May 2011

Library News

by Jean Phillips

A Center for Space-related and Meteorological Research and Education: New Library Exhibit

building ssec

Those who planned what would later be known as the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building, and sought funding for its construction, had a great vision of a multidisciplinary research center. They knew that the "atmosphere is an international resource of fundamental importance for human activities and that many of the problems in atmospheric research can best be solved through international collaboration." [23 July 1963, Application to NSF for Graduate-Level Research Facilities.  SSEC History File #1]

The estimated cost of the meteorology and space science building in 1964 was $4,361,650.00. With a rate of inflation change of 620.9%, the same building today would cost $31,441,446.00. Funding for the building came from NASA, NSF and the State of Wisconsin.

Check out the new exhibit on the planning and construction of our building. It's in the corridor just outside the library.


Update on Budget Reductions and Campus Libraries

Proposed reductions in the 2011-13 biennial budget for the UW Libaries' acquisitions would have severe consequences including dropping out of cooperative purchasing with the Big Ten and a major drop from an already low position in our ranking for acquisitions compared to other institutions. This puts the libraries' reputation at risk.

At its last meeting, the University Library Committee endorsed the idea of the libraries' budget acquisition exemption. The committee will recommend to the UW-Madison administration that "the UW-Madison Libraries' acquisitions budget be exempted from reductions in the 2011-2013 biennial budget." Why? Because research libraries are one of the foundational infrastructures necessary and critical for the success of a great university. The libraries report that 4.2 million visitors come to campus libraries each year.

It used to be that the UW-Madison Libraries were net lenders, meaning others would pay us for resources. That is no longer the case. We borrow (pay others) more than we lend. The libraries accounted for 4.53% of the total campus 101 budget in FY11; down from 5.11% in FY06. UW–Madison used to be in the top ten in total library expenditures but according to the General Library System, we are close to 50th now. We are particularly low in electronic resources and if the budget situation does not improve, we may not be able to participate in cooperative purchasing through the CIC, the consortium of Big Ten Universities plus the University of Chicago.

The Biology Library will close at the end of this academic year and its collection will be absorbed, primarily by Steenbock Library. Campus libraries will see significant reductions in staff during this budget cycle and repurposing of current library space.

The Schwerdtfeger Library is funded by SSEC, thus we are administratively and fiscally separate from the General Library System, but this does not mean that we are immune from these issues. We have purposefully reduced our expenditures for print journals, nearly by half in the last 6-8 years as electronic access has become available. We've contributed to licenses for access to journals, such as those from the American Geophysical Union. We minimize duplication in our collection and focus on research niches.

In conclusion, it's the staff and the intellectual contributions we bring to bear on the selection of resources, creation of new research tools, support of research initiatives, for SSEC, AOS and well beyond this campus that are the key components of the library.

2011 SSEC Photo Contest

To all of our amateur weather photographers!  Enter your best all–around weather photo in the Second Annual SSEC Photography Contest – that’s right, it can be from anywhere in the world.  Entries in 2010 generated lots of interest, showcasing the artistic eye and photographic skill of those who work and study around us each day.  All photos selected as finalists will be framed and displayed in the hallway outside the Schwerdtfeger Library.  Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place. The Library will host a small reception to announce the exhibit and recognize winning entries.

Contest rules and entry forms are available online, in the Library, or on bulletin boards around the building. In addition, the beautiful photographs of Wisconsin weather from last year will be moved to create visual interest in other areas of the AOSS building.

Deadline for entries is 1 July 2011.

Questions?  Contact Christine Molling, CIMSS, or Linda Hedges, Keely Merchant or Jean Phillips of the Schwerdtfeger Library


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