A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


B_DIRECT - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for cell with data set directly.
B_EMPTY - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for cell with no data.
B_FORMULA - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for cell with formula.
B_HIGHLIGHT - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for selected cell.
B_MULTI - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for cell with multiple data objects.
B_REMOTE - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for cell with data from a remote source.
B_RMI - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for cell with RMI address.
B_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for cell with data from an unknown source.
B_URL - Static variable in class visad.ss.FancySSCell
Border for cell with file or URL.
back - Variable in class visad.util.StepWidget
BACK2D - Static variable in class visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D
distance behind for surfaces in 2-D mode
BACK2D - Static variable in class visad.test.J3DTextureTest
backup(int) - Method in class dods.dap.parser.SimpleCharStream
backup(int) - Method in class visad.data.units.SimpleCharStream
Backup a number of characters.
backwardFT(Data[]) - Static method in class visad.math.FFT
for use by SpreadSheet only - ordinary applications should use other method signatures; invoke in SpreadSheet by: link(visad.math.FFT.backwardFT(A1))
BadDirectManipulationException - Exception in visad
BadDirectManipulationException is an exception for an illegal DirectManipulation with a VisAD display.
BadDirectManipulationException() - Constructor for exception visad.BadDirectManipulationException
construct a BadDirectManipulationException with no message
BadDirectManipulationException(String) - Constructor for exception visad.BadDirectManipulationException
construct a BadDirectManipulationException with given message
BadFormException - Exception in visad.data
Exception thrown when the form that the data is in is incorrect.
BadFormException(String) - Constructor for exception visad.data.BadFormException
BadFormException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception visad.data.BadFormException
BadFormException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception visad.data.BadFormException
badImage - Variable in class visad.util.ImageHelper
flags whether image is bad
BadMappingException - Exception in visad
BadMappingException is an exception for an error with ScalarMaps in a VisAD display.
BadMappingException() - Constructor for exception visad.BadMappingException
construct a BadMappingException with no message
BadMappingException(String) - Constructor for exception visad.BadMappingException
construct a BadMappingException with given message
badRange() - Method in class visad.ScalarMap
BadRepositoryException - Exception in visad.data
Exception thrown when there's something wrong with the repository.
BadRepositoryException(String) - Constructor for exception visad.data.BadRepositoryException
Construct an exception with a message.
BAR_B - Static variable in class visad.util.BarGraph
BAR_G - Static variable in class visad.util.BarGraph
BAR_R - Static variable in class visad.util.BarGraph
BAR_X - Static variable in class visad.util.BarGraph
BAR_Y - Static variable in class visad.util.BarGraph
BAR_Z - Static variable in class visad.util.BarGraph
BarbManipulationRendererJ2D - Class in visad.bom
BarbManipulationRendererJ2D is the VisAD class for direct manipulation rendering of wind barbs under Java2D
BarbManipulationRendererJ2D() - Constructor for class visad.bom.BarbManipulationRendererJ2D
this DataRenderer supports direct manipulation for Tuple representations of wind barbs; two of the Tuple's Real components must be mapped to Flow1X and Flow1Y, or Flow2X and Flow2Y
BarbManipulationRendererJ3D - Class in visad.bom
BarbManipulationRendererJ3D is the VisAD class for direct manipulation rendering of wind barbs under Java3D
BarbManipulationRendererJ3D() - Constructor for class visad.bom.BarbManipulationRendererJ3D
this DataRenderer supports direct manipulation for Tuple representations of wind barbs; two of the Tuple's Real components must be mapped to Flow1X and Flow1Y, or Flow2X and Flow2Y
BarbRenderer - Interface in visad.bom
BarbRenderer is the VisAD interface for rendering of wind barbs.
