#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2021 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
# University of Wisconsin-Madison.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This file is part of the polar2grid software package. Polar2grid takes
# satellite observation data, remaps it, and writes it to a file format for
# input into another program.
# Documentation: http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/software/polar2grid/
"""Helper functions for resampling Satpy Scenes."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from pyproj import Proj
from pyresample import parse_area_file
from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition, DynamicAreaDefinition
from satpy import Scene
from satpy.resample import get_area_def
from polar2grid.filters.resample_coverage import ResampleCoverageFilter
from polar2grid.grids import GridManager
from ..filters._utils import PRGeometry
from .resample_decisions import ResamplerDecisionTree
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TypeAlias
AreaSpecifier = Union[AreaDefinition, str, None]
ListOfAreas = List[Union[AreaDefinition, str, None]]
GRIDS_YAML_FILEPATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "grids", "grids.yaml"))
def _crs_equal(a, b):
"""Compare two projection dictionaries for "close enough" equality."""
# pyproj 2.0+
if hasattr(a, "crs") and hasattr(b, "crs"):
return a.crs == b.crs
# fallback
from osgeo import osr
a = dict(sorted(a.proj_dict.items()))
b = dict(sorted(b.proj_dict.items()))
p1 = Proj(a)
p2 = Proj(b)
s1 = osr.SpatialReference()
s2 = osr.SpatialReference()
return s1.IsSame(s2)
def _get_preserve_resolution(preserve_resolution, resampler, areas_to_resample):
"""Determine if we should preserve native resolution products.
Preserving native resolution should only happen if:
1. The 'native' resampler is used
2. At least one of the areas provided to resampling are 'MIN' or 'MAX'
3. The user didn't ask to *not* preserve it.
# save original native resolution if possible
any_minmax = any(x in ["MIN", "MAX"] for x in areas_to_resample)
is_native = resampler == "native"
is_default = resampler is None
return any_minmax and (is_native or is_default) and preserve_resolution
def _get_legacy_and_yaml_areas(grid_configs: list[str, ...]) -> tuple[GridManager, dict[str, AreaDefinition]]:
if "grids.conf" in grid_configs:
logger.debug("Replacing 'grids.conf' with builtin YAML grid configuration file.")
grid_configs[grid_configs.index("grids.conf")] = GRIDS_YAML_FILEPATH
if not grid_configs:
grid_configs = [GRIDS_YAML_FILEPATH]
p2g_grid_configs = [x for x in grid_configs if x.endswith(".conf")]
pyresample_area_configs = [x for x in grid_configs if not x.endswith(".conf")]
if p2g_grid_configs:
grid_manager = GridManager(*p2g_grid_configs)
grid_manager = {}
if pyresample_area_configs:
yaml_areas = parse_area_file(pyresample_area_configs)
yaml_areas = {x.area_id: x for x in yaml_areas}
yaml_areas = {}
return grid_manager, yaml_areas
def _get_area_def_from_name(
area_name: Optional[str], input_scene: Scene, grid_manager: GridManager, yaml_areas: list
) -> Optional[PRGeometry]:
if area_name is None:
# no resampling
area_def = None
elif area_name == "MAX":
area_def = input_scene.finest_area()
elif area_name == "MIN":
area_def = input_scene.coarsest_area()
elif area_name in yaml_areas:
area_def = yaml_areas[area_name]
elif area_name in grid_manager:
p2g_def = grid_manager[area_name]
area_def = p2g_def.to_satpy_area()
# get satpy builtin area
area_def = get_area_def(area_name)
return area_def
class AreaDefResolver:
def __init__(self, input_scene, grid_configs):
grid_manager, yaml_areas = _get_legacy_and_yaml_areas(grid_configs)
self.input_scene = input_scene
self.grid_manager = grid_manager
self.yaml_areas = yaml_areas
def has_dynamic_extents(self, area_name: Optional[str]) -> bool:
area_def = self[area_name]
is_dynamic = isinstance(area_def, DynamicAreaDefinition)
return is_dynamic and area_def.area_extent is None
def __getitem__(self, area_name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[PRGeometry]:
area_def = _get_area_def_from_name(area_name, self.input_scene, self.grid_manager, self.yaml_areas)
return area_def
def get_frozen_area(self, area_name: Optional[str], **kwargs) -> Optional[PRGeometry]:
area_def = self[area_name]
return self._freeze_area_if_dynamic(area_def, **kwargs)
def _freeze_area_if_dynamic(self, area_def: PRGeometry, **kwargs) -> PRGeometry:
if isinstance(area_def, DynamicAreaDefinition):
logger.info("Computing dynamic grid parameters...")
