4.8. GLM L2 Reader¶
The GLM Level 2 Reader operates on Gridded GLM Level 2 NetCDF files from the GOES-16 (GOES-East) and GOES-17/18 (GOES-West) Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM). The GLM L2 reader works off of the input filenames to determine if a file is supported by Geo2Grid. Files usually have the following naming scheme:
These files can be generated by the CSPP Gridded GLM software which depends
on the python glmtools
library and GLM L2 LCFA inputs. The point data from
these inputs is gridded to the ABI full disk, CONUS, or mesoscale sectors.
The GLM L2 reader supports the products shown in the table below, but should
allow for other products available from the GLM files to be loaded.
The GLM L2 reader can be provided to the main geo2grid.sh script
using the -r
option and the reader name glm_l2
Product Name |
Description |
flash_extent_density |
Flash Extent Density |
group_extent_density |
Group Extent Density |
flash_centroid_density |
Flash Centroid Density |
group_centroid_density |
Group Centroid Density |
average_flash_area |
Average Flash Area |
minimum_flash_area |
Minimum Flash Area |
average_group_area |
Average Group Area |
total_energy |
Total Energy |
4.8.1. Command Line Usage¶
usage: geo2grid.sh -r glm_l2 -w <writer> [-h]
geo2grid.sh -r glm_l2 -h
geo2grid.sh -r glm_l2 -w geotiff --list-products -f /data/goes16/glm
geo2grid.sh -r glm_l2 -w geotiff --num-workers 8 -f /data/goes16/glm
geo2grid.sh -r glm_l2 -w geotiff -p flash_extent_density minimum_flash_area -f OR_GLM-L2-GLMC*.nc
geo2grid.sh -r glm_l2 -w geotiff --ll-bbox -175 -2 -155 18 -f CG_GLM-L2-GLMF-M3_G18*.nc
geo2grid.sh -r glm_l2 -w geotiff -p average_flash_area total_energy --num-workers 4 --grid-configs=/home/g2g/my_grid.conf -g madison --method nearest -f /data/goes16/glm