#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2021 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
# University of Wisconsin-Madison.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This file is part of the polar2grid software package. Polar2grid takes
# satellite observation data, remaps it, and writes it to a file format for
# input into another program.
# Documentation: http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/software/polar2grid/
"""Basic usability tests for the add_coastlines script."""
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import os
from unittest import mock
import numpy as np
import pytest
import rasterio
from PIL import Image
0: (0, 0, 0, 255),
128: (128, 0, 0, 255),
255: (255, 0, 0, 255),
0: (0, 0, 0, 255),
1: (128, 0, 0, 255),
2: (255, 0, 0, 255),
def test_add_coastlines_help():
from polar2grid.add_coastlines import main
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e:
assert e.value.code == 0
def _shared_fake_geotiff_kwargs(num_bands):
kwargs = {
"driver": "GTiff",
"height": 1000,
"width": 500,
"count": num_bands,
"dtype": np.uint8,
"crs": "+proj=latlong",
"transform": (0.033, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.033, 0.0),
return kwargs
def _shared_fake_l_geotiff_data(colormap: dict[int, tuple]):
colormap_values = sorted(colormap.keys()) if colormap is not None else [0, 128, 255]
data = np.zeros((500, 1000), dtype=np.uint8)
data[:] = colormap_values[0]
data[200:300, :] = colormap_values[1]
data[300:, :] = colormap_values[2]
return data
def _shared_fake_rgb_geotiff_data(colormap: dict[int, tuple]):
colormap_values = [color[0] for color in colormap.values()]
data = np.zeros((500, 1000), dtype=np.uint8)
data[:] = colormap_values[0]
data[200:300, :] = colormap_values[1]
data[300:, :] = colormap_values[2]
r_data = data
g_data = np.zeros_like(r_data)
b_data = np.zeros_like(r_data)
return r_data, g_data, b_data
def _create_fake_l_geotiff(fp, colormap=None, include_scale_offset=False, include_colormap_tag=False):
kwargs = _shared_fake_geotiff_kwargs(1)
with rasterio.open(fp, "w", **kwargs) as ds:
ds.write(_shared_fake_l_geotiff_data(colormap), 1)
if include_scale_offset:
ds.update_tags(scale=0.5, offset=0.0)
# include_colormap_tag is not used because there is no logical way to
# create a L geotiff that also has no colormap
def _create_fake_rgb_geotiff(fp, colormap=None, include_scale_offset=False, include_colormap_tag=False):
kwargs = _shared_fake_geotiff_kwargs(3)
with rasterio.open(fp, "w", **kwargs) as ds:
r_data, g_data, b_data = _shared_fake_rgb_geotiff_data(colormap)
ds.write(r_data, 1)
ds.write(g_data, 2)
ds.write(b_data, 3)
if include_scale_offset:
ds.update_tags(scale=0.5, offset=0.0)
if include_colormap_tag:
def _create_fake_l_geotiff_colormap(fp, colormap=None, include_scale_offset=False, include_colormap_tag=False):
kwargs = _shared_fake_geotiff_kwargs(1)
with rasterio.open(fp, "w", **kwargs) as ds:
ds.write(_shared_fake_l_geotiff_data(colormap), 1)
if colormap is not None:
ds.write_colormap(1, colormap)
if include_scale_offset:
ds.update_tags(scale=0.5, offset=0.0)
if colormap is not None and include_colormap_tag:
("gen_func", "include_scale_offset", "include_cmap_tag", "output_ext"),
(_create_fake_l_geotiff, False, False, ""),
(_create_fake_l_geotiff, False, False, "png"),
(_create_fake_l_geotiff, False, False, "tif"),
(_create_fake_l_geotiff_colormap, False, False, ""),
(_create_fake_l_geotiff_colormap, True, False, ""),