area_def = area_def.freeze(self.input_scene.finest_area(), **kwargs)
logger.debug("Frozen dynamic area: %s", area_def)
return area_def
def resample_scene(
input_scene: Scene,
areas_to_resample: ListOfAreas,
grid_configs: list[str, ...],
resampler: Optional[str],
antimeridian_mode: str = "modify_crs",
preserve_resolution: bool = True,
grid_coverage: Optional[float] = None,
is_polar2grid: bool = True,
) -> list[tuple[Scene, set]]:
"""Resample a single Scene to multiple target areas."""
area_resolver = AreaDefResolver(input_scene, grid_configs)
resampling_groups = _get_groups_to_resample(resampler, input_scene, is_polar2grid, resample_kwargs)
wishlist: set = input_scene.wishlist.copy()
scenes_to_save = []
for (resampler, _resample_kwargs, default_target), data_ids in resampling_groups.items():
areas = _areas_to_resample(areas_to_resample, resampler, default_target)
scene_to_resample: Scene = input_scene.copy(datasets=data_ids)
preserve_resolution = _get_preserve_resolution(preserve_resolution, resampler, areas)
preserved_products = _products_to_preserve_resolution(preserve_resolution, wishlist, scene_to_resample)
if preserved_products:
scenes_to_save.append((scene_to_resample, preserved_products))
logger.debug("Products to preserve resolution for: {}".format(preserved_products))
logger.debug("Products to use new resolution for: {}".format(set(wishlist) - preserved_products))
# convert hashable tuple to dict
_resample_kwargs = _redict_hashable_kwargs(_resample_kwargs)
_grid_cov = _resample_kwargs.get("grid_coverage", grid_coverage)
if _grid_cov is None:
_grid_cov = 0.1
for area_name in areas:
area_def = area_resolver.get_frozen_area(area_name, antimeridian_mode=antimeridian_mode)
has_dynamic_extents = area_resolver.has_dynamic_extents(area_name)
rs = _get_default_resampler(resampler, area_name, area_def, input_scene)
new_scn = _filter_and_resample_scene_to_single_area(
if new_scn is None:
