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March 2011

Director's Note

achtor Fred Best

There are many connections between SSEC and various University-level committees and governance bodies...more

Department News


New AMS Policy on Open Access/OWL Sighting in the Library/Friends of the UW-Madison Libraries Book Sale...more

Technical Computing

You may have recently heard in the news that the Internet is "running out of addresses."...more

Data Center

The SSEC Data Center is in the final stages of preparing data for an exhibit...more

Web Team

SSEC Debuts on Facebook...more

Human Resources

Hidden Stressors at Work...more

Equity & Diversity

Climate Survey results presented and analyzed...more

Academic Staff

One way to keep up to date and engage in topics such as the graduate school reorganization...more


Comings and Goings




"Satellites See Wisconsin," a spectacular exhibit created by SSEC/CIMSS, touches down at the Dane County Airport...more

conference attendees

SSEC Goes to India

From 30 January through 5 February, SSEC scientists Paul Menzel, Paolo Antonelli, and Sanjay Limaye taught a short course...more

water cycle

New Great Lakes Water Cycle Diagram from CIMS

The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) released a climate adaptation report this week featuring a new water cycle graphic from CIMSS...more


CIMSS Satellite Product Workshop in Salt Lake City

On 16-17 February 2011, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) scientists conducted a workshop...more


GOES Sounder Nearcasting Implemented for NWS Western Region

The nearcasting model, developed at the CIMSS, is now generating hourly nearcasts of atmospheric instability for the National Weather Service...more


awips image

Satellite-based Convective Initation Article Published

A paper titled "Nowcasting Convective Storm Initiation Using Satellite-Based Box-Averaged Cloud-Top Cooling and Cloud-Type Trends"...more


Using Satellites to Enhance Air Quality Understanding

A press release from UW Communications highlights efforts on using satellite data to study connections between energy, transportation, climate, and air pollution by a team including CIMSS Director Steve Ackerman and CIMSS researcher R. Brad Pierce.



Big whirls have little whirls,
That feed on their velocity;
And little whirls have lesser whirls,
And so on to viscosity.

Lewis Fry Richardson summarizing his paper: "The Supply of Energy From and to Atmospheric Eddies" (1920)