Uses of Class

Packages that use Linear1DSet
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration. Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. Provides for importing and exporting serialized Java object files into and out of VisAD.   

Uses of Linear1DSet in visad

Subclasses of Linear1DSet in visad
 class Integer1DSet
          Integer1DSet represents a finite set of samples of R at an integer lattice based at the origin (i.e, 0, 1, 2, ..., length-1).

Methods in visad that return Linear1DSet
 Linear1DSet LinearSet.getLinear1DComponent(int i)
          Get the indexed component.
 Linear1DSet LinearNDSet.getLinear1DComponent(int i)
          Get the indexed component.
 Linear1DSet Linear3DSet.getLinear1DComponent(int i)
          Get the indexed component (X is at 0, Y is at 1, and Z is at 2)
 Linear1DSet Linear2DSet.getLinear1DComponent(int i)
          Get the indexed component (X is at 0, Y is at 1)
 Linear1DSet Linear1DSet.getLinear1DComponent(int i)
          Get the indexed component (X is at 0 and is the only valid index)
 Linear1DSet Linear3DSet.getX()
          Return the first arithmetic progression for this cross product (X of XYZ).
 Linear1DSet Linear2DSet.getX()
          Return the first arithmetic progression for this cross product (X of XY).
 Linear1DSet Linear3DSet.getY()
          Return the second arithmetic progression for this cross product (Y of XYZ).
 Linear1DSet Linear2DSet.getY()
          Return the second arithmetic progression for this cross product (Y of XY).
 Linear1DSet Linear3DSet.getZ()
          Return the third arithmetic progression for this cross product (Z of XYZ).

Constructors in visad with parameters of type Linear1DSet
Linear2DSet(Linear1DSet[] sets)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of sets with a generic MathType.
Linear2DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of sets with the specified type.
Linear2DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of sets, with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear2DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of sets, with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear3DSet(Linear1DSet[] sets)
          Construct a 3-D cross product of sets with a generic MathType.
Linear3DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets)
          Construct a 3-D cross product of sets with the specified type.
Linear3DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 3-D cross product of sets, with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear3DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 3-D cross product of sets, with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
LinearLatLonSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions whose east and west edges may be joined (for interpolation purposes), with null errors, CoordinateSystem and Units are defaults from type.
LinearLatLonSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions whose east and west edges may be joined (for interpolation purposes), with specified errors, coord_sys and units.
LinearLatLonSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions whose east and west edges may be joined (for interpolation purposes), with specified errors, coord_sys and units.
LinearNDSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] l)
          Construct an N-dimensional set as the product of N Linear1DSets, with null errors, CoordinateSystem and Units are defaults from type.
LinearNDSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] l, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct an N-dimensional set as the product of N Linear1DSets; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
LinearNDSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] l, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct an N-dimensional set as the product of N Linear1DSets; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null

Uses of Linear1DSet in

Methods in with parameters of type Linear1DSet
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
 void BaseDataProcessor.processLinear1DSet(SetType st, Linear1DSet set, Object token)

Uses of Linear1DSet in

Methods in with parameters of type Linear1DSet
 void BinaryWriter.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)

Uses of Linear1DSet in

Methods in with parameters of type Linear1DSet
static int BinaryLinearSet.computeBytes(boolean matchedTypes, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, Linear1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static boolean BinaryLinearSet.hasMatchedTypes(SetType type, Linear1DSet[] comps)
static void BinaryLinearSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, Linear1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, byte dataType, Object token)
static void BinaryLinearSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, Linear1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, Object token)

Uses of Linear1DSet in visad.python

Methods in visad.python that return Linear1DSet
static Linear1DSet JPythonMethods.makeDomain(double first, double last, int length)
          Create a Linear1DSet for domain samples
static Linear1DSet JPythonMethods.makeDomain(MathType type, double first, double last, int length)
          Create a Linear1DSet for domain samples
static Linear1DSet JPythonMethods.makeDomain(String name, double first, double last, int length)
          Create a Linear1DSet for domain samples