Packages that use BadFormException | |
visad.data | Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. |
visad.data.amanda | |
visad.data.bio | Provides data forms for handling common microscopy formats. |
visad.data.dods | Supports read-only access to datasets on DODS servers by importing such datasets as VisAD data objects. |
visad.data.fits | Provides for importing a FITS dataset into VisAD. |
visad.data.gif | Provides for importing GIF, JPEG and PNG files into VisAD. |
visad.data.gis | |
visad.data.hdf5 | |
visad.data.hdfeos | Provides for importing an HDF-EOS dataset into VisAD. |
visad.data.hrit | |
visad.data.in | Supports the creation of form-specific, read-only, data-access packages that import external dataset into VisAD as VisaD data objects. |
visad.data.jai | |
visad.data.mcidas | Provides for importing McIDAS AREA files and McIDAS base map (OUTL) files into VisAD. |
visad.data.netcdf | Provides for importing a netCDF dataset into VisAD and for exporting a VisAD data object to a netCDF dataset. |
visad.data.netcdf.in | Provides for importing a netCDF dataset into VisAD. |
visad.data.netcdf.out | Provides for exporting a VisAD data object to a netCDF dataset. |
visad.data.text | |
visad.data.tiff | |
visad.data.vis5d | Provides for importing a Vis5D dataset into VisAD. |
visad.data.visad | Provides for importing and exporting serialized Java object files into and out of VisAD. |
visad.ss | Provides a spreadsheet user interface for VisAD that can import data from any form VisAD supports and compute new data objects using formulas by utilizing the visad.formula package. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data |
Methods in visad.data that throw BadFormException | |
abstract DataVisitor |
DataNode.accept(DataVisitor visitor)
Accept a visitor and traverse the data object. |
void |
FunctionFormFamily.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Add data to an existing data object using the first appropriate Form. |
abstract void |
FormNode.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Add data to an existing data object. |
void |
FormFamily.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Add data to an existing data object. |
void |
Closes any open files. |
int |
FormBlockReader.getBlockCount(String id)
Determines the number of blocks in the given file. |
Hashtable |
MetadataReader.getMetadata(String id)
Obtains a hashtable containing all metadata field/value pairs from the given file. |
Object |
MetadataReader.getMetadataValue(String id,
String field)
Obtains the specified metadata field's value for the given file. |
static void |
DefaultFamily.main(String[] args)
Test the DefaultFamily class |
DataImpl |
FunctionFormFamily.open(String id)
Open a local data object using the first appropriate Form. |
abstract DataImpl |
FormNode.open(String id)
Open an existing data object. |
DataImpl |
FormFamily.open(String id)
Open an existing data object. |
DataImpl |
FormBlockReader.open(String id,
int block_number)
Obtains the specified block from the given file. |
DataImpl |
FunctionFormFamily.open(URL url)
Open a remote data object using the first appropriate Form. |
abstract DataImpl |
FormNode.open(URL url)
Open a data object specified as a URL. |
DataImpl |
FormFamily.open(URL url)
Open an existing data object specified as a URL. |
void |
FunctionFormFamily.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a Data object using the first appropriate Form. |
abstract void |
FormNode.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a VisAD data object in this form. |
void |
FormFamily.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a VisAD data object. |
boolean |
DataVisitor.visit(FlatField field)
Visit a VisAD FlatField. |
boolean |
DataVisitor.visit(TupleIface tuple)
Visit a VisAD Tuple. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.amanda |
Methods in visad.data.amanda that throw BadFormException | |
void |
F2000Form.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
DataImpl |
F2000Form.open(String id)
DataImpl |
F2000Form.open(URL url)
void |
F2000Form.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Constructors in visad.data.amanda that throw BadFormException | |
AmandaFile(String id)
AmandaFile(URL url)
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.bio |
Methods in visad.data.bio that throw BadFormException | |
void |
LociForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Adds data to an existing image file. |
void |
Closes any open files. |
int |
LociForm.getBlockCount(String id)
Determines the number of images in the given image file. |
Hashtable |
LociForm.getMetadata(String id)
