Packages that use InvalidParameterException | |
dods.dap.parser | This package contains JavaCC generated DAP parser classes. |
dods.dap.Server | This package contains the DODS Server classes. |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in dods.dap.parser |
Methods in dods.dap.parser that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
ExprParser.array_index(int count,
ServerArrayMethods bt)
void |
ExprParser.constraint_expression(CEEvaluator ceEval,
dods.dap.BaseTypeFactory factory,
ClauseFactory clauseFactory)
This is the entry point for the Constraint expression parser. |
void |
void |
void |
Uses of InvalidParameterException in dods.dap.Server |
Methods in dods.dap.Server that throw InvalidParameterException | |
void |
ServerSideFunction.checkArgs(List args)
Checks that the arguments given are acceptable arguments for this function. |
dods.dap.BaseType |
BTFunction.getReturnType(List args)
A given function must always evaluate to the same class of BaseType. |
int |
ServerArrayMethods.getStart(int dimension)
int |
SDGrid.getStart(int dimension)
Gets the start value for the projection of the dimension indicated. |
int |
SDArray.getStart(int dimension)
Gets the start value for the array projection. |
int |
ServerArrayMethods.getStop(int dimension)
int |
SDGrid.getStop(int dimension)
Gets the stop value for the projection of the dimension indicated. |
int |
SDArray.getStop(int dimension)
Gets the stop value for the array projection. |
int |
ServerArrayMethods.getStride(int dimension)
int |
SDGrid.getStride(int dimension)
Gets the stride value for the projection of the dimension indicated. |
int |
SDArray.getStride(int dimension)
Gets the stride value for the array projection. |
void |
CEEvaluator.markAll(boolean state)
Mark all the variables in the DDS either as part of the current projection (when state is true) or not
(state is false). |
void |
CEEvaluator.parseConstraint(String expression)
Parse a constraint expression. |
void |
ServerArrayMethods.setProjection(int dimension,
int start,
int stride,
int stop)
void |
SDGrid.setProjection(int dimension,
int start,
int stride,
int stop)
Set the projection information for this dimension. |
void |
SDArray.setProjection(int dimension,
int start,
int stride,
int stop)
Set the projection information for this dimension. |