Uses of Class

Packages that use Real
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration. 
visad.cluster Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. Provides for exporting a VisAD data object to a netCDF dataset. Provides for importing and exporting serialized Java object files into and out of VisAD.   
visad.formula Provides an interface for automatically evaluating formulas based on user-defined operators and functions. 
visad.georef Provides classes for geo-referencing. 
visad.meteorology Provides classes that are useful in the field of meteorology. 
visad.python Provides a spreadsheet user interface for VisAD that can import data from any form VisAD supports and compute new data objects using formulas by utilizing the visad.formula package. 

Uses of Real in visad

Subclasses of Real in visad
 class DateTime
          DateTime is a class of objects for holding date and time information.

Methods in visad that return Real
 Real RealIface.cloneButUnit(Unit u)
          Returns a clone of this instance but with a new Unit.
 Real Real.cloneButUnit(Unit u)
          clone this, but with a new Unit
 Real RealIface.cloneButValue(double value)
          Returns a clone of this instance with a different numeric value.
 Real Real.cloneButValue(double value)
          clone this, but with a new value
static Real DateTime.fromYearDaySeconds(int year, int day, double seconds)
          Return a Real object whose value is the seconds since the Epoch initialized with a year, day of the year, and seconds in the day.
 Real DateTime.getReal()
          Get a Real representing the number of seconds since * the epoch.
 Real[] TupleIface.getRealComponents()
 Real[] Tuple.getRealComponents()
          Get all the Real components from this Tuple.

Methods in visad with parameters of type Real
 int Real.__eq__(Real other)
 int Real.__ge__(Real other)
 Data FunctionImpl.__getitem__(Real domain)
          A wrapper around evaluate for JPython.
 int Real.__gt__(Real other)
 int Real.__le__(Real other)
 int Real.__lt__(Real other)
 int Real.__ne__(Real other)
 Data RemoteFunctionImpl.evaluate(Real domain)
 Data FunctionImpl.evaluate(Real domain)
          Evaluate this Function at domain; use default modes for resampling (Data.WEIGHTED_AVERAGE) and errors (Data.NO_ERRORS)
 Data Function.evaluate(Real domain)
          Evaluate this Function at domain; for 1-D domains use default modes for resampling (Data.WEIGHTED_AVERAGE) and errors (Data.NO_ERRORS)
 Data RemoteFunctionImpl.evaluate(Real domain, int sampling_mode, int error_mode)
 Data FunctionImpl.evaluate(Real domain, int sampling_mode, int error_mode)
          Evaluate this Function with non-default modes for resampling and errors
 Data Function.evaluate(Real domain, int sampling_mode, int error_mode)
          Evaluate this Function, for 1-D domains, with non-default modes for resampling and errors

Constructors in visad with parameters of type Real
ConstantMap(Real constant, DisplayRealType display_scalar)
          construct a ConstantMap with a Real constant;
DateTime(Real real)
          Construct a DateTime object and initialize it using a VisAD Real.
RealTuple(Real[] reals)
          construct a RealTuple according to an array of Real objects
RealTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] reals, CoordinateSystem coord_sys)
          construct a RealTuple according to an array of Real objects; coordinate_system may be null; otherwise coordinate_system.getReference() must equal type.getCoordinateSystem.getReference()
RealTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] reals, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, boolean checkUnits)
          Construct a RealTuple according to an array of Real objects; coordinate_system may be null; otherwise coordinate_system.getReference() must equal type.getCoordinateSystem.getReference()

Uses of Real in visad.cluster

Methods in visad.cluster that return Real
 Real[] RemoteNodeTupleImpl.getRealComponents()
 Real[] RemoteClientTupleImpl.getRealComponents()

Methods in visad.cluster with parameters of type Real
 Data RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl.evaluate(Real domain)
 Data RemoteNodeFieldImpl.evaluate(Real domain)
 Data RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl.evaluate(Real domain)
 Data RemoteClientFieldImpl.evaluate(Real domain)
 Data RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl.evaluate(Real domain, int sampling_mode, int error_mode)
 Data RemoteNodeFieldImpl.evaluate(Real domain, int sampling_mode, int error_mode)
 Data RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl.evaluate(Real domain, int sampling_mode, int error_mode)
 Data RemoteClientFieldImpl.evaluate(Real domain, int sampling_mode, int error_mode)

Uses of Real in

Methods in with parameters of type Real
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processRealTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] components, CoordinateSystem cs, RealTuple rt, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processRealTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] components, CoordinateSystem cs, RealTuple rt, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processRealTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] components, CoordinateSystem cs, RealTuple rt, Object token)

Uses of Real in

Methods in with parameters of type Real
protected  void VisADAdapter.visit(Real real, outerAccessor)
          Visit a VisAD Real object.

