Uses of Class

Packages that use BasicSSCell
visad.cluster Provides a spreadsheet user interface for VisAD that can import data from any form VisAD supports and compute new data objects using formulas by utilizing the visad.formula package. 

Uses of BasicSSCell in visad.cluster

Subclasses of BasicSSCell in visad.cluster
 class TestProxyCluster
          TestProxyCluster is the class for testing the visad.cluster package.
 class TestSSCluster
          TestSSCluster is the class for testing the visad.cluster package.
 class TestWRFCluster
          TestWRFCluster is the class for testing the visad.cluster package.

Uses of BasicSSCell in

Subclasses of BasicSSCell in
 class FancySSCell
          FancySSCell is an extension of BasicSSCell with extra options, such as a file loader dialog and a dialog to set up ScalarMaps.

Methods in that return BasicSSCell
 BasicSSCell SSCellChangeEvent.getSSCell()
          Gets the cell that changed.
static BasicSSCell BasicSSCell.getSSCellByName(String name)
          Gets the SSCell with the specified name.

Constructors in with parameters of type BasicSSCell
SSCellChangeEvent(BasicSSCell ssCell, int changeType)
          Constructs an SSCellChangeEvent.
SSCellChangeEvent(BasicSSCell ssCell, int changeType, String varName)
SSCellData(int id, BasicSSCell ssCell, DataReferenceImpl ref, ConstantMap[] cmaps, String source, int type, boolean checkErrors)
          Constructs a new SSCellData object, for encapsulating a Data object and related information.