BarbRendererJ2D - Class in visad.bom
BarbRendererJ2D is the VisAD class for rendering of wind barbs under Java2D - otherwise it behaves just like DefaultRendererJ2D
BarbRendererJ2D() - Constructor for class visad.bom.BarbRendererJ2D
this DataRenderer supports direct manipulation for RealTuple representations of wind barbs; four of the RealTuple's Real components must be mapped to XAxis, YAxis, Flow1X and Flow1Y
BarbRendererJ3D - Class in visad.bom
BarbRendererJ3D is the VisAD class for rendering of wind barbs under Java3D - otherwise it behaves just like DefaultRendererJ3D
BarbRendererJ3D() - Constructor for class visad.bom.BarbRendererJ3D
this DataRenderer supports direct manipulation for RealTuple representations of wind barbs; four of the RealTuple's Real components must be mapped to XAxis, YAxis, Flow1X and Flow1Y
BarGraph - Class in visad.util
BarGraph provides methods for plotting colored bar graphs in 2D or 3D.
BarGraph() - Constructor for class visad.util.BarGraph
BarSlider - Class in visad.util
The visad utillity sliding bar
BarSlider() - Constructor for class visad.util.BarSlider
Construct a new bar slider with the default values
BarSlider(float, float, float) - Constructor for class visad.util.BarSlider
Construct a new bar slider with the givden lower, upper and initial values
Base64Codec - Class in loci.formats.codec
Implements encoding (compress) and decoding (decompress) methods for Base64.
Base64Codec() - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.Base64Codec
base64Decode(String) - Method in class loci.formats.codec.Base64Codec
Decodes a Base64 String by converting to bytes and passing to the decompress method.
BASE_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in interface loci.formats.codec.BZip2Constants
BASE_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in interface loci.formats.in.BZip2Constants
BaseCodec - Class in loci.formats.codec
BaseCodec contains default implementation and testing for classes implementing the Codec interface, and acts as a base class for any of the compression classes.
BaseCodec() - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.BaseCodec
BaseColorControl - Class in visad
BaseColorControl is the VisAD class for controlling N-component Color DisplayRealType-s.
BaseColorControl(DisplayImpl, int) - Constructor for class visad.BaseColorControl
Create a basic color control.
BaseDataProcessor - Class in visad.data
BaseDataProcessor() - Constructor for class visad.data.BaseDataProcessor
BaseMapAdapter - Class in visad.data.mcidas
this is an adapter for McIDAS Base Map files
BaseMapAdapter(String) - Constructor for class visad.data.mcidas.BaseMapAdapter
Create a VisAD UnionSet from a local McIDAS Base Map file
BaseMapAdapter(String, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class visad.data.mcidas.BaseMapAdapter
Create a VisAD UnionSet from a McIDAS Base Map file on the Web
BaseMapAdapter(URL) - Constructor for class visad.data.mcidas.BaseMapAdapter
Create a VisAD UnionSet from a McIDAS Base Map file on the Web
BaseMapAdapter(URL, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class visad.data.mcidas.BaseMapAdapter
Create a VisAD UnionSet from a McIDAS Base Map file on the Web
BaseMapAdapter(InputStream) - Constructor for class visad.data.mcidas.BaseMapAdapter
Create a VisAD UnionSet from a McIDAS Base Map file inputstream
BaseMapAdapter(InputStream, Rectangle2D) - Constructor for class visad.data.mcidas.BaseMapAdapter
Create a VisAD UnionSet from a McIDAS Base Map file inputstream
BaseQuantity - Class in visad
This class represents a base quantity (e.g.
BaseRGBMap - Class in visad.util
An extensible RGB colormap with no interpolation between the internally stored values.
BaseRGBMap(boolean) - Constructor for class visad.util.BaseRGBMap
Construct a BaseRGBMap with the default resolution
BaseRGBMap(int, boolean) - Constructor for class visad.util.BaseRGBMap
Construct a colormap with the specified resolution
BaseRGBMap(float[][], boolean) - Constructor for class visad.util.BaseRGBMap
Deprecated. hasAlpha isn't really necessary.
BaseRGBMap(float[][]) - Constructor for class visad.util.BaseRGBMap
Construct a colormap initialized with the supplied tuples
BaseRGBMap(BaseColorControl) - Constructor for class visad.util.BaseRGBMap
Construct a colormap from the specified control.
BaseTiffReader - Class in loci.formats.in
BaseTiffReader is the superclass for file format readers compatible with or derived from the TIFF 6.0 file format.
BaseTiffReader(String, String) - Constructor for class loci.formats.in.BaseTiffReader
Constructs a new BaseTiffReader.
