Uses of Class

Packages that use McIDASException

Uses of McIDASException in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas

Subclasses of McIDASException in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas
 class AreaFileException
          AreaFileException class is to handle exceptions when dealing with McIDAS 'area' files.
 class CalibratorException
          CalibratorException class is to handle exceptions when calibrating data.

Methods in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas that throw McIDASException
 ArrayList GridDirectoryList.getDirs()
          returns the directory blocks for the requested grids.
static AREAnav AREAnav.makeAreaNav(int[] navBlock)
          Return an AREAnav based on the input nav block.
static AREAnav AREAnav.makeAreaNav(int[] navBlock, int[] auxBlock)

Constructors in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas that throw McIDASException
EnhancementTable(File file)
          Construct an enhancement table from a file object.
EnhancementTable(String source)
          Construct an enhancement table from a local disk file or URL.
EnhancementTable(URL url)
          Construct an enhancement table from a remote URL object.
GridDirectory(int[] dirblock)
          Construct a GridDirectory from the grid directory block.
GridDirectoryList(String gridSource)
          Creates an GridDirectory object that allows reading of McIDAS 'grids' from an ADDE server
GridDirectoryList(URL url)
          creates an GridDirectory object that allows reading of the directory of McIDAS 'grid' files from a URL
GRIDnav(int[] gridDirBlock)
          Construct a new GRIDnav from a grid directory block

Uses of McIDASException in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde

Subclasses of McIDASException in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde
 class AddeException
          AddeException class is to handle exceptions when dealing with ADDE access to data.