Obtains the hashtable containing the metadata field/value pairs from the given image file. |
Object |
LociForm.getMetadataValue(String id,
String field)
Obtains the specified metadata field's value for the given file. |
Object |
OMEReader.getOMENode(String id)
Obtains a loci.ome.xml.OMENode object representing the file's metadata as an OME-XML DOM structure. |
void |
LociForm.initHandler(loci.formats.IFormatHandler h,
String id)
DataImpl |
LociForm.open(String id)
Opens an existing image file from the given filename. |
DataImpl |
LociForm.open(String id,
int block_number)
Obtains the specified image from the given image file. |
DataImpl |
LociForm.open(URL url)
Opens an existing image file from the given URL. |
void |
LociForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Saves a VisAD Data object at the given location. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.dods |
Methods in visad.data.dods that throw BadFormException | |
void |
DODSForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Throws an exception. |
AttributeAdapter |
AttributeAdapterFactory.attributeAdapter(String name,
dods.dap.Attribute attr)
Returns an adapter of a DODS attribute. |
DataImpl |
VariableAdapter.data(dods.dap.BaseType baseType,
boolean copy)
Returns the VisAD DataImpl corresponding to the data of a DODS
variable and the metaData of the DODS variable used during construction
of this instance. |
DataImpl |
DataFactory.data(dods.dap.BaseType var,
dods.dap.DAS das,
boolean copy)
Returns the VisAD data object corresponding to a DODS variable. |
DataImpl |
StructureVariableAdapter.data(dods.dap.DStructure structure,
boolean copy)
Returns the VisAD DataImpl corresponding to the values of a DODS
DStructure and the DODS variable used during construction of this
instance. |
DataImpl |
DataFactory.data(String name,
dods.dap.Attribute attribute,
boolean copy)
Returns the VisAD data object corresponding to a DODS attribute. |
protected static double |
Valuator.decode(String name,
dods.dap.AttributeTable table,
int index)
Decodes an attribute for a DODS variable. |
void |
DODSSource.open(String spec)
Opens an existing DODS dataset. |
DataImpl |
DODSForm.open(String id)
Opens an existing DODS dataset. |
DataImpl |
DODSForm.open(URL url)
Opens an existing data object. |
protected DataImpl |
DODSSource.readAttribute(String name)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to the next DODS global attribute in the currently open dataset. |
protected DataImpl |
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to the next DODS variable in the currently open dataset. |
void |
DODSForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Throws an exception. |
static StructureVariableAdapter |
StructureVariableAdapter.structureVariableAdapter(dods.dap.DStructure structure,
dods.dap.DAS das,
VariableAdapterFactory factory)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to a DODS DStructure . |
static Valuator |
UInt32Valuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static Valuator |
UInt16Valuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static Valuator |
UByteValuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static Valuator |
Int32Valuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static Valuator |
Int16Valuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static Valuator |
Float64Valuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static Valuator |
Float32Valuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static Valuator |
ByteValuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static Valuator |
Valuator.valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table,
int type)
Returns an instance of this class corresponding to the attributes for a DODS variable. |
static ValueRanger |
Valuator.valueRanger(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of a value ranger corresponding to the attributes of a DODS variable. |
static ValueUnpacker |
Valuator.valueUnpacker(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of a value unpacker corresponding to the attributes of a DODS variable. |
static ValueVetter |
Valuator.valueVetter(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Returns an instance of a value vetter corresponding to the attributes of a DODS variable. |
VariableAdapter |
VariableAdapterFactory.variableAdapter(dods.dap.BaseType var,
dods.dap.DAS das)
Returns the adapter corresponding to a DODS variable. |
Constructors in visad.data.dods that throw BadFormException | |
FloatVectorAdapter(dods.dap.PrimitiveVector vector,
dods.dap.DAS das,
VariableAdapterFactory factory)
Constructs from a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters. |
