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j2 - Variable in class loci.formats.in.CBZip2InputStream
J3DTextureTest - Class in visad.test
Creates 2 textures, adds them to a switch, and changes the switch's active child on a timer.
J3DTextureTest(int) - Constructor for class visad.test.J3DTextureTest
JAIForm - Class in visad.data.jai
JAIForm is the VisAD data form for image formats supported by the Java Advanced Imaging API: BMP, GIF, FlashPix, JPEG, PNG, PNM, and TIFF.
JAIForm() - Constructor for class visad.data.jai.JAIForm
Constructs a new JAI file form.
Jama.examples - package Jama.examples
Jama.test - package Jama.test
Jama.util - package Jama.util
JamaCholeskyDecomposition - Class in visad.matrix
JamaCholeskyDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA CholeskyDecompositions.
JamaCholeskyDecomposition(JamaMatrix) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaCholeskyDecomposition
Construct a new JamaCholeskyDecomposition from a JamaMatrix.
JamaEigenvalueDecomposition - Class in visad.matrix
JamaEigenvalueDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA EigenvalueDecompositions.
JamaEigenvalueDecomposition(JamaMatrix) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaEigenvalueDecomposition
Construct a new JamaEigenvalueDecomposition from a JamaMatrix.
JamaLUDecomposition - Class in visad.matrix
JamaLUDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA LUDecompositions.
JamaLUDecomposition(JamaMatrix) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaLUDecomposition
Construct a new JamaLUDecomposition from a JamaMatrix.
JamaMatrix - Class in visad.matrix
JamaMatrix is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA matrices.
JamaMatrix(int, int) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaMatrix
Construct a new JamaMatrix from the given matrix dimensions.
JamaMatrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaMatrix
Construct a new JamaMatrix from the given matrix entries.
JamaMatrix(Object) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaMatrix
Construct a new JamaMatrix from the given JAMA Matrix.
JamaMatrix(Object, FunctionType, Gridded2DSet) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaMatrix
Construct a new JamaMatrix from the given JAMA Matrix, MathType and domain set.
JamaMatrix(Object, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem[], Set[], Unit[]) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaMatrix
Construct a new JamaMatrix from the specified JAMA Matrix, coordinate systems, range sets and units.
JamaMatrix(Object, FunctionType, Gridded2DSet, CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem[], Set[], Unit[]) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaMatrix
Construct a new JamaMatrix from the specified JAMA Matrix, MathType, domain set, coordinate systems, range sets and units.
JamaQRDecomposition - Class in visad.matrix
JamaQRDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA QRDecompositions.
JamaQRDecomposition(JamaMatrix) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaQRDecomposition
Construct a new JamaQRDecomposition from a JamaMatrix.
JamaSingularValueDecomposition - Class in visad.matrix
JamaSingularValueDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA SingularValueDecompositions.
JamaSingularValueDecomposition(JamaMatrix) - Constructor for class visad.matrix.JamaSingularValueDecomposition
Construct a new JamaSingularValueDecomposition from a JamaMatrix.
JAVA2D_2D - Static variable in class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constant for 2-D (Java2D) dimensionality.
JAVA3D_2D - Static variable in class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constant for 2-D (Java3D) dimensionality.
JAVA3D_3D - Static variable in class visad.ss.BasicSSCell
Constant for 3-D (Java3D) dimensionality.
JavaFile - Class in visad.install
A File object for a java executable which also extracts the JVM's version information.
JavaFile(String) - Constructor for class visad.install.JavaFile
JavaFile(File) - Constructor for class visad.install.JavaFile
JavaFile(String, String) - Constructor for class visad.install.JavaFile
JavaFile(File, String) - Constructor for class visad.install.JavaFile
jj_nt - Variable in class dods.dap.parser.DASParser
jj_nt - Variable in class dods.dap.parser.DDSParser
jj_nt - Variable in class dods.dap.parser.ErrorParser
jj_nt - Variable in class dods.dap.parser.ExprParser
jj_nt - Variable in class visad.data.units.UnitParser
Next token.
jjFillToken() - Method in class visad.data.units.UnitParserTokenManager
jjstrLiteralImages - Static variable in class dods.dap.parser.DASParserTokenManager
jjstrLiteralImages - Static variable in class dods.dap.parser.DDSParserTokenManager
jjstrLiteralImages - Static variable in class dods.dap.parser.ErrorParserTokenManager
jjstrLiteralImages - Static variable in class dods.dap.parser.ExprParserTokenManager
jjstrLiteralImages - Static variable in class visad.data.units.UnitParserTokenManager
Token literal values.
JLabelJ3D - Class in visad.bom.annotations
Meant to encapsulate information representing a label which is going to be rendered on a VisAD display without being subject to the usual VisAD transformations.
JLabelJ3D(String) - Constructor for class visad.bom.annotations.JLabelJ3D
It constructs a JLabelJ3D with text at the origin, coloured white.
JLabelJ3D(String, int, int, float[], Font, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class visad.bom.annotations.JLabelJ3D
Constructor for a JLabel3D - It is filled and should have non null Font.
JPANEL - Static variable in class visad.java2d.DisplayImplJ2D
JPANEL - Static variable in class visad.java3d.DisplayImplJ3D
Field for specifying that the DisplayImpl be created in a JPanel
JPEGCodec - Class in loci.formats.codec
This class implements JPEG decompression.
JPEGCodec() - Constructor for class loci.formats.codec.JPEGCodec
JPEGReader - Class in loci.formats.in
JPEGReader is the file format reader for JPEG images.
JPEGReader() - Constructor for class loci.formats.in.JPEGReader
Constructs a new JPEGReader.
JPEGWriter - Class in loci.formats.out
JPEGWriter is the file format writer for JPEG files.
JPEGWriter() - Constructor for class loci.formats.out.JPEGWriter
JPythonEditor - Class in visad.python
An editor for writing and executing JPython code in Java runtime.
JPythonEditor() - Constructor for class visad.python.JPythonEditor
constructs a JPythonEditor
JPythonEditor(String) - Constructor for class visad.python.JPythonEditor
constructs a JPythonEditor containing text from the given filename
JPythonFrame - Class in visad.python
A GUI frame for editing JPython code in Java runtime.
JPythonFrame() - Constructor for class visad.python.JPythonFrame
constructs a JPythonFrame
JPythonFrame(String) - Constructor for class visad.python.JPythonFrame
constructs a JPythonFrame containing text from the given filename
JPythonFrame(JPythonEditor) - Constructor for class visad.python.JPythonFrame
constructs a JPythonFrame from the given JPythonEditor object
JPythonMethods - Class in visad.python
A collection of methods for working with VisAD, callable from the JPython editor.
JPythonMethods() - Constructor for class visad.python.JPythonMethods
julianDay(int, int, int) - Static method in class visad.data.units.UnitParser
Compute the Julian day number of a date.
julianDayOrigin - Static variable in class visad.data.units.UnitParser
The Julian day number of the (artificial) time origin.
JyVars - Static variable in class visad.python.JPythonMethods
Make a Hashtable available for everyone

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