(_create_fake_l_geotiff_colormap, True, True, ""),
(_create_fake_rgb_geotiff, False, True, ""),
(_create_fake_rgb_geotiff, True, True, ""),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("colormap", [REDS_SPREAD_CMAP, REDS_MIN_CMAP])
def test_add_coastlines_basic(
add_overlay_mock, tmp_path, gen_func, include_scale_offset, include_cmap_tag, output_ext, colormap
from polar2grid.add_coastlines import main
is_rgb = "rgb" in gen_func.__name__
has_colormap = "colormap" in gen_func.__name__
has_colors = colormap is not None and (has_colormap or is_rgb)
fp = str(tmp_path / "test.tif")
output_fp = fp.replace(".tif", ".png")
gen_func(fp, colormap, include_scale_offset=include_scale_offset, include_colormap_tag=include_cmap_tag)
extra_args = []
if output_ext:
output_fp = fp.replace(".tif", f"_new.{output_ext}")
extra_args.extend(["-o", output_fp])
with mocked_pydecorate_add_scale() as add_scale_mock:
ret = main(["--add-coastlines", "--add-colorbar", fp] + extra_args)
assert ret in [None, 0]
assert os.path.isfile(output_fp)
assert "coasts" in add_overlay_mock.call_args.args[0]
passed_cmap = add_scale_mock.call_args.kwargs["colormap"]
_check_used_colormap(passed_cmap, has_colors, include_cmap_tag, include_scale_offset)
with Image.open(output_fp) as img:
arr = np.asarray(img)
out_tags = dict(img.tag_v2) if output_fp.endswith(".tif") else {}
# bottom of the image is a colorbar
image_arr = arr[:940]
_check_exp_image_colors(image_arr, colormap, 0, has_colors)
_check_exp_image_colors(image_arr, colormap, 1, has_colors)
_check_exp_image_colors(image_arr, colormap, 2, has_colors)
assert (arr[940:] != 0).any()
if output_fp.endswith(".tif"):
with Image.open(fp) as in_img:
in_tags = dict(in_img.tag_v2)
assert len(out_tags) >= 14
for key, val in out_tags.items():
if key < 30000:
assert in_tags[key] == val
def _check_used_colormap(passed_cmap, has_colors, include_cmap_tag, include_scale_offset):
cmin = passed_cmap.values[0]
cmax = passed_cmap.values[-1]
cmap_size = passed_cmap.values.size
exp_cmap_size = 255 if not has_colors or not include_cmap_tag else 3
exp_cmin = 0.0
exp_cmax = 255.0 if not has_colors or not include_scale_offset else 127.5
assert cmap_size == exp_cmap_size
assert cmin == exp_cmin
assert cmax == exp_cmax
if not has_colors:
# no colormap, all black default colormap
np.testing.assert_allclose(passed_cmap.colors[:, :3], 0)
def _check_exp_image_colors(image_arr, colormap, color_idx, has_colors):
exp_raw_values = list(colormap.keys())
cmap_colors = list(set(color[color_idx] for color in colormap.values()))
exp_colors = cmap_colors if has_colors else exp_raw_values
r_uniques = np.unique(image_arr[:, :, color_idx])
np.testing.assert_allclose(r_uniques, exp_colors)
def mocked_pydecorate_add_scale():
from polar2grid.add_coastlines import DecoratorAGG
add_scale_mock = mock.Mock()
decorator_mock = mock.Mock()
def _create_decorator(img):
dec = DecoratorAGG(img)
add_scale_mock.side_effect = dec.add_scale
dec.add_scale = add_scale_mock
return dec
decorator_mock.side_effect = _create_decorator
with mock.patch("polar2grid.add_coastlines.DecoratorAGG", decorator_mock):
yield add_scale_mock
def test_add_coastlines_bad_output_filenames(add_overlay_mock, tmp_path):
from polar2grid.add_coastlines import main
fp = str(tmp_path / "test.tif")
extra_args = ["-o", "test1.png", "test2.png"]
ret = main(["--add-coastlines", "--add-colorbar", fp] + extra_args)
assert ret == -1
assert not os.path.isfile(tmp_path / "test.png")