Int32VectorAdapter(dods.dap.Int32PrimitiveVector vector,
dods.dap.DAS das,
VariableAdapterFactory factory)
Constructs from a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters. |
IntValuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table,
long lower,
long upper)
Constructs from the attributes of a DODS integer variable. |
NumericVectorAdapter(dods.dap.PrimitiveVector vector,
dods.dap.DAS das,
VariableAdapterFactory factory)
Constructs from a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters. |
UInt16VectorAdapter(dods.dap.UInt16PrimitiveVector vector,
dods.dap.DAS das,
VariableAdapterFactory factory)
Constructs from a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters. |
UIntValuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table,
long upper)
Constructs from the attributes of a DODS variable. |
Valuator(dods.dap.AttributeTable table)
Constructs from the attributes of a DODS variable. |
VectorAdapter(dods.dap.PrimitiveVector vector,
dods.dap.DAS das,
VariableAdapterFactory factory)
Constructs from a DODS vector and a factory for creating DODS variable adapters. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.fits |
Methods in visad.data.fits that throw BadFormException | |
void |
FitsForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
DataImpl |
FitsForm.open(String path)
DataImpl |
FitsForm.open(URL url)
void |
FitsForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.gif |
Methods in visad.data.gif that throw BadFormException | |
void |
GIFForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
DataImpl |
GIFForm.open(String path)
DataImpl |
GIFForm.open(URL url)
void |
GIFForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.gis |
Methods in visad.data.gis that throw BadFormException | |
void |
UsgsDemForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Add data to an existing data object |
void |
ArcAsciiGridForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Add data to an existing data object |
static void |
DemFamily.main(String[] args)
Test the DemFamily class run java visad.data.gis.DemFamily dem1 dem2 ... demn |
DataImpl |
UsgsDemForm.open(String id)
Open the file specified by the string |
DataImpl |
DemFamily.open(String id)
Open a local data object using the first appropriate map form. |
DataImpl |
ArcAsciiGridForm.open(String id)
Open the file specified by the string |
DataImpl |
UsgsDemForm.open(URL url)
Open the file specified by the URL |
DataImpl |
DemFamily.open(URL url)
Open a remote data object using the first appropriate map form. |
DataImpl |
ArcAsciiGridForm.open(URL url)
Open the file specified by the URL |
void |
UsgsDemForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a VisAD data object in this form |
void |
ArcAsciiGridForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a VisAD data object in this form |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.hdf5 |
Methods in visad.data.hdf5 that throw BadFormException | |
void |
HDF5Form.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
void |
HDF5Form.save(String filename,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.hdfeos |
Methods in visad.data.hdfeos that throw BadFormException | |
void |
HdfeosForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
abstract DataImpl |
Hdfeos.open(String file_path)
void |
HdfeosForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.hrit |
Methods in visad.data.hrit that throw BadFormException | |
void |
HRITForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
This has not been implemented |
DataImpl |
HRITForm.open(String path)
read the HRIT file from local disk, and return the HRIT data as a DataImpl object (a FlatField). |
DataImpl |
HRITForm.open(URL url)
read the HRIT file from a URL, and return the HRIT file as a DataImpl object (a FlatField). |
void |
HRITForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
save the file back to disk This has not been implemented yet |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.in |
Methods in visad.data.in that throw BadFormException | |
void |
DataInputSource.open(String spec)
Opens an existing dataset. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.jai |
Methods in visad.data.jai that throw BadFormException | |
void |
JAIForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Adds data to an existing JAI image file. |
DataImpl |
JAIForm.open(String id)
Opens an existing JAI image file from the given location. |
DataImpl |
JAIForm.open(URL url)
Opens an existing JAI image file from the given URL. |
void |
JAIForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Saves a VisAD Data object to a JAI image format at the given location. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.mcidas |
Methods in visad.data.mcidas that throw BadFormException | |
void |
PointForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
This has not been implemented |
void |
MapForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Add data to an existing data object |
void |
AreaForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
This has not been implemented |
DataImpl |
PointForm.open(String filename)
cannot read the point file locally. |
DataImpl |
MapForm.open(String id)
Open the file specified by the string |
DataImpl |
AreaForm.open(String path)
read the area file from local disk, and return the Area file as a DataImpl object (a FlatField). |
DataImpl |
PointForm.open(URL url)
read the point file from a URL, and return the point data as a DataImpl object (a FlatField). |
DataImpl |
MapForm.open(URL url)
Open the file specified by the URL |
DataImpl |
AreaForm.open(URL url)
read the area file from a URL, and return the Area file as a DataImpl object (a FlatField). |
void |
PointForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
save the file back to disk This has not been implemented yet |
void |
MapForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a VisAD data object in this form |
void |
AreaForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
save the file back to disk This has not been implemented yet |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.netcdf |
Methods in visad.data.netcdf that throw BadFormException | |
void |
Plain.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Add data to an existing data object. |
DataImpl |
Plain.open(String spec)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to a netCDF dataset. |
abstract DataImpl |
NetCDF.open(String path)
Open an existing file. |
DataImpl |
Plain.open(String spec,
Strategy strategy)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to a netCDF dataset and imported according to a given strategy. |
DataImpl |
Plain.openProxy(String path)
Open an existing netCDF file and return a proxy for a VisAD data object. |
void |
Plain.save(String path,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a VisAD data object in this form. |
void |
NetcdfInBean.setPathname(String pathname)
Set the dataset pathname property. |
void |
InputNetcdf.setPathname(String name)
Sets the dataset name property. |
void |
InputNetcdf.setQuantityDB(QuantityDB db)
Set the quantity database property. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.netcdf.in |
Methods in visad.data.netcdf.in that throw BadFormException | |
DataImpl |
Gets the VisAD data object corresponding to the netCDF dataset. |
abstract DataImpl |
Strategy.getData(NetcdfAdapter adapter)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to the netCDF dataset. |
DataImpl |
InMemoryStrategy.getData(NetcdfAdapter adapter)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to the netCDF dataset. |
DataImpl |
FileStrategy.getData(NetcdfAdapter adapter)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to the netCDF dataset. |
DataImpl |
CompositeStrategy.getData(NetcdfAdapter adapter)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to the netCDF dataset. |
DataImpl |
NetcdfAdapter.getData(Strategy strategy)
Gets the VisAD data object corresponding to the netCDF dataset using a given strategy. |
DataImpl |
Returns a proxy for the VisAD data object corresponding to the netCDF dataset. |
protected static DataImpl |
NetcdfAdapter.importData(View view,
Merger merger,
DataFactory dataFactory)
Returns the VisAD data object corresponding to the netCDF dataset. |
VirtualData |
Gets the next virtual VisAD data object. |
Constructors in visad.data.netcdf.in that throw BadFormException | |
NetcdfAdapter(ucar.netcdf.Netcdf netcdf,
QuantityDB quantityDB)
Constructs from a netCDF dataset. |
NetcdfAdapter(ucar.netcdf.Netcdf netcdf,
QuantityDB quantityDB,
boolean charToText)
Constructs from a netCDF dataset. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.netcdf.out |
Methods in visad.data.netcdf.out that throw BadFormException | |
protected ucar.netcdf.Dimension |
VisADAdapter.define1DDim(SampledSet set)
Define the netCDF dimension of a 1-D SampledSet. |
protected ucar.netcdf.Dimension[] |
VisADAdapter.defineLinearSetDims(GriddedSet set)
Define the netCDF dimensions of a VisAD LinearSet, including any necessary coordinate variables.. |
protected ucar.netcdf.Dimension |
VisADAdapter.defineNDDim(SampledSet set)
Define the netCDF dimension of a multi-dimensional SampledSet. |
protected ucar.netcdf.Dimension |
VisADAdapter.defineSampledSetDim(SampledSet set)