BaseTiffReader(String, String[]) - Constructor for class loci.formats.in.BaseTiffReader
Constructs a new BaseTiffReader.
BaseTrack - Class in visad.data.amanda
BaseType() - Method in class dods.dap.parser.DDSParser
BaseTypeVectorAdapter - Class in visad.data.dods
Provides support for adapting a DODS BaseTypePrimitiveVector to the VisAD data-import context.
BaseTypeVectorAdapter(BaseTypePrimitiveVector, DAS, VariableAdapterFactory) - Constructor for class visad.data.dods.BaseTypeVectorAdapter
Constructs from a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters.
baseTypeVectorAdapter(BaseTypePrimitiveVector, DAS, VariableAdapterFactory) - Static method in class visad.data.dods.BaseTypeVectorAdapter
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters.
baseTypeVectorAdapter(BaseTypePrimitiveVector, DAS, VariableAdapterFactory) - Method in class visad.data.dods.VectorAdapterFactory
Returns the adapter corresponding to a DODS BaseTypePrimitiveVector.
BaseUnit - Class in visad
A class that represents the base units of a system of units.
basicExpr() - Method in class visad.data.units.UnitParser
BasicSSCell - Class in visad.ss
BasicSSCell represents a single spreadsheet display cell.
BasicSSCell(String) - Constructor for class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constructs a new BasicSSCell with the given name.
BasicSSCell(String, FormulaManager) - Constructor for class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constructs a new BasicSSCell with the given name and non-default formula manager, to allow for custom formulas.
BasicSSCell(String, RemoteServer) - Constructor for class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constructs a new BasicSSCell with the given name, that gets its information from the given RemoteServer.
BasicSSCell(String, String) - Constructor for class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constructs a new BasicSSCell with the given name and save string, used to reconstruct this cell's configuration.
BasicSSCell(String, FormulaManager, RemoteServer, String) - Constructor for class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constructs a new BasicSSCell with the given name, formula manager, and remote server.
BasicSSCell(String, FormulaManager, RemoteServer, boolean, String) - Constructor for class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constructs a new, possibly slaved, BasicSSCell with the given name, formula manager, and remote server.
batoi(byte[]) - Static method in class visad.data.tiff.LegacyTiffTools
Deprecated. Translates up to the first 4 bytes of a byte array to an integer.
bdata - Variable in class visad.bom.RadarFile
bdata - Variable in class visad.bom.RadarFile.PolarByteData
beginColumn - Variable in class dods.dap.parser.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginColumn - Variable in class visad.data.units.Token
The column number of the first character of this Token.
beginLine - Variable in class dods.dap.parser.Token
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the last character of this token.
beginLine - Variable in class visad.data.units.Token
The line number of the first character of this Token.
BeginToken() - Method in class dods.dap.parser.SimpleCharStream
BeginToken() - Method in class visad.data.units.SimpleCharStream
BH_HEADER_CHKSUM - Static variable in class loci.formats.in.SDTInfo
BH_HEADER_NOT_VALID - Static variable in class loci.formats.in.SDTInfo
BH_HEADER_VALID - Static variable in class loci.formats.in.SDTInfo
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.cluster.RemoteClientDataImpl
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in class visad.cluster.RemoteClientDataImpl
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.cluster.UserDummyDataImpl
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in class visad.cluster.UserDummyDataImpl
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in class visad.data.AreaImageCacheAdapter
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.data.AreaImageCacheAdapter
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in interface visad.Data
Pointwise binary operation between this and data.
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in interface visad.Data
Pointwise binary operation between this and data.
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in class visad.data.FileFlatField
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.data.FileFlatField
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in class visad.DataImpl
Pointwise binary operation between this and data.
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.DataImpl
Pointwise binary operation between this and data.
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.FieldImpl
return new Field with value 'this op data'; test for various relations between types of this and data
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.FlatField
Return new Field with value 'this op data'.
binary(MathType, int, Vector) - Method in class visad.FunctionType
binary(MathType, int, Vector) - Method in class visad.MathType
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in class visad.meteorology.SingleBandedImageImpl
Return the result of a binary operation between this instance and another operand.
