Uses of Interface

Packages that use AnimationControl
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration.   
visad.java2d Provides support for two-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java2D. 
visad.java3d Provides support for two- and three-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java3D. 

Uses of AnimationControl in visad

Constructors in visad with parameters of type AnimationControl
AnimationSetControl(DisplayImpl d, AnimationControl p)
          construct an AnimationSetControl for the given DisplayImpl and AnimationControl

Uses of AnimationControl in

Constructors in with parameters of type AnimationControl
EventWidget(AmandaFile fileData, DataReferenceImpl eventRef, DataReferenceImpl trackRef, AnimationControl animCtl, HistogramWidget histoWidget)
EventWidget(AmandaFile fileData, DataReferenceImpl eventRef, DataReferenceImpl trackRef, AnimationControl animCtl, ScalarMap trackMap, HistogramWidget histoWidget)

Uses of AnimationControl in visad.java2d

Classes in visad.java2d that implement AnimationControl
 class AnimationControlJ2D
          AnimationControlJ2D is the VisAD class for controlling Animation display scalars under Java2D.

Constructors in visad.java2d with parameters of type AnimationControl
AnimationSetControlJ2D(DisplayImpl d, AnimationControl p)

Uses of AnimationControl in visad.java3d

Classes in visad.java3d that implement AnimationControl
 class AnimationControlJ3D
          AnimationControlJ3D is the VisAD class for controlling Animation display scalars under Java3D.
 class DownRoundingAnimationControlJ3D
          DownRoundingAnimationControlJ3D extends AnimationControlJ3D to provide a different sampling behavior.