picture day, third grade. don't blame mom I dressed myself
Disclaimer: The statements or opinions expressed within are my
own and are not necessarily those of SSEC or the University of Wisconsin,
Welcome to my circa 1996 home page! You are visitor number:
I really did create this back in '96, and just can't get myself to update the style.
Do a "view source" and check out those capital letter HTML tags!
Read on and I'll tell you a little about myself...
Any (hopefully, no promises) current family stuff will
reside here.
As they accumulate, I'll post any really good movies I
see below...
Check out some of the best movies I've seen.
Comic Books
Well, I spend a lot of time reading comic books. Just one of
those things - been doing it since I was really young. Comics
aren't really recognized by many people as a serious art form.
And I'll be the first to admit, there sure is a lot of crap out
there. But for us lucky ones that have somehow been exposed to
some of the quality books, well, to us it's a form of magic.
For the few of you who can relate, or for the morbidly curious,
here are a few links:
- Sorry, had to temporarily delete this hopelessly outdated link.
I also like to listen to music. All kinds really, but for
the most part rooted in good old rock 'n roll. If you want
to hear me ramble more on music, you could:
I decided to write a (hopefully) simple explanation for Global Warming.
Below, you'll find Louie and Ellie, my mom and dad.
Louie is... well - very, very eccentric. I've compiled a
list of famous Louie
quotes from over the years to prove it.
Don't get us (the rest of the Jasmin family) wrong, we love
him - it's just hard to deny the fact that he's a nut!
God love 'em!
Some stuff I find amusing
The main page for the place I work, the
University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center
The Internet Movie Database. Got a favorite actor or actress? Want to
see a filmography for them, with ratings for each movie? This is the place.
Free comic book and coin collection management with pricing based on actual sales!
Since there were no decent tools for collection management, and no accurate pricing that reflected the true market, I founded Nostomania.com to provide these tools free to collectors.
Last updated February 8, 2011 by Tommy Jasmin.