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.Real
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.RealTuple
binary(MathType, int, Vector) - Method in class visad.RealTupleType
Performs an arithmetic operation with another MathType.
binary(MathType, int, Vector) - Method in class visad.RealType
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in class visad.RemoteDataImpl
Pointwise binary operation between this (AdaptedData) and data.
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.RemoteDataImpl
Pointwise binary operation between this (AdaptedData) and data.
binary(MathType, int, Vector) - Method in class visad.SetType
binary(Data, int, int, int) - Method in class visad.Text
binary(MathType, int, Vector) - Method in class visad.TextType
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in class visad.Tuple
binary(Data, int, MathType, int, int) - Method in interface visad.TupleIface
binary(MathType, int, Vector) - Method in class visad.TupleType
BinaryCoordinateSystem - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryCoordinateSystem() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryCoordinateSystem
BinaryDataArray - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryDataArray() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryDataArray
BinaryDelaunay - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryDelaunay() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryDelaunay
BinaryDisplayRealType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryDisplayRealType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryDisplayRealType
BinaryDisplayTupleType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryDisplayTupleType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryDisplayTupleType
BinaryDoubleArray - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryDoubleArray() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryDoubleArray
BinaryDoubleMatrix - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryDoubleMatrix() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryDoubleMatrix
BinaryErrorEstimate - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryErrorEstimate() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryErrorEstimate
BinaryFieldImpl - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryFieldImpl() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryFieldImpl
BinaryFile - Interface in visad.data.visad
Constant values used by both BinaryReader and BinaryWriter

MAGIC_STR and FORMAT_VERSION are used to mark the file as a VisAD binary file.
BinaryFlatField - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryFlatField() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryFlatField
BinaryFloatArray - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryFloatArray() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryFloatArray
BinaryFloatMatrix - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryFloatMatrix() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryFloatMatrix
BinaryFunctionType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryFunctionType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryFunctionType
BinaryGeneric - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryGeneric() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryGeneric
BinaryGriddedDoubleSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryGriddedDoubleSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryGriddedDoubleSet
BinaryGriddedSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryGriddedSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryGriddedSet
BinaryIntegerArray - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryIntegerArray() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryIntegerArray
BinaryIntegerMatrix - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryIntegerMatrix() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryIntegerMatrix
BinaryIntegerSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryIntegerSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryIntegerSet
BinaryIrregularSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryIrregularSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryIrregularSet
BinaryLinearSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryLinearSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryLinearSet
BinaryList1DSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryList1DSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryList1DSet
BinaryMathType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryMathType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryMathType
BinaryObject - Interface in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryObjectCache - Class in visad.data.visad
A list which allows objects to be added at a specific index, padding with nulls if necessary.
BinaryObjectCache() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryObjectCache
Create an empty list.
BinaryProductSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryProductSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryProductSet
BinaryQuantity - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryQuantity() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryQuantity
BinaryReader - Class in visad.data.visad
Read a Data object in VisAD's binary format.
BinaryReader(String) - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryReader
Open the named file.
BinaryReader(File) - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryReader
Open the referenced file.
BinaryReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryReader
Prepare to read a binary object from the specified stream.
BinaryReader(RandomAccessFile) - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryReader
Prepare to read a binary object from the specified stream.
BinaryReader(RandomAccessFile) - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryReader
Prepare to read a binary object from the specified stream.
BinaryReal - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryReal() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryReal
BinaryRealTuple - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryRealTuple() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryRealTuple
BinaryRealTupleType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryRealTupleType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryRealTupleType
BinaryRealType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryRealType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryRealType
BinaryRealVectorType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryRealVectorType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryRealVectorType
BinarySampledSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinarySampledSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinarySampledSet
BinaryScalarType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryScalarType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryScalarType
BinarySerializedObject - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinarySerializedObject() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinarySerializedObject
BinarySetType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinarySetType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinarySetType
BinarySimpleSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinarySimpleSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinarySimpleSet
BinarySingletonSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinarySingletonSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinarySingletonSet
BinarySize - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinarySize() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinarySize
BinarySizer - Class in visad.data.visad
BinarySizer() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinarySizer
BinaryString - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryString() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryString
BinaryText - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryText() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryText
BinaryTextType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryTextType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryTextType
BinaryTuple - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryTuple() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryTuple
BinaryTupleType - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryTupleType() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryTupleType
BinaryUnionSet - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryUnionSet() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryUnionSet
BinaryUnit - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryUnit() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryUnit
BinaryUnknown - Class in visad.data.visad.object
BinaryUnknown() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.object.BinaryUnknown
BinaryWriter - Class in visad.data.visad
Write a Data object in VisAD's binary format.
