Uses of Class

Packages that use Slider
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of Slider in visad.util

Subclasses of Slider in visad.util
 class ArrowSlider
          A pointer slider for visad .
 class BarSlider
          The visad utillity sliding bar

Constructors in visad.util with parameters of type Slider
SliderLabel(Slider slider)
          Construct a SliderLabel from the given slider
SliderLabel(Slider slider, Color background, Color text)
          Construct a SliderLabel with the given background and text colors
SliderLabel(Slider slider, String label)
          Construct a slider label with the given slider and label
SliderLabel(Slider slider, String label, boolean rangeVisible)
          Construct a slider label with the given slider, label and range visibility
SliderLabel(Slider slider, String label, boolean rangeVisible, Color background, Color text)
          Construct a slider label with the given slider, label and range visibility
SliderLabel(Slider slider, String label, Color background, Color text)
          Construct a SliderLabel with the given label, background and text colors