May 2011

Web Considerations

In an unusual move dictated by circumstance, this month we are presenting a cautionary tale submitted by a user who prefers to remain anonymous. Reader! Beware! The following could happen to you!

Mind your 9s and 1s!

Recently, an un-named honorary fellow from the 2nd floor was quickly preparing for a telecon in Room 351. Should have been un-eventful. Booting up the laptop, turning on the projection system, thinking about the agenda and calling into the toll-free number as time ran short.

Laptop (check), dialing, 9 (local), then a 1 (long distance), projection system (on), getting connected via wireless, then -- did I dial that 1 already? -- can't read the display well. Maybe not, dialed the 8, the 6, the 6..... then a voice, deadly serious: "Please state your location."

Yikes, 9-1-1 was just called! Seems like they pick-up right away when it's not an emergency. I noted, "sorry, it was a wrong number," and the line went dead. The telecon was started (with more careful dialing this time). Part way through the meeting there was loud series of knocks on the door; definitely not the “is-anyone-using-the-conference-room" polite knock. Police and Security! Just making sure everyone was all right. (We were.)

So, the moral of the story is, take a deep breath and mind your 9s and 1s when dialing. Everything else can wait! :)

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