BinaryWriter() - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryWriter
BinaryWriter(String) - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryWriter
BinaryWriter(File) - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryWriter
BinaryWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class visad.data.visad.BinaryWriter
BioRadForm - Class in visad.data.bio
Deprecated. Use LociForm with loci.formats.in.BioRadReader
BioRadForm() - Constructor for class visad.data.bio.BioRadForm
BioRadForm - Class in visad.data.biorad
Deprecated. BioRadForm has moved to the visad.data.bio package.
BioRadForm() - Constructor for class visad.data.biorad.BioRadForm
BioRadReader - Class in loci.formats.in
BioRadReader is the file format reader for Bio-Rad PIC files.
BioRadReader() - Constructor for class loci.formats.in.BioRadReader
Constructs a new BioRadReader.
BitBuffer - Class in loci.formats.codec
A class for reading arbitrary numbers of bits from a byte array.
BitBuffer(byte[]) - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.BitBuffer
Default constructor.
bitsPerPixel - Variable in class loci.formats.in.DicomReader
Bits per pixel.
bitsPerPixel - Variable in class loci.formats.in.ICSReader
Number of bits per pixel.
BitWriter - Class in loci.formats.codec
A class for writing arbitrary numbers of bits to a byte array.
BitWriter() - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.BitWriter
Constructs a new bit writer.
BitWriter(int) - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.BitWriter
Constructs a new bit writer with the given initial buffer size.
blockLength - Variable in class loci.formats.in.SDTInfo
reserved2 now contains block (set) length.
blockNo - Variable in class loci.formats.in.SDTInfo
Number of the block in the file.
blockType - Variable in class loci.formats.in.SDTInfo
See blockType defines below.
BLUE - Static variable in class visad.BaseColorControl
The index of the color blue
Blue - Static variable in interface visad.Display
display color blue coordinate (in RGB)
blue - Variable in class visad.VisADAppearance
BMPReader - Class in loci.formats.in
BMPReader is the file format reader for Microsoft Bitmap (BMP) files.
BMPReader() - Constructor for class loci.formats.in.BMPReader
Constructs a new BMP reader.
bool_function() - Method in class dods.dap.parser.ExprParser
BooleanVariableAdapter - Class in visad.data.dods
Provides support for adapting DODS DBoolean variables to the VisAD data-import context.
booleanVariableAdapter(DBoolean, DAS) - Static method in class visad.data.dods.BooleanVariableAdapter
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to a DODS variable.
booleanVariableAdapter(DBoolean, DAS) - Method in class visad.data.dods.VariableAdapterFactory
Returns the adapter corresponding to a DODS DBoolean.
BooleanVectorAdapter - Class in visad.data.dods
Provides support for adapting a DODS BooleanPrimitiveVector to the VisAD data-import context.
BooleanVectorAdapter(BooleanPrimitiveVector, DAS, VariableAdapterFactory) - Constructor for class visad.data.dods.BooleanVectorAdapter
Constructs from a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters.
booleanVectorAdapter(BooleanPrimitiveVector, DAS, VariableAdapterFactory) - Method in class visad.data.dods.VectorAdapterFactory
Returns the adapter corresponding to a DODS BooleanPrimitiveVector.
BoolFunction - Interface in dods.dap.Server
Represents a server-side function, which evaluates to a boolean value.
BoolFunctionClause - Class in dods.dap.Server
Represents a clause which invokes a function that returns a boolean value.
