"Satellites See Wisconsin," a spectacular exhibit created by SSEC/CIMSS, touches down at the Dane County Airport...more |
SSEC Goes to IndiaFrom 30 January through 5 February, SSEC scientists Paul Menzel, Paolo Antonelli, and Sanjay Limaye taught a short course...more |
New Great Lakes Water Cycle Diagram from CIMSThe Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) released a climate adaptation report this week featuring a new water cycle graphic from CIMSS...more |
CIMSS Satellite Product Workshop in Salt Lake CityOn 16-17 February 2011, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) scientists conducted a workshop...more |
GOES Sounder Nearcasting Implemented for NWS Western RegionThe nearcasting model, developed at the CIMSS, is now generating hourly nearcasts of atmospheric instability for the National Weather Service...more |
Satellite-based Convective Initation Article PublishedA paper titled "Nowcasting Convective Storm Initiation Using Satellite-Based Box-Averaged Cloud-Top Cooling and Cloud-Type Trends"...more |
Using Satellites to Enhance Air Quality UnderstandingA press release from UW Communications highlights efforts on using satellite data to study connections between energy, transportation, climate, and air pollution by a team including CIMSS Director Steve Ackerman and CIMSS researcher R. Brad Pierce. |