9.5. Creating AMSR2 Reprojections

This example walks through some common tasks when working with GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Level 1B data.

9.5.1. Creating AMSR2 GeoTIFF files

Find the options available for creating AMSR2 Level 1B GeoTIFFs:

polar2grid.sh -r amsr2_l1b -w geotiff -h

List all of the products that can be created from your AMSR2 HDF5 dataset:

polar2grid.sh -r amsr2_l1b -w geotiff --list-products-all -f <path_to_l1b_file>

To create AMSR2 GeoTIFF files of all default bands found in your data set and reprojected to the default Platte Carrée projection:

polar2grid.sh -r amsr2_l1b -w geotiff -f <path_to_l1b_file>

Create the default set of GeoTIFF images for the AMSR2 Level 1B file acquired on 10 September 2022, at 23:35 UTC:

polar2grid.sh -r amsr2_l1b -w geotiff --fill-value 0 -f GW1AM2_202209102335_181A_L1DLBTBR_1110110.h5

Executing this command produces these files in WGS84 (Platte Carrée) projection:


The GeoTIFF image for AMSR2 89.0ah GHz band is displayed below.


Fig. 9.17 GCOMW-1 AMSR2 L1B 89.0ah GHz brightness temperatures using default scaling. Data set was observed at 23:35 UTC on 10 Setember 2022.