Source code for polar2grid.tests.test_compare

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2022 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
#  University of Wisconsin-Madison.
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This file is part of the polar2grid software package. Polar2grid takes
# satellite observation data, remaps it, and writes it to a file format for
# input into another program.
# Documentation:
"""Tests for the script."""

import os
from glob import glob

import numpy as np
import pytest

from polar2grid.utils.warnings import ignore_no_georef

SHAPE1 = (200, 100)
SHAPE2 = (200, 101)
IMAGE1_L_UINT8_ZEROS = np.zeros(SHAPE1, dtype=np.uint8)
IMAGE2_L_UINT8_ZEROS = np.zeros(SHAPE2, dtype=np.uint8)
IMAGE3_L_UINT8_ONES = np.ones(SHAPE1, dtype=np.uint8)
# don't use a shape divisible by 64-bit float
IMAGE4_L_FLOAT32_ZEROS = np.zeros((SHAPE1[0] + 1, SHAPE1[1] + 1), dtype=np.float32)
IMAGE4_RGB_UINT8_ZEROS = np.zeros((3,) + SHAPE1, dtype=np.uint8)
IMAGE5_RGB_UINT8_ZEROS = np.zeros((3,) + SHAPE2, dtype=np.uint8)
IMAGE6_RGBA_UINT8_ZEROS = np.zeros((4,) + SHAPE1, dtype=np.uint8)
IMAGE7_RGB_UINT8_ONES = np.ones((3,) + SHAPE1, dtype=np.uint8)

