTypeJ3D.getDisplay()
          Get the display

Methods in visad.java3d with parameters of type DisplayImpl
 byte[][] ShadowTypeJ3D.assembleColor(float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, boolean[][] range_select, boolean[] single_missing, ShadowType shadow_api)
          composite and transform color and Alpha DisplayRealType values from display_values, and return as (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
 void ShadowTypeJ3D.assembleFlow(float[][] flow1_values, float[][] flow2_values, float[] flowScale, float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, boolean[][] range_select, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowType shadow_api)
          assemble Flow components; Flow components are 'single', so no compositing is required
 boolean[][] ShadowTypeJ3D.assembleSelect(float[][] display_values, int domain_length, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, ShadowType shadow_api)
          return a composite of SelectRange DisplayRealType values from display_values, as 0.0 for select and Double.Nan for no select (these values can be added to other DisplayRealType values)
 VisADGeometryArray[] ShadowTypeJ3D.assembleShape(float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToMap, Vector MapVector, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, int[] inherited_values, float[][] spatial_values, byte[][] color_values, boolean[][] range_select, int index, ShadowType shadow_api)
          collect and transform Shape DisplayRealType values from display_values; offset by spatial_values, selected by range_select
 Set ShadowTypeJ3D.assembleSpatial(float[][] spatial_values, float[][] display_values, int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, DisplayImpl display, float[] default_values, int[] inherited_values, Set domain_set, boolean allSpatial, boolean set_for_shape, int[] spatialDimensions, boolean[][] range_select, float[][] flow1_values, float[][] flow2_values, float[] flowScale, boolean[] swap, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowType shadow_api)
          collect and transform spatial DisplayRealType values from display_values; add spatial offset DisplayRealType values; adjust flow1_values and flow2_values for any coordinate transform; if needed, return a spatial Set from spatial_values, with the same topology as domain_set (or an appropriate Irregular topology); domain_set = null and allSpatial = false if not called from ShadowFunctionType
static void ShadowTypeJ3D.ensureNotEmpty(Object obj, DisplayImpl display)
 void DisplayRendererJ3D.setDisplay(DisplayImpl dpy)
          Specify DisplayImpl to be rendered.
 void RendererJ3D.setLinks(DataDisplayLink[] links, DisplayImpl d)
 void DirectManipulationRendererJ3D.setLinks(DataDisplayLink[] links, DisplayImpl d)
 void DefaultRendererJ3D.setLinks(DataDisplayLink[] links, DisplayImpl d)

Constructors in visad.java3d with parameters of type DisplayImpl
GraphicsModeControlJ3D(DisplayImpl d)
          Construct a GraphicsModeControlJ3D associated with the input display
ProjectionControlJ3D(DisplayImpl d)
          Construct a new ProjectionControl for the display.

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad.jmet

Constructors in visad.jmet with parameters of type DisplayImpl
NCEPPanel(boolean isAloft, DisplayImpl di, JLabel statLabel, JTabbedPane tabby, String title)
          set up a panel

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad.python

Methods in visad.python with parameters of type DisplayImpl
static void JPythonMethods.saveplot(DisplayImpl disp, String filename)
          Save the display genreated by a quick graph or showDisplay
static void JPythonMethods.showAxesScales(DisplayImpl d, boolean on)
          Turn on/off the axes labels & scales on a Display

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad.rabin

Methods in visad.rabin that return DisplayImpl
 DisplayImpl Rain.newDisplay(String name)
          creates a new Java3D or Java2D display

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad.sounder

Methods in visad.sounder with parameters of type DisplayImpl
 void Spectrum.addToDisplay(DisplayImpl display)
 void Sounding.addToDisplay(DisplayImpl display)
 void Spectrum.addToDisplayWithDirectManipulation(DisplayImpl display)
 void Sounding.addToDisplayWithDirectManipulation(DisplayImpl display)

Uses of DisplayImpl in

Fields in declared as DisplayImpl
protected  DisplayImpl BasicSSCell.MDisplay
          Associated DisplayImpl for sending and receiving messages.
protected  DisplayImpl BasicSSCell.VDisplay
          Associated VisAD Display.

Methods in that return DisplayImpl
 DisplayImpl BasicSSCell.getDisplay()
          Gets this cell's VisAD Display.

Uses of DisplayImpl in visad.util

Methods in visad.util that return DisplayImpl
 DisplayImpl PrintActionListener.getDisplay()
          Return the display
static DisplayImpl DataUtility.makeSimpleDisplay(DataImpl data)

Methods in visad.util with parameters of type DisplayImpl
static void Util.captureDisplay(DisplayImpl display, String filename)
          Capture a DisplayImpl into a JPEG file
static void Util.captureDisplay(DisplayImpl display, String filename, boolean sync)
          Capture a DisplayImpl into a JPEG file
static double[] CursorUtil.cursorToDomain(DisplayImpl d, double[] cursor)
          Converts the given cursor coordinates to domain coordinates.
static double[] CursorUtil.cursorToDomain(DisplayImpl d, RealType[] types, double[] cursor)
          Converts the given cursor coordinates to domain coordinates.
static int[] CursorUtil.cursorToPixel(DisplayImpl d, double[] cursor)
          Converts the given cursor coordinates to pixel coordinates.
static double[] CursorUtil.domainToCursor(DisplayImpl d, double[] domain)
          Converts the given domain coordinates to cursor coordinates.
static double[] CursorUtil.domainToCursor(DisplayImpl d, RealType[] types, double[] domain)
          Converts the given domain coordinates to cursor coordinates.
static int[] CursorUtil.domainToPixel(DisplayImpl d, double[] domain)
          Converts the given domain coordinates to pixel coordinates.
static double[][] CursorUtil.getScaleValues(DisplayImpl d, RealType[] types)
          Gets scale values (multiplier and offset) for the X, Y and Z maps corresponding to the given RealTypes (or the first ScalarMaps to X, Y and Z if types is null).
static ScalarMap[] CursorUtil.getXYZMaps(DisplayImpl d, RealType[] types)
          Gets X, Y and Z maps for the given display, corresponding to the specified RealTypes, or the first ScalarMaps to X, Y and Z if types is null.
static double[] CursorUtil.pixelToCursor(DisplayImpl d, int x, int y)
          Converts the given pixel coordinates to cursor coordinates.
static double[] CursorUtil.pixelToDomain(DisplayImpl d, int x, int y)
          Converts the given pixel coordinates to domain coordinates.
 void PrintActionListener.setDisplay(DisplayImpl dim)
          Set the display to which this action will listen

Constructors in visad.util with parameters of type DisplayImpl
PrintActionListener(DisplayImpl dim)
          ActionListener for printing the contents of the VisAD display