BoolFunctionClause(BoolFunction, List) - Constructor for class dods.dap.Server.BoolFunctionClause
Creates a new BoolFunctionClause.
boolFunctions - Variable in class dods.dap.Server.FunctionLibrary
bordL - Variable in class loci.formats.in.SDTInfo
bordU - Variable in class loci.formats.in.SDTInfo
BOTTOM - Static variable in class visad.TextControl.Justification
Predefined value for bottom justification
BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in class visad.bom.annotations.ImageJ3D
Image bottom left positioned on x, y
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in class visad.bom.annotations.ImageJ3D
Image bottom right positioned on x, y
BOX_2D - Static variable in class visad.util.BarGraph
BOX_3D - Static variable in class visad.util.BarGraph
bpp - Variable in class loci.formats.in.BMPReader
Number of bits per pixel.
bpp - Variable in class loci.formats.in.OMEXMLReader
Number of bits per pixel.
brackets(Field, Real) - Static method in class visad.formula.FormulaUtil
evaluate the bracket function; e.g., A1[5] or A1[A2]
branch - Variable in class visad.java3d.VisADImageNode
broadcastWithResponses(Serializable, RemoteAgentContact[]) - Method in class visad.cluster.RemoteClientAgentImpl
broadcastWithResponses(Serializable[], RemoteAgentContact[]) - Method in class visad.cluster.RemoteClientAgentImpl
BTFunction - Interface in dods.dap.Server
Represents a server-side function, which evaluates to a BaseType.
BTFunctionClause - Class in dods.dap.Server
Represents a clause which invokes a function that returns a BaseType.
BTFunctionClause(BTFunction, List) - Constructor for class dods.dap.Server.BTFunctionClause
Creates a new BTFunctionClause.
btFunctions - Variable in class dods.dap.Server.FunctionLibrary
bTitle - Variable in class visad.ss.SpreadSheet
Base title.
bufcolumn - Variable in class visad.data.units.SimpleCharStream
buffer - Variable in class visad.data.units.SimpleCharStream
bufline - Variable in class visad.data.units.SimpleCharStream
bufpos - Variable in class dods.dap.parser.SimpleCharStream
bufpos - Variable in class visad.data.units.SimpleCharStream
Position in buffer.
BugFix - Static variable in class visad.ss.SpreadSheet
Whether spreadsheet should have toolbar buttons.
bugfix - Variable in class visad.ss.SpreadSheet.SSOptions
buildCurvedTexture(Object, Set, Unit[], Unit[], float[], ShadowRealType[], int, int[], int[], GraphicsModeControl, float, float[], float[], DisplayImpl, int, ShadowRealTupleType, CoordinateSystem, DataRenderer, ShadowFunctionOrSetType, int[], int, int, int, int, VisADImageTile) - Method in class visad.bom.ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D
buildCurvedTexture(Object, Set, Unit[], Unit[], float[], ShadowRealType[], int, int[], int[], GraphicsModeControl, float, float[], float[], byte[][], DisplayImpl, int, ShadowRealTupleType, CoordinateSystem, DataRenderer, ShadowFunctionOrSetType, int[], int, int, float[][], int, int) - Method in class visad.bom.ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D
buildData() - Method in class visad.data.fits.FitsAdapter
buildFileChooser(IFormatHandler) - Static method in class loci.formats.gui.GUITools
Constructs a file chooser for the given file format handler.
buildFileChooser(IFormatHandler, boolean) - Static method in class loci.formats.gui.GUITools
Constructs a file chooser for the given file format handler.
buildFileChooser(FileFilter[]) - Static method in class loci.formats.gui.GUITools
Builds a file chooser with the given file filters, as well as an "All supported file types" combo filter.
buildFileChooser(FileFilter[], boolean) - Static method in class loci.formats.gui.GUITools
Builds a file chooser with the given file filters, as well as an "All supported file types" combo filter.
buildFileFilters(IFormatHandler) - Static method in class loci.formats.gui.GUITools
Constructs a list of file filters for the given file format handler.
