Uses of Class

Packages that use ConstantMap
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration.   
visad.cluster Provides a spreadsheet user interface for VisAD that can import data from any form VisAD supports and compute new data objects using formulas by utilizing the visad.formula package. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of ConstantMap in visad

Methods in visad with parameters of type ConstantMap
 void RemoteDisplayImpl.addReference(DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          link ref to this Display; must be RemoteDataReference; this method may only be invoked after all links to ScalarMaps have been made; the ConstantMap array applies only to rendering ref
 void DisplayImpl.addReference(DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          Link a reference to this Display.
 void Display.addReference(DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          create link to DataReference, with ConstantMaps; invokes ref.addThingChangedListener(ThingChangedListener l, long id)
 void RemoteDisplayImpl.addReferences(DataRenderer renderer, DataReference[] refs, ConstantMap[][] constant_maps)
          link refs to this Display using the non-default renderer; refs may be a mix of RemoteDataReference & DataReferenceImpl; cannot be called through RemoteDisplay interface, since renderer implements neither Remote nor Serializable; must be called locally; this method may only be invoked after all links to ScalarMaps have been made; the maps[i] array applies only to rendering refs[i]; this is a method of DisplayImpl and RemoteDisplayImpl rather than Display - see Section 6.1 of the Developer's Guide for more information
 void LocalDisplay.addReferences(DataRenderer renderer, DataReference[] refs, ConstantMap[][] constant_maps)
          link refs to this Display using the non-default renderer; must be local DataRendererImpls; this method may only be invoked after all links to ScalarMaps have been made; the maps[i] array applies only to rendering refs[i];
 void DisplayImpl.addReferences(DataRenderer renderer, DataReference[] refs, ConstantMap[][] constant_maps)
          Link references to this display using the non-default renderer.
 void RemoteDisplayImpl.addReferences(DataRenderer renderer, DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          link ref to this Display using the non-default renderer; refs may be a mix of RemoteDataReference & DataReferenceImpl; cannot be called through RemoteDisplay interface, since renderer implements neither Remote nor Serializable; must be called locally; this method may only be invoked after all links to ScalarMaps have been made; the maps array applies only to rendering ref; this is a method of DisplayImpl and RemoteDisplayImpl rather than Display - see Section 6.1 of the Developer's Guide for more information
 void DisplayImpl.addReferences(DataRenderer renderer, DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          Link a reference to this Display using a non-default renderer.
 void Display.addReferences(DataRenderer renderer, DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          create link to DataReference, with ConstantMaps and DataRenderer; invokes ref.addThingChangedListener(ThingChangedListener l, long id)
protected  int ConstantMap.compareTo(ConstantMap that)
          Compares this instance to another instance.
 void DisplayImpl.replaceReference(RemoteDisplay rDpy, DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          Replace remote reference with local reference.
 void LocalDisplay.replaceReferences(RemoteDisplay rDpy, DataRenderer renderer, DataReference[] refs, ConstantMap[][] constant_maps)
          link refs to this Display using the non-default renderer; must be local DataRendererImpls; this method may only be invoked after all links to ScalarMaps have been made; the maps[i] array applies only to rendering refs[i];
 void DisplayImpl.replaceReferences(RemoteDisplay rDpy, DataRenderer renderer, DataReference[] refs, ConstantMap[][] constant_maps)
          Replace remote references with local references.
 void DisplayImpl.replaceReferences(RemoteDisplay rDpy, DataRenderer renderer, DataReference ref, ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          Replace remote reference with local reference using non-default renderer.
 void DataDisplayLink.setConstantMaps(ConstantMap[] constant_maps)
          Change ConstantMaps[] array specific to this DataDisplayLink Note this call should occur between display.disableAction() and display.enableAction() there are two ways for an application to get a DataDisplayLink: given a DisplayImpl and a DataReference: DataDisplayLink link = (DataDisplayLink) display.findReference(ref); given a DataRenderer (assuming it has only one DataReference): DataDisplayLink link = renderer.getLinks()[0];

Constructors in visad with parameters of type ConstantMap
DataDisplayLink(DataReference ref, DisplayImpl local_d, Display d, ConstantMap[] constant_maps, DataRenderer rend, long jd)
          construct a DataDisplayLink linking a DataReference to a Display