[docs] def _create_geotiffs(base_dir, img_data): import rasterio if not isinstance(img_data, (list, tuple)): img_data = [img_data] for idx, img_arr in enumerate(img_data): band_count = 1 if img_arr.ndim == 2 else img_arr.shape[0] gtiff_fn = os.path.join(base_dir, f"test{idx}.tif") with ignore_no_georef(): with gtiff_fn, "w", driver="GTiff", count=band_count, height=img_arr.shape[-2], width=img_arr.shape[-1], dtype=img_arr.dtype, ) as gtiff_file: if img_arr.ndim == 2: img_arr = img_arr[None, :, :] for band_idx, band_arr in enumerate(img_arr): gtiff_file.write(band_arr, band_idx + 1)
[docs] def _create_hdf5(base_dir, img_data): import h5py if not isinstance(img_data, (list, tuple)): img_data = [img_data] h5_fn = os.path.join(base_dir, "test.h5") with h5py.File(h5_fn, "w") as h: for idx, img_arr in enumerate(img_data): ds = h.create_dataset(f"image{idx}", data=img_arr) ds.attrs["some_attr"] = f"some_value{idx}"
[docs] def _create_hdf5_with_groups(base_dir, img_data): import h5py if not isinstance(img_data, (list, tuple)): img_data = [img_data] h5_fn = os.path.join(base_dir, "test.h5") with h5py.File(h5_fn, "w") as h: group = h.create_group("wgs84_fit") for idx, img_arr in enumerate(img_data): ds = group.create_dataset(f"image{idx}", data=img_arr) ds.attrs["some_attr"] = f"some_value{idx}"
[docs] def _create_binaries(base_dir, img_data): if not isinstance(img_data, (list, tuple)): img_data = [img_data] for idx, img_arr in enumerate(img_data): bin_fn = os.path.join(base_dir, f"test{idx}.dat") img_arr.tofile(bin_fn)
[docs] def _create_awips_tiled(base_dir, img_data): from netCDF4 import Dataset if not isinstance(img_data, (list, tuple)): img_data = [img_data] # 2 tiles per dataset for idx, img_arr in enumerate(img_data): for tile_id in ("T01", "T02"): fn = f"SSEC_AII_gcom-w1_amsr2_image{idx}_LCC_T{tile_id}" fp = os.path.join(base_dir, fn) nc = Dataset(fp, "w") nc.createDimension("y", img_arr.shape[-2]) nc.createDimension("x", img_arr.shape[-1]) dims = ("y", "x") if img_arr.ndim == 3: dims = ("bands",) + dims nc.createDimension("bands", img_arr.shape[0]) nc_var = nc.createVariable("data", img_arr.dtype, dimensions=dims) nc_var[:] = img_arr nc_var.grid_mapping = "lcc_grid_mapping" lcc_grid_mapping = nc.createVariable("lcc_grid_mapping", np.int32) lcc_grid_mapping.grid_mapping_name = "lambert_conformal_conic" lcc_grid_mapping.standard_parallel = 25.0 lcc_grid_mapping.longitude_of_central_meridian = 0.0 lcc_grid_mapping.latitude_of_projection_origin = 35.0 y_var = nc.createVariable("y", np.float32, dimensions=("y",)) y_var[:] = np.arange(img_arr.shape[-2], dtype=np.float32) x_var = nc.createVariable("x", np.float32, dimensions=("x",)) x_var[:] = np.arange(img_arr.shape[-1], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("expected_file_func", "actual_file_func"), [ (None, None), # no files (_create_geotiffs, _create_hdf5), (_create_geotiffs, _create_geotiffs), (_create_hdf5, _create_hdf5), (_create_hdf5_with_groups, _create_hdf5_with_groups), (_create_binaries, _create_binaries), (_create_awips_tiled, _create_awips_tiled), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("expected_data", "actual_data", "exp_num_diff"), [ (IMAGE1_L_UINT8_ZEROS, IMAGE1_L_UINT8_ZEROS, 0), (IMAGE1_L_UINT8_ZEROS, IMAGE2_L_UINT8_ZEROS, 1), (IMAGE1_L_UINT8_ZEROS, IMAGE3_L_UINT8_ONES, 1), (IMAGE3_L_UINT8_ONES, IMAGE3_L_UINT8_ONES, 0), (IMAGE4_RGB_UINT8_ZEROS, IMAGE4_RGB_UINT8_ZEROS, 0), (IMAGE6_RGBA_UINT8_ZEROS, IMAGE6_RGBA_UINT8_ZEROS, 0), (IMAGE4_RGB_UINT8_ZEROS, IMAGE5_RGB_UINT8_ZEROS, 1), (IMAGE4_RGB_UINT8_ZEROS, IMAGE6_RGBA_UINT8_ZEROS, 1), (IMAGE4_RGB_UINT8_ZEROS, IMAGE7_RGB_UINT8_ONES, 1), (IMAGE_LIST1, IMAGE_LIST1, 0), (IMAGE_LIST2, IMAGE_LIST2, 0), (IMAGE_LIST2, IMAGE_LIST1, 2), (IMAGE4_L_FLOAT32_ZEROS, IMAGE4_L_FLOAT32_ZEROS, 0), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("include_html", [False, True]) def test_basic_compare( tmp_path, expected_file_func, actual_file_func, expected_data, actual_data, exp_num_diff, include_html ): from import main expected_dir = tmp_path / "expected" expected_dir.mkdir() actual_dir = tmp_path / "actual" actual_dir.mkdir() if expected_file_func: expected_file_func(expected_dir, expected_data) if actual_file_func: actual_file_func(actual_dir, actual_data) margin_of_error = 81231 / 1514041.44 args = [ str(expected_dir), str(actual_dir), "--margin-of-error", str(margin_of_error), ] dtype = None if dtype is not None: args.extend(["--dtype", dtype]) html_file = tmp_path / "test_output.html" if include_html: args.extend(["--html", str(html_file)]) with ignore_no_georef(): num_diff_files = main(args) exp_num_png_files = _get_exp_num_png_files(actual_data, expected_data, expected_file_func) _check_num_diff_files(num_diff_files, exp_num_diff, expected_file_func, actual_file_func) _check_html_output(include_html, html_file, exp_num_png_files, expected_file_func, actual_file_func)
[docs] def _get_exp_num_png_files(actual_data, expected_data, expected_file_func): exp_num_expected_png_files = len(expected_data) if isinstance(expected_data, list) else 1 exp_num_actual_png_files = len(actual_data) if isinstance(actual_data, list) else 1 if _is_multivar_format(expected_file_func): # if the file exists then we will be creating a thumbnail for every possible variable exp_num_png_files = exp_num_actual_png_files + exp_num_expected_png_files else: # images are only generated when both files exist exp_num_png_files = min(exp_num_expected_png_files, exp_num_actual_png_files) * 2 exp_num_png_files *= _files_per_variable(expected_file_func) * (1 + _nonvariable_png_files(expected_file_func)) return exp_num_png_files
[docs] def _check_num_diff_files(num_diff_files, exp_num_diff, expected_file_func, actual_file_func): have_files = actual_file_func is not None and expected_file_func is not None if not have_files: assert num_diff_files == 0 elif actual_file_func is not expected_file_func: assert num_diff_files != 0 elif _is_multivar_format(expected_file_func): # multiple variables in one file assert num_diff_files == (1 if exp_num_diff > 0 else 0) else: assert num_diff_files == exp_num_diff * _files_per_variable(expected_file_func)
[docs] def _nonvariable_png_files(expected_file_func): """Get number of PNG files that are produced from ancillary data in the files.""" return { _create_awips_tiled: 2, }.get(expected_file_func, 0)
[docs] def _is_multivar_format(expected_file_func): return { _create_hdf5: True, _create_hdf5_with_groups: True, }.get(expected_file_func, False)
[docs] def _files_per_variable(expected_file_func): return {_create_awips_tiled: 2}.get(expected_file_func, 1)
[docs] def _check_html_output(include_html, html_file, exp_total_files, expected_file_func, actual_file_func): base_dir = os.path.dirname(html_file) if include_html: assert os.path.isfile(html_file) img_glob = os.path.join(base_dir, "_images", "*.png") formats_are_different = actual_file_func is not expected_file_func files_were_generated = actual_file_func is not None and expected_file_func is not None can_gen_tn = _can_generate_thumbnails(actual_file_func) should_have_thumbnails = not formats_are_different and files_were_generated and can_gen_tn if should_have_thumbnails: assert len(glob(img_glob)) == exp_total_files else: assert len(glob(img_glob)) == 0 else: assert len(glob(os.path.join(base_dir, "*.html"))) == 0
[docs] def _can_generate_thumbnails(creation_func) -> bool: return creation_func in ( _create_geotiffs, _create_awips_tiled, _create_hdf5, _create_hdf5_with_groups, _create_binaries, )