Define the netCDF dimensions and variables of a VisAD SampledSet. |
protected void |
VisADAdapter.visit(Data data,
visad.data.netcdf.out.VisADAccessor outerAccessor)
Visit a VisAD data object. |
protected void |
VisADAdapter.visit(Field field,
visad.data.netcdf.out.VisADAccessor outerAccessor)
Define the netCDF dimensions and variables of a VisAD Field object. |
protected void |
VisADAdapter.visit(Real real,
visad.data.netcdf.out.VisADAccessor outerAccessor)
Visit a VisAD Real object. |
protected void |
VisADAdapter.visit(Text text,
visad.data.netcdf.out.VisADAccessor outerAccessor)
Visit a VisAD Text object. |
Constructors in visad.data.netcdf.out that throw BadFormException | |
VisADAdapter(Data data)
Construct from a generic VisAD data object. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.text |
Methods in visad.data.text that throw BadFormException | |
void |
TextForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
DataImpl |
TextForm.open(String path)
DataImpl |
TextForm.open(URL url)
void |
TextForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.tiff |
Methods in visad.data.tiff that throw BadFormException | |
void |
LegacyTiffForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Deprecated. Adds data to an existing TIFF file. |
void |
Deprecated. |
int |
LegacyTiffForm.getBlockCount(String id)
Deprecated. |
DataImpl |
LegacyTiffForm.open(String id)
Deprecated. Opens an existing TIFF file from the given filename. |
DataImpl |
LegacyTiffForm.open(String id,
int block_number)
Deprecated. |
DataImpl |
LegacyTiffForm.open(URL url)
Deprecated. Opens an existing TIFF file from the given URL. |
void |
LegacyTiffForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Deprecated. Saves a VisAD Data object to an uncompressed TIFF file. |
void |
TiffForm.saveImage(String id,
FlatField image,
Hashtable ifd,
boolean last)
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.vis5d |
Methods in visad.data.vis5d that throw BadFormException | |
void |
Vis5DTopoForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Add data to an existing data object. |
void |
Vis5DForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
FlatField |
Vis5DForm.getFlatField(Vis5DFile v5dfile,
int time_idx)
static void |
Vis5DFamily.main(String[] args)
Test the Vis5DFamily class run java visad.data.vis5d.Vis5DFamily v5dfile1 v5dfile2 ... v5dfilen |
static FlatField |
Vis5DForm.makeFlatField(Vis5DFile v5dfile,
int time_idx)
DataImpl |
Vis5DTopoForm.open(InputStream in)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to an input stream for a Vis5DTopography file. |
DataImpl |
Vis5DTopoForm.open(String id)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to a Vis5D topography file. |
DataImpl |
Vis5DForm.open(String id)
DataImpl |
Vis5DFamily.open(String id)
Open a local data object using the first appropriate map form. |
DataImpl |
Vis5DTopoForm.open(URL url)
Returns a VisAD data object corresponding to a URL pointing to a Vis5D topography file. |
DataImpl |
Vis5DForm.open(URL url)
DataImpl |
Vis5DFamily.open(URL url)
Open a remote data object using the first appropriate map form. |
void |
Vis5DTopoForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a VisAD data object in this form. |
void |
Vis5DForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
static V5DStruct |
V5DStruct.v5d_open(byte[] name,
int name_length,
int[] sizes,
int[] n_levels,
String[] var_names,
String[] var_units,
int[] map_proj,
float[] projargs,
int[] vert_sys,
float[] vert_args,
double[] times)
Open a Vis5D file |
void |
V5DStruct.v5d_read(int time,
int vr,
float[] ranges,
float[] data)
Read from a Vis5D file |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.data.visad |
Methods in visad.data.visad that throw BadFormException | |
void |
VisADForm.add(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
DataImpl |
VisADForm.open(String id)
DataImpl |
VisADCachingForm.open(String id)
DataImpl |
VisADForm.open(URL url)
DataImpl |
VisADCachingForm.open(URL url)
void |
VisADForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace)
Save a Data object. |
void |
VisADForm.save(String id,
Data data,
boolean replace,
boolean bigObject)
Save a Data object. |
Uses of BadFormException in visad.ss |
Methods in visad.ss that throw BadFormException | |
void |
BasicSSCell.saveData(File f,
boolean netcdf)
Deprecated. Use saveData(String, Form) instead. |
void |
BasicSSCell.saveData(File f,
Form form)
Deprecated. Use saveData(String, Form) instead. |
void |
BasicSSCell.saveData(String varName,
String location,
Form form)
Exports a Data object to the given location, using the given Data form. |