6.3. GeoTIFF Writer

The GeoTIFF writer puts gridded image data into a standard GeoTIFF file.

It uses the GDAL python API and rasterio python package to create the GeoTIFF files. It can handle any grid that can be described by PROJ.4 and understood by the GeoTIFF format.

By default the ‘geotiff’ writer will add an “Alpha” band to the file to mark any invalid or missing data pixels. This results in invalid pixels showing up as transparent in most image viewers.

6.3.1. Command Line Arguments

usage: |script| -r <reader> -w geotiff [-h] [--output-filename FILENAME] [--dtype {uint8,uint16,uint32,uint64,int8,int16,int32,int64,float32,float64}] [--no-enhance] [--fill-value FILL_VALUE]
                                       [--compress COMPRESS] [--keep-palette] [--tiled | --no-tiled] [--blockxsize BLOCKXSIZE] [--blockysize BLOCKYSIZE] [--overviews OVERVIEWS]
                                       [--overviews-resampling {nearest,average,bilinear,cubic,cubicspline,lanczos}] [--gdal-driver DRIVER] Geotiff Writer


Custom file pattern to save dataset to


Possible choices: uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64

Data type of the output file (8-bit unsigned integer by default - uint8)


Don’t try to enhance the data before saving it


Instead of an alpha channel fill invalid values with this value. Turns LA or RGBA images in to L or RGB images respectively.


File compression algorithm (DEFLATE, LZW, NONE, etc)

Default: 'LZW'


When saving ‘palettized’ enhanced images, save the colormap as a geotiff color table instead of converting the image to RGB/A

--tiled, --no-tiled

Tile geotiffs internally (default: True)

Default: True


Set tile block X size


Set tile block Y size


Build lower resolution versions of your image for better performance in some clients. Specified as a space separate list of numbers, typically as powers of 2. Example: ‘2 4 8 16’


Possible choices: nearest, average, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos

Specify resampling used when generating overviews

Default: 'nearest'


Name of the GDAL driver to use when writing the geotiff. By default the ‘geotiff’ driver is used. If ‘–driver COG’ is used then the GDAL ‘COG’ driver will be used and will create a tiled COG-compatible geotiff.