Uses of Class

Packages that use AddeException

Uses of AddeException in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde

Methods in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde that throw AddeException
 int[][] AddePointDataReader.getData()
          Return the data sent by the server
 int[][] AddePointDataReader.getData(int order)
          Return the data sent by the server in a particular order (PARAM_ORDER, OB_ORDER).
 Object[] AddePointDataReader.getData(String parameter)
          Return an array of data for the particular parameter.
 int AddePointDataReader.getNumParams()
          return the number of parameters
 String[] AddePointDataReader.getParams()
          Get the list of parameters
 int[] AddePointDataReader.getScales()
          Get the list of scaling factors
 String[] AddePointDataReader.getUnits()
          Get the list of units

Constructors in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde that throw AddeException
AddePointDataReader(String request)
          creates an AddePointDataReader object that allows reading ADDE point datasets.