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May 2011

Director's Note

achtor John Roberts

In times of uncertainty stress becomes a major force in the workplace and in our personal lives. State employees are facing...more

Department News


Those who planned what would later be known as the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building, and sought funding for its construction, had a great vision...more

Technical Computing

In Technical omCputing we have been working for many months on a central authentication plan for SSEC. This project is designed to...more

Data Center

In recent years the SSEC Data Center has been moving its meteorological data holdings to an on-line archive...more

Web Team

In an unusual move dictated by circumstance, this month we are presenting a cautionary tale submitted by a user who prefers to remain anonymous. Reader! Beware!...more

Equity & Diversity

During discussions of the Climate Survey results with the Directors, it was recommended that we should install a good, old-fashioned Suggestion Box. The purpose of...more

Comings and Goings



installing computer

Million Dollar Super-Computer Comes to SSEC

The largest, most powerful computer on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus begins operations in June of 2011. Housed at the Space Science and Engineering Center....more


2010-2011 Antarctic Automated Weather Station Field Season

The 2010-2011 Antarctic field season was one of the most successful on record. SSEC’s Antarctic Meteorological Research Center sent three researchers to...more

charlei bentley and core

World-wide Congratulations for Record-Breaking Drilling in Antarctica

Kendrick Taylor, chief scientist on the WAIS Divide Ice Core Project, forwarded a stack of congratulatory emails received from...more


And While We’re on the Topic of SSEC’s Drilling Efforts in the Antarctic…

Take note that the Blue Ice Drill project and Lead Driller Tanner Kuhl were featured on public radio.


poster child

First Annual AOSS Community Poster Reception A Big Hit

Looking very much like an “in-house conference” (and conveniently located just across the street at the new Union South), the first annual AOSS Community Poster Reception...more


sam batzli

9th Annual Science Expeditions Explores AOSS

Enthusiastic learners of all ages flooding the UW-Madison campus found their way to the AOSS Building...more


2011 NOAA Direct Readout Conference

The 2011 NOAA Direct Readout Conference was held 4-8 April 2010 in Miami, FL. There was strong international participation, with...more


Presentations at 34th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment

Steve Ackerman gave talks at the 34th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment, both on NOAA related projects. The first, titled...more


Manuscript Published

A manuscript entitled “Pollution from China increases cloud droplet number, suppresses rain over the East China Sea” written by Ralf Bennartz...more


Sir, if you are to have but one book with you upon a journey, let it be a book of science. When you read through a book of entertainment, you know it, and it can do no more for you; but a book of science is inexhaustible.

Dr. Samuel Johnson (as quoted by James Boswell)