Uses of Interface

Packages that use LatLonPoint
visad.georef Provides classes for geo-referencing. 

Uses of LatLonPoint in visad.georef

Subinterfaces of LatLonPoint in visad.georef
 interface EarthLocation
          Interface for specifying a point on the earth's surface in terms of latitude, longitude and altitude above sea level.
 interface NamedLocation
          An interface for a named earth location.

Classes in visad.georef that implement LatLonPoint
 class EarthLocationLite
          This provides a LoCal EarthLocation that is much faster to create than the EarthLocationTuple.
 class EarthLocationTuple
          RealTuple implementation of EarthLocation for representing a location on the earth's surface in terms of latitude, longitude and altitude above sea level.
 class LatLonTuple
          RealTuple implementation of LatLonPoint for defining lat/lon points
 class NamedLocationTuple
          Tuple implementation of NamedLocation for representing a location on the earth's surface in terms of latitude, longitude and altitude above sea level and some sort of identifier.

Methods in visad.georef that return LatLonPoint
 LatLonPoint MapProjection.getCenterLatLon()
          Get the center lat/lon point for this MapProjection.
 LatLonPoint MapProjection.getLatLon(double[][] xy)
          Get the lat/lon point for the given xy pairs.
 LatLonPoint NamedLocationTuple.getLatLonPoint()
          Get the lat/lon of this location as a LatLonPoint
 LatLonPoint EarthLocationTuple.getLatLonPoint()
          Get the lat/lon of this location as a LatLonPoint
 LatLonPoint EarthLocationLite.getLatLonPoint()
          This is an EarthLocation interface method.
 LatLonPoint EarthLocation.getLatLonPoint()
          Get the latitude/longitude of this point as a LatLonPoint

Constructors in visad.georef with parameters of type LatLonPoint
EarthLocationTuple(LatLonPoint latlon, Real alt)
          Construct an EarthLocationTuple from a LatLonPoint and an altitude