Uses of Real in

Methods in with parameters of type Real
 void BinaryWriter.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processRealTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] components, CoordinateSystem cs, RealTuple rt, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processRealTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] components, CoordinateSystem cs, RealTuple rt, Object token)

Uses of Real in

Methods in that return Real
static Real[] BinarySingletonSet.getSampleReals(RealTuple sample)
static Real reader)

Methods in with parameters of type Real
static int BinaryRealTuple.computeBytes(Real[] components, CoordinateSystem cs, boolean trivialTuple)
static int BinarySingletonSet.computeBytes(RealTupleType sampleType, Real[] sampleReals, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static boolean BinaryRealTuple.isTrivialTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] components)
static void BinaryRealTuple.write(BinaryWriter writer, RealTupleType type, Real[] components, CoordinateSystem cs, RealTuple rt, Object token)
static void BinaryReal.write(BinaryWriter writer, RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
static void BinaryRealTuple.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, RealTupleType type, Real[] components, CoordinateSystem cs, RealTuple rt, Object token)
static void BinaryReal.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, RealType type, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)

Uses of Real in visad.formula

Methods in visad.formula with parameters of type Real
static Data FormulaUtil.brackets(Field f, Real r)
          evaluate the bracket function; e.g., A1[5] or A1[A2]
static Data t, Real r)
          evaluate the dot operator
static Data FormulaUtil.extract(Field f, Real r)
          evaluate the extract function
static Data FormulaUtil.implicit(Function f, Real r)
          evaluate implicit function syntax; e.g., A1(5) or A1(A2)

Uses of Real in visad.georef

Methods in visad.georef that return Real
 Real UTMCoordinate.getAltitude()
          Get the altitude of this point as a Real
 Real NamedLocationTuple.getAltitude()
          Get the altitude of this location
 Real EarthLocationTuple.getAltitude()
          Get the altitude of this location
 Real EarthLocationLite.getAltitude()
          get altitude
 Real EarthLocation.getAltitude()
          Get the latitude of this point
 Real UTMCoordinate.getEasting()
          Get the easting value of this point as a Real
 Real UTMCoordinate.getHemisphere()
          Get the UTM hemisphere of this point as a Real
 Real NamedLocationTuple.getLatitude()
          Get the latitude of this location
 Real LatLonTuple.getLatitude()
          Get the latitude of this point
 Real LatLonPoint.getLatitude()
          Get the latitude of this point
 Real EarthLocationTuple.getLatitude()
          Get the latitude of this location
 Real EarthLocationLite.getLatitude()
          get latitude
 Real NamedLocationTuple.getLongitude()
          Get the longitude of this location
 Real LatLonTuple.getLongitude()
          Get the longitude of this point
 Real LatLonPoint.getLongitude()
          Get the longitude of this point
 Real EarthLocationTuple.getLongitude()
          Get the longitude of this location
 Real EarthLocationLite.getLongitude()
          get longitude
 Real UTMCoordinate.getNorthing()
          Get the northing of this point as a Real
 Real UTMCoordinate.getZone()
          Get the UTM zone of this point as a Real

Constructors in visad.georef with parameters of type Real
EarthLocationLite(Real lat, Real lon, Real alt)
          Construct a new EarthLocationLite
EarthLocationTuple(LatLonPoint latlon, Real alt)
          Construct an EarthLocationTuple from a LatLonPoint and an altitude
EarthLocationTuple(Real lat, Real lon, Real alt)
          Construct an EarthLocationTuple from Reals of lat, lon, alt
EarthLocationTuple(Real lat, Real lon, Real alt, Unit[] units, boolean checkUnits)
          Construct an EarthLocationTuple from Reals of lat, lon, alt
LatLonTuple(Real lat, Real lon)
          Construct a LatLonTuple from Reals representing the latitude and longitude.
LatLonTuple(Real lat, Real lon, Unit[] units, boolean checkUnits)
          Construct a LatLonTuple from Reals representing the latitude and longitude.
NamedLocationTuple(Text id, Real lat, Real lon, Real alt)
          Construct an NamedLocationTuple from a Text and Reals of Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude.
UTMCoordinate(Real east, Real north)
          Construct a UTMCoordinate from Reals representing the easting and northing.
UTMCoordinate(Real east, Real north, Real alt)
          Construct a UTMCoordinate from Reals representing the easting and northing and the zone.
UTMCoordinate(Real east, Real north, Real alt, Real zone)
          Construct a UTMCoordinate from Reals representing the easting and northing and the zone.
UTMCoordinate(Real east, Real north, Real alt, Real zone, Real hemi)
          Construct a UTMCoordinate from Reals representing the easting and northing, the zone and the hemisphere.
UTMCoordinate(Real east, Real north, Real alt, Real zone, Real hemi, CoordinateSystem cs)
          Construct a UTMCoordinate from Reals representing the easting and northing, the zone and the hemisphere.

Uses of Real in visad.meteorology

Methods in visad.meteorology that return Real
 Real SingleBandedImageImpl.getMaxRangeValue()
          Get the maximum possible value for this image
 Real SingleBandedImage.getMaxRangeValue()
          Get the maximum possible value for this image
 Real SingleBandedImageImpl.getMinRangeValue()
          Get the minimum possible value for this image
 Real SingleBandedImage.getMinRangeValue()
          Get the minimum possible value for this image

Uses of Real in visad.python

Methods in visad.python with parameters of type Real
static Data JPythonMethods.evaluate(Field data, Real domain)
          Creates a VisAD Data by evaluating the Field at the point given in the domain.
static double JPythonMethods.getValue(Real r)
          returns the double value of a Real value.
static FlatField JPythonMethods.replace(FieldImpl f, int[] list, Real v)
          Replaces specified values in a FlatField with the constant given
static FlatField JPythonMethods.replace(FieldImpl f, Real v)
          Replaces all the values in a FlatField with the constant given

Uses of Real in

Fields in declared as Real
static Real SSCellImpl.FALSE
          VisAD Data object representing boolean false.
static Real SSCellImpl.TRUE
          VisAD Data object representing boolean true.

Methods in with parameters of type Real
 void SSCellData.setDependencies(Real real)
          Sets whether others depend on this data.