Uses of Class

Packages that use Tuple
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration. Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. Provides for importing a FITS dataset into VisAD. Provides for exporting a VisAD data object to a netCDF dataset. Provides for importing and exporting serialized Java object files into and out of VisAD.   
visad.georef Provides classes for geo-referencing. 
visad.matrix Provides a spreadsheet user interface for VisAD that can import data from any form VisAD supports and compute new data objects using formulas by utilizing the visad.formula package. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of Tuple in visad

Subclasses of Tuple in visad
 class DoubleStringTuple
          This provides a LoCal Tuple that can hold numeric and string values without taking the hit that having slots and lots of Real and Text objects around.
 class DoubleTuple
          This provides a LoCal RealTuple that can hold numeric values without taking the hit that having lots and lots of Real objects around.
 class RealTuple
          RealTuple is the VisAD data class for vectors in R^n for n>0.

Methods in visad that return Tuple
static Tuple Tuple.makeTuple(Data[] datums)
          Create a Tuple from an array of Data objects.

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in that return Tuple
static Tuple TCData.makeDisturbance(String country, String state, int year, int number, String historical_name, double open_date, double close_date, int archive_mode, int realtime_mode, FieldImpl tracks)
static Tuple TCData.makeTrack(String track_type, String track_name, double base_date_time, double create_date_time, String display_type, FlatField locations)

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
 void TCData.addDisturbance(int disturbanceID, Tuple disturbance)
 void TCData.addTrack(int disturbanceID, int trackID, Tuple track)
static FieldImpl TCData.makeTrackField(int trackID, Tuple track)

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processTuple(TupleType type, Data[] components, Tuple t, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processTuple(TupleType type, Data[] components, Tuple t, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processTuple(TupleType type, Data[] components, Tuple t, Object token)

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
abstract  boolean tuple, Tourist tourist, int depth)
 boolean tuple, Tourist tourist, int depth)

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
protected  void VisADAdapter.visit(Tuple tuple, outerAccessor)
          Visit a VisAD Tuple object.

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
 void BinaryWriter.processTuple(TupleType type, Data[] components, Tuple t, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processTuple(TupleType type, Data[] components, Tuple t, Object token)

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in that return Tuple
static Tuple reader)

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
static void BinaryTuple.write(BinaryWriter writer, TupleType type, Data[] components, Tuple t, Object token)

Uses of Tuple in visad.georef

Subclasses of Tuple in visad.georef
 class EarthLocationLite
          This provides a LoCal EarthLocation that is much faster to create than the EarthLocationTuple.
 class EarthLocationTuple
          RealTuple implementation of EarthLocation for representing a location on the earth's surface in terms of latitude, longitude and altitude above sea level.
 class LatLonTuple
          RealTuple implementation of LatLonPoint for defining lat/lon points
 class NamedLocationTuple
          Tuple implementation of NamedLocation for representing a location on the earth's surface in terms of latitude, longitude and altitude above sea level and some sort of identifier.
 class UTMCoordinate
          RealTuple implementation of a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate

Uses of Tuple in visad.jmet

Methods in visad.jmet that return Tuple
 Tuple[] NetcdfGrids.getGrids(String name, RealType values, double[][] range)
          fetch the grids for one parameter
 Tuple[][] NetcdfGrids.getGridsWithTime(String name, RealType values, double[][] range)
          fetches grids are returns a Tuple [level][record] of FlatFields this was implemented to test the offset between mapping to animator or just doing one at a time...

Uses of Tuple in visad.matrix

Subclasses of Tuple in visad.matrix
 class JamaCholeskyDecomposition
          JamaCholeskyDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA CholeskyDecompositions.
 class JamaEigenvalueDecomposition
          JamaEigenvalueDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA EigenvalueDecompositions.
 class JamaLUDecomposition
          JamaLUDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA LUDecompositions.
 class JamaQRDecomposition
          JamaQRDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA QRDecompositions.
 class JamaSingularValueDecomposition
          JamaSingularValueDecomposition is a VisAD wrapper for JAMA SingularValueDecompositions.

Uses of Tuple in

Methods in that return Tuple
static Tuple BasicSSCell.stringsToTuple(String[] s)
          Deprecated. Use visad.DataUtility.stringsToTuple(String[]) instead.

Methods in with parameters of type Tuple
static String[] BasicSSCell.tupleToStrings(Tuple t)
          Deprecated. Use visad.DataUtility.tupleToStrings(Tuple) instead.

Uses of Tuple in visad.util

Methods in visad.util that return Tuple
static Tuple DataUtility.stringsToTuple(String[] s)
          Converts an array of strings into a VisAD Tuple.
static Tuple DataUtility.stringsToTuple(String[] s, boolean printStackTraces)
          Converts an array of strings into a VisAD Tuple.

Methods in visad.util with parameters of type Tuple
static String[] DataUtility.tupleToStrings(Tuple t)
          Converts a VisAD tuple into an array of strings.
static String[] DataUtility.tupleToStrings(Tuple t, boolean printStackTraces)
          Converts a VisAD tuple into an array of strings.