6.4. HDF5 Writer

The HDF5 writer creates HDF5 files with groups for each gridded area.

All selected products are in one file. Products are subgrouped together under a parent HDF5 data group based on the data product projection/remapping (parent projection group). Each parent projection group contains attributes describing the projection. Product subgroups contain attributes of the data including timestamps, sensor and platform information. See the command line arguments for HDF5 compression options, the flag to include longitude and latitude data in the file, instructions for output-filename patterns, and product selection.

6.4.1. Command Line Arguments

usage: polar2grid.sh -r <reader> -w hdf5 [-h] [--output-filename FILENAME] [--dtype {uint8,uint16,uint32,uint64,int8,int16,int32,int64,float32,float64}] [--compress {none,gzip,lzf}] [--add-geolocation]
                                         [--no-append] HDF5 Writer


Custom file pattern to save dataset to


Possible choices: uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64

Data type of the output file (8-bit unsigned integer by default - uint8)


Possible choices: none, gzip, lzf

Dataset compression algorithm. Defaults to no compression.

Default: 'none'


Add ‘longitude’ and ‘latitude’ datasets for each grid

Default: False


Don’t append to the HDF5 file if it already exists (otherwise may overwrite data)

Default: True