Uses of Class

Packages that use AddeURLException
edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. 

Uses of AddeURLException in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas

Methods in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas that throw AddeURLException
static void AreaFileFactory.copyAreaFile(String source, String outputFile)
          Copy an area file from one place to another
static void AreaFileFactory.copyAreaFile(String source, String outputFile, boolean verbose)
          Copy an area file from one place to another
static AreaFile AreaFileFactory.getAreaFileInstance(String src)
          Create an initialized AreaFile instance.
static AreaFile AreaFileFactory.getAreaFileInstance(URL url)
          Create an initialized AreaFile instance.

Uses of AddeURLException in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde

Methods in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde that throw AddeURLException
 void AddeURLConnection.connect()
          Establishes an ADDE connection using the URL passed to the constructor.
 char[] DataSetInfo.getData()
          Return the data sent by the server
 Hashtable DataSetInfo.getDescriptionTable()
          Return a hashtable of descriptive names and ADDE dataset descriptors Descriptive names are the keys.
 String[] DataSetInfo.getDescriptors()
          Return a sorted list of the dataset descriptors
 ArrayList AddeGridReader.getGridData(String request)
          creates an ArrayList of arrays of data, plus an ArrayList of grid headers (McIDASGridDirectories) which are then available using the getGridHeaders() method.
 ArrayList AddeGridReader.getGridDirectory(String request)
          creates an ArrayList of McIDASGridDirectories

Constructors in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde that throw AddeURLException
DataSetInfo(String request)
          creates a DataSetInfo object that allows reading

Uses of AddeURLException in

Methods in that throw AddeURLException
protected  int[][][] AreaImageAccessor.getAreaData()