While perusing the Wisconsin Film Festival schedule earlier this year, this movie jumped out as one of very few that piqued my interest. Being early to get tix, I was a little surprised to find out it was already sold out. Here it is August 2016, and it still feels like nobody has even heard of this movie, but there it was playing at the local theatre. As I check IMDB tonight, I see they tout the Wisconsin Film Festival as one of its big "award wins". In other words, again, nobody has heard of it. That's too bad because it should be required viewing.

For me, what worked well? All of it. Really. I'd rate this 9.something for sure.
1. Great refs. Did anybody catch the Bottle Rocket/Wes Anderson ref at the end? "Cuk-kaw!". The Scarface ref, the Terminator ref, all well placed and very well done. Oh and don't forget the classic Lord of the Rings ref.
2. Fantastic script/dialog, so clever on the funny bits, much of the credit on pulling it off going to the casting here, especially of the "fat kid" Ricky Baker.
3. Scenery was great, duh, being New Zealand. Good pace, surprisingly decent soundtrack, great cameos (especially Murray from Flight of the Conchords as Psycho Sam). I could go on an on, really, but let's just wrap with a few of the haikus and an order to get your ass out and see it.
Ricky Baker: Trees. Birds. Rivers. Sky. / Running with my Uncle Hec / Living forever.
Uncle Hec: Me and this fat kid / we ran, we ate and read books / and it was the best.