Great Lakes Weather and Climate - Size of Lake Erie

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Lake Erie
Lake Erie is the shallowest and most southern of the Great Lakes exposed to the greatest effects from urbanization and agriculture, readily apparent by the sediment and runoff in this 1km image acquired by a NASA polar orbiting satellite. Measuring 241 miles across and 57 miles from north to south with an average depth of only about 62 feet (210 feet maximum), Lake Erie warms rapidly in the spring and summer and frequently freezes over in winter.

To measure the surface area of Lake Erie:

1. Use the contrast tools to see the shoreline more clearly.

2. Use the pencil tool to trace around the outer edge of the Lake.

3. Click the calculator tool to automatically calculate the area.

4. Submit answer and get feedback below.

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This application lets you estimate the size of Lake Erie using satellite imagery.

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This application is used for a Lake Erie size quiz.

Learn more about the dimensions of the other Great Lakes by clicking on these images.

right arrow Lake Michigan thumbnail right arrow Lake Superior thumbnail right arrow Lake Huron thumbnail right arrow Lake Erie thumbnail right arrow Lake Ontario thumbnail
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