Package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas

Interface Summary
Calibrator interface for creating Calibrator classes.

Class Summary
ABISnav The ABISnav class creates the ability to navigate ABIS image data.
AncillaryData AncillaryData creates an object providing access to image parameters needed to do conversion from McIDAS area format to some other image format.
AreaDirectory AreaDirectory interface for the metadata of McIDAS 'area' file format image data.
AreaDirectoryList AreaDirectoryList interface for McIDAS 'area' file format image data.
AreaFile AreaFile interface with McIDAS 'area' file format image data.
AreaFileFactory Utility class for creating AreaFile instances.
AREAnav The AREAnav is the superclass for AREA file navigation modules.
CalibratorDefault CalibratorDefault creates a Calibrator object designed to act in the absence of a Calibrator for a particular sensor.
CalibratorFactory Utility class for creating Calibrator instances.
CalibratorGvar CalibratorGvar creates a Calibrator object designed specifically to deal with GVAR data.
CalibratorGvarG10 CalibratorGvarG10 creates a Calibrator object designed specifically to deal with GOES 10 data.
CalibratorGvarG12 CalibratorGvarG12 creates a Calibrator object designed specifically to deal with GOES 10 data.
CalibratorGvarG13 CalibratorGvarG13 creates a Calibrator object designed specifically to deal with GOES 13 data.
CalibratorGvarG8 CalibratorGvarG8 creates a Calibrator object designed specifically to deal with GOES 8 data.
CalibratorGvarG9 CalibratorGvarG9 creates a Calibrator object designed specifically to deal with GOES 9 data.
CalibratorMsg Calibration routines for the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) instrument.
ConversionUtility A collection of methods for doing various conversions.
EnhancementTable Class for reading a McIDAS enhancement table (.ET file).
GMSXnav This class implements GMSX navigation.
GOESnav Navigation class for GOES (GOES D-H) type nav.
GridDirectory Class for modelling a McIDAS grid header.
GridDirectoryList GridDirectoryList interface for McIDAS 'grids'.
GRIDnav GRIDnav is the class for handling the navigation of McIDAS grids.
GVARnav The GVARnav class creates the ability to navigate GVAR image data.
KALPnav The KALPnav class creates the ability to navigate KALP image data.
LALOnav Navigation class for Radar (RECT) type nav.
LAMBnav Navigation class for Lambert Conformal (LAMB) type nav.
McIDASUtil Class for static McIDAS utility methods.
MERCnav Navigation class for Mercator (MERC) type nav.
MOLLnav Navigation class for Mollweide (MOLL) type nav.
MSATnav Navigation class for Meteosat (MSAT) type nav.
MSGnav Navigation class for MSG type nav.
MSGTnav Navigation class for MSG type nav.
PSnav Navigation class for Polar Stereographic (PS) type nav.
RADRnav Navigation class for Radar (RADR) type nav.
RECTnav Navigation class for Radar (RECT) type nav.
TANCnav Navigation class for tangent cone (TANC) type nav.

Exception Summary
AreaFileException AreaFileException class is to handle exceptions when dealing with McIDAS 'area' files.
CalibratorException CalibratorException class is to handle exceptions when calibrating data.
McIDASException McIDASException class is to handle exceptions when dealing with McIDAS files or data.