Great Lakes Weather and Climate - Size of Lake Superior


Lake Superior
Lake Superior has the largest surface area of any freshwater lake in the world. It contains almost 3,000 cubic miles of water, an amount that could fill all the other Great Lakes combined plus three additional Lake Eries. Lake Superior is also is the coldest and deepest (1,332 feet) of the Great Lakes, stretching approximately 350 miles from west to east, and 160 miles north to south, with a shoreline nearly 2,800 miles long. The drainage basin, totaling 49,300 square miles, encompasses parts of Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ontario. This massive lake has a retention/replacement time period of 191 years.

To measure the surface area of Lake Superior:

1. Use the contrast tools to see the shoreline more clearly.

2. Use the pencil tool to trace around the outer edge of the Lake.

3. Click the calculator tool to automatically calculate the area.

4. Submit answer and get feedback below.

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This application lets you estimate the size of Lake Superior using satellite imagery.

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This application is used for a Lake Superior size quiz.

Learn more about the dimensions of the other Great Lakes by clicking on these images.

right arrow Lake Michigan thumbnail right arrow Lake Superior thumbnail right arrow Lake Huron thumbnail right arrow Lake Erie thumbnail right arrow Lake Ontario thumbnail
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