buildLabels() - Method in class visad.data.amanda.TrackWidget
buildLinearTexture(Object, Set, Unit[], Unit[], float[], ShadowRealType[], int, int[], int[], GraphicsModeControl, float, float[], float[], DisplayImpl, VisADImageTile) - Method in class visad.bom.ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D
buildLinearTexture(Object, Set, Unit[], Unit[], float[], ShadowRealType[], int, int[], int[], GraphicsModeControl, float, float[], float[], byte[][], DisplayImpl) - Method in class visad.bom.ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D
buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink, ShadowType) - Method in class visad.FunctionType
buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink, ShadowType) - Method in class visad.MathType
buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink, ShadowType) - Method in class visad.RealTupleType
buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink, ShadowType) - Method in class visad.RealType
buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink, ShadowType) - Method in class visad.SetType
buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink, ShadowType) - Method in class visad.TextType
buildShadowType(DataDisplayLink, ShadowType) - Method in class visad.TupleType
buildTupleType(Data[]) - Static method in class visad.Tuple
Make a TupleType for an array of Data
busyDisplay(LocalDisplay) - Method in interface visad.ActivityHandler
Method called when the Display becomes busy.
busyDisplay(LocalDisplay) - Method in class visad.util.ResSwitcher
Swaps in the low-resolution data when the display is busy.
byReference - Static variable in class visad.ShadowType
BYTE - Static variable in interface dods.dap.parser.DASParserConstants
BYTE - Static variable in interface dods.dap.parser.DDSParserConstants
BYTE - Static variable in class visad.data.hdfeos.hdfeosc.HdfeosLib
byteAdapter(String, Attribute) - Method in class visad.data.dods.AttributeAdapterFactory
Returns an adapter of a DODS Attribute.BYTE attribute.
ByteAttributeAdapter - Class in visad.data.dods
Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.BYTE attribute to the VisAD data-import context.
ByteAttributeAdapter(String, Attribute) - Constructor for class visad.data.dods.ByteAttributeAdapter
Constructs from a name and an appropriate attribute.
byteCountOffset - Variable in class loci.formats.out.QTWriter
Seek to this offset to update the total number of pixel bytes.
Bytes() - Method in class dods.dap.parser.DASParser
bytes - Variable in class loci.formats.in.PictReader
Pixel bytes.
bytesChanged(byte[]) - Method in class visad.data.CachedBufferedByteImage
bytesToInt(byte[]) - Static method in class visad.browser.Convert
Converts an array of bytes to an array of ints.
bytesToInt(byte[], int) - Static method in class visad.data.hrit.HRITAdapter
Converts a set of four consecutive bytes into a single int.
bytesToInteger(byte[], int) - Static method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.McIDASUtil
convert four consequtive bytes into a (signed) int.
bytesToIntegerArray(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.McIDASUtil
convert consecutive bytes into a (signed) int array.
bytesToLong(byte[], int) - Static method in class visad.data.hrit.HRITAdapter
Converts a set of four consecutive bytes into a single long.
bytesToShort(byte[], int) - Static method in class visad.data.hrit.HRITAdapter
Converts a set of two consecutive bytes into a single int.
byteToFloat(byte) - Static method in class visad.ShadowType
ByteValuator - Class in visad.data.dods
Provides support for processing byte values in a DODS dataset.
ByteVariableAdapter - Class in visad.data.dods
Provides support for adapting DODS DByte variables to the visad.data.in context.
byteVariableAdapter(DByte, DAS) - Static method in class visad.data.dods.ByteVariableAdapter
byteVariableAdapter(DByte, DAS) - Method in class visad.data.dods.VariableAdapterFactory
Returns the adapter corresponding to a DODS DByte.
ByteVector - Class in loci.formats.codec
A growable array of bytes.
ByteVector() - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.ByteVector
ByteVector(int) - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.ByteVector
ByteVector(byte[]) - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.ByteVector
ByteVectorAdapter - Class in visad.data.dods
Provides support for adapting a DODS BytePrimitiveVector to the VisAD data-import context.
ByteVectorAdapter(BytePrimitiveVector, DAS, VariableAdapterFactory) - Constructor for class visad.data.dods.ByteVectorAdapter
Constructs from a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters.
byteVectorAdapter(BytePrimitiveVector, DAS, VariableAdapterFactory) - Method in class visad.data.dods.VectorAdapterFactory
Returns the adapter corresponding to a DODS BytePrimitiveVector.
BZip2Constants - Interface in loci.formats.codec
Base class for both the compress and decompress classes.
BZip2Constants - Interface in loci.formats.in
Base class for both the compress and decompress classes.

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