Uses of Interface

Packages that use RemoteServer
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration. 
visad.rabin Provides a spreadsheet user interface for VisAD that can import data from any form VisAD supports and compute new data objects using formulas by utilizing the visad.formula package. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of RemoteServer in visad

Classes in visad that implement RemoteServer
 class RemoteServerImpl

Uses of RemoteServer in visad.rabin

Methods in visad.rabin with parameters of type RemoteServer
 void Rain.finishDisplay(RemoteServer cs, RealType rt, int i, int j)

Uses of RemoteServer in

Fields in declared as RemoteServer
protected  RemoteServer BasicSSCell.RemoteVServer
          Associated VisAD RemoteServer, if any.

Methods in with parameters of type RemoteServer
protected  FancySSCell SpreadSheet.createCell(String name, RemoteServer rs)
          Returns a new instance of a spreadsheet cell (which must extend FancySSCell), used when a spreadsheet row or column is added.
protected  void SpreadSheet.reconstructSpreadsheet(String[][] cellNames, int[] w, int[] h, RemoteServer rs)

Constructors in with parameters of type RemoteServer
BasicSSCell(String name, FormulaManager fman, RemoteServer rs, boolean slave, String save)
          Constructs a new, possibly slaved, BasicSSCell with the given name, formula manager, and remote server.
BasicSSCell(String name, FormulaManager fman, RemoteServer rs, String save)
          Constructs a new BasicSSCell with the given name, formula manager, and remote server.
BasicSSCell(String name, RemoteServer rs)
          Constructs a new BasicSSCell with the given name, that gets its information from the given RemoteServer.
FancySSCell(String name, FormulaManager fman, RemoteServer rs, boolean slave, String save, Frame parent)
          Constructs a new, possibly slaved, FancySSCell with the given name, formula manager, remote server, save string, and parent Frame.
FancySSCell(String name, FormulaManager fman, RemoteServer rs, String save, Frame parent)
          Constructs a new FancySSCell with the given name, formula manager, remote server, save string, and parent Frame.
FancySSCell(String name, RemoteServer rs, Frame parent)
          Constructs a new FancySSCell with the given name, remote server, and parent Frame.

Uses of RemoteServer in visad.util

Methods in visad.util that return RemoteServer
static RemoteServer ClientServer.connectToServer(String hostName, String serviceName)
static RemoteServer ClientServer.connectToServer(String hostName, String serviceName, boolean verbose)

Methods in visad.util with parameters of type RemoteServer
static LocalDisplay ClientServer.getClientDisplay(RemoteServer client, int index)
static LocalDisplay ClientServer.getClientDisplay(RemoteServer client, int index, DataReference[] refs)
static LocalDisplay[] ClientServer.getClientDisplays(RemoteServer client)
static LocalDisplay[] ClientServer.getClientDisplays(RemoteServer client, DataReference[] refs)