Uses of ConstantMap in

Constructors in with parameters of type ConstantMap
CollectiveBarbManipulation(FieldImpl wf, DisplayImplJ3D d1, DisplayImplJ3D d2, ConstantMap[] cms, boolean abs, float id, float od, float it, float ot, int sta, boolean need_monitor, boolean brbs, boolean fs, boolean kts, boolean dz, double[] inner_circle_color, int inner_circle_width, double[] outer_circle_color, int outer_circle_width)
          wf should have MathType: (station_index -> (Time -> tuple)) where tuple is flat [e.g., (Latitude, Longitude, (flow_dir, flow_speed))] and must include RealTypes Latitude and Longitude plus RealTypes mapped to Flow1Azimuth and Flow1Radial, or to Flow2Azimuth and Flow2Radial, in the DisplayImplJ3Ds d1 and d2 (unless they are not null); d1 must have Time mapped to Animation, and d2 must not; abs indicates absolute or relative value adjustment id and od are inner and outer distances in meters it and ot are inner and outer times in seconds influence is 1.0 inside inner, 0.0 outside outer and linear between distance and time influences multiply; cms are ConstantMap's used for rendering barbs each time the user clicks the right mouse button to manipulate a wind barb, the "reference" values for all wind barbs are set - thus repeatedly adjusting the same barb will magnify its influence over its neighbors; sta is index of station for display2; need_monitor is true if wf might be changed externally during manipulation brbs is true to indicate Barb*RendererJ3D, false to indicate Swell*RendererJ3D fs is true to indicate that d2 should switch to whatever station is being manipulated kts is false to indicate no m/s to knots conversion in wind barb renderers dz is true to indicate to use DiscoverableZoom inner_circle_color is array of RGB colors for an inner circle of influence, or null for no inner circles inner_circle_width is the line width for the inner circle outer_circle_color is array of RGB colors for an outer circle of influence, or null for no outer circles outer_circle_width is the line width for the outer circle

Uses of ConstantMap in visad.cluster

Methods in visad.cluster with parameters of type ConstantMap
protected  String TestWRFCluster.addData(int id, Data data, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify)
          override method from BasicSSCell
protected  String TestSSCluster.addData(int id, Data data, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify)
          override method from BasicSSCell
protected  String TestProxyCluster.addData(int id, Data data, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify)
          override method from BasicSSCell
protected  SSCellData TestWRFCluster.addReferenceImpl(int id, DataReferenceImpl ref, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify, boolean checkErrors)
          override method from BasicSSCell
protected  SSCellData TestSSCluster.addReferenceImpl(int id, DataReferenceImpl ref, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify, boolean checkErrors)
          override method from BasicSSCell
protected  SSCellData TestProxyCluster.addReferenceImpl(int id, DataReferenceImpl ref, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify, boolean checkErrors)
          override method from BasicSSCell
 Serializable[] RemoteProxyAgentImpl.prepareAction(boolean go, boolean initialize, DataShadow shadow, ConstantMap[] cms, ScalarMap[] ms, Control[] cos, String name, long time_out)
 Serializable[] RemoteProxyAgent.prepareAction(boolean go, boolean initialize, DataShadow shadow, ConstantMap[] cmaps, ScalarMap[] maps, Control[] controls, String name, long time_out)

Constructors in visad.cluster with parameters of type ConstantMap
DefaultNodeRendererAgent(RemoteClientAgent source, String name, ConstantMap[] cms)

Uses of ConstantMap in

Methods in that return ConstantMap
 ConstantMap[] SSCellData.getConstantMaps()
          Gets the ConstantMaps associated with the reference.

Methods in with parameters of type ConstantMap
 String BasicSSCell.addData(Data data, ConstantMap[] cmaps)
          Adds a Data object to this cell, creating an associated DataReference with the specified ConstantMaps for it.
protected  String BasicSSCell.addData(int id, Data data, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify)
          Adds a Data object to this cell from the given source of the specified type, creating an associated DataReference for it.
 String BasicSSCell.addReference(DataReferenceImpl ref, ConstantMap[] cmaps)
          Adds the given DataReference to this cell with the specified ConstantMaps.
protected  SSCellData FancySSCell.addReferenceImpl(int id, DataReferenceImpl ref, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify, boolean checkErrors)
          Does the work of adding the given DataReference, from the given source of the specified type.
protected  SSCellData BasicSSCell.addReferenceImpl(int id, DataReferenceImpl ref, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean notify, boolean checkErrors)
          Does the work of adding the given DataReference, from the given source of the specified type.

Constructors in with parameters of type ConstantMap
SSCellData(int id, BasicSSCell ssCell, DataReferenceImpl ref, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean checkErrors)
          Constructs a new SSCellData object, for encapsulating a Data object and related information.

Uses of ConstantMap in visad.util

Methods in visad.util that return ConstantMap
static ConstantMap[] Util.getColorMaps(Color color)
          Create a ConstantMap array of colors for use with Display.addReference(DataReference, ConstantMap[])

Constructors in visad.util with parameters of type ConstantMap
ResSwitcher(LocalDisplay d, DataReferenceImpl ref, DataRenderer renderer, ConstantMap[] cmaps)
          Constructs a resolution switcher for swapping between high- and low- resolution representations for the referenced data on the given display.