# we only want to try to save products that we asked for and that
# we were actually able to generate. Composite generation may have
# modified the original DataID so we can't use
# 'resampled_products'.
_resampled_products = (new_scn.wishlist & set(new_scn.keys())) - preserved_products
if _resampled_products:
scenes_to_save.append((new_scn, _resampled_products))
return scenes_to_save
def _get_groups_to_resample(
resampler: str,
input_scene: Scene,
is_polar2grid: bool,
user_resample_kwargs: dict,
) -> dict:
resampling_dtree = ResamplerDecisionTree.from_configs()
resampling_groups = {}
for data_id in input_scene.keys():
resampling_args = resampling_dtree.find_match(**input_scene[data_id].attrs)
default_resampler = resampling_args.get("resampler")
resampler_kwargs = resampling_args.get("kwargs", {}).copy()
default_target = resampling_args.get("default_target", None)
resampler = resampler if resampler is not None else default_resampler
if default_target is None:
default_target = _default_grid(resampler, is_polar2grid)
hashable_kwargs = _hashable_kwargs(resampler_kwargs)
resampling_groups.setdefault((resampler, hashable_kwargs, default_target), []).append(data_id)
return resampling_groups
def _default_grid(resampler, is_polar2grid):
if resampler in [None, "native"]:
default_target = "MAX"
default_target = "wgs84_fit" if is_polar2grid else "MAX"
return default_target
def _hashable_kwargs(kwargs):
return tuple(sorted(kwargs.items()))
def _redict_hashable_kwargs(kwargs_tuple):
return dict(kwargs_tuple)
def _get_default_resampler(resampler, area_name, area_def, input_scene):
if resampler is None and area_def is not None:
rs = (
if area_name in ["MIN", "MAX"] or _is_native_grid(area_def, input_scene.finest_area())
else "nearest"
logger.debug("Setting default resampling to '{}' for grid '{}'".format(rs, area_name))
rs = resampler
return rs
def _filter_and_resample_scene_to_single_area(
area_name: str,
area_def: Optional[PRGeometry],
grid_coverage: float,
has_dynamic_extents: bool,
input_scene: Scene,
data_ids_to_resample: list,
rs: str,
resample_kwargs: dict,
preserve_resolution: bool,
) -> Optional[Scene]:
filtered_data_ids, filtered_scn = _filter_scene_with_grid_coverage(
if filtered_scn is None:
new_scn = _resample_scene_to_single_area(
return new_scn
def _is_native_grid(grid, max_native_area):
"""Check if the current grid is in the native data projection."""
if not isinstance(max_native_area, AreaDefinition):
return False
if not isinstance(grid, AreaDefinition):
return False
if not _crs_equal(max_native_area, grid):
return False
if not np.allclose(np.array(max_native_area.area_extent), np.array(grid.area_extent)):
return False
if max_native_area.width < grid.width:
return (grid.width / max_native_area.width).is_integer()
return (max_native_area.width / grid.width).is_integer()
def _filter_scene_with_grid_coverage(
area_name: str,
area_def: PRGeometry,
resampler: str,
coverage_threshold: float,
has_dynamic_extents: bool,
scene_to_resample: Scene,
data_ids: list,
if area_def is not None and resampler != "native" and coverage_threshold > 0.0 and not has_dynamic_extents:
logger.info("Checking products for sufficient output grid coverage (grid: '%s')...", area_name)
filter = ResampleCoverageFilter(target_area=area_def, coverage_fraction=coverage_threshold)
scene_to_resample = filter.filter_scene(scene_to_resample)
if scene_to_resample is None:
logger.warning("No products were found to overlap with '%s' grid.", area_name)
return None, None
if data_ids is not None:
data_ids = list(set(data_ids) & set(scene_to_resample.keys()))
return data_ids, scene_to_resample
def _resample_scene_to_single_area(
scene_to_resample: Scene,
area_name: str,
area_def: PRGeometry,
rs: str,
data_ids: list,
resample_kwargs: dict,
preserve_resolution: bool,
) -> Optional[Scene]:
if area_def is not None:
logger.info("Resampling to '%s' using '%s' resampling...", area_name, rs)
logger.debug("Resampling to '%s' using resampler '%s' with %s", area_name, rs, resample_kwargs)
new_scn = scene_to_resample.resample(area_def, resampler=rs, datasets=data_ids, **resample_kwargs)
elif not preserve_resolution:
# the user didn't want to resample to any areas
# the user also requested that we don't preserve resolution
# which means we have to save this Scene's datasets
# because they won't be saved
new_scn = scene_to_resample
# No resampling and any preserved resolution datasets were saved earlier
return new_scn
def _areas_to_resample(
areas_to_resample: Optional[ListOfAreas], resampler: Optional[str], default_target: Optional[AreaSpecifier]
) -> ListOfAreas:
areas = areas_to_resample
if areas is None:
if resampler in ["native"]:
logging.debug("Using default resampling target area 'MAX'.")
areas = ["MAX"]
elif default_target is None:
raise ValueError("No destination grid/area specified and no default available (use -g flag).")
logging.debug("Using default resampling target area '%s'.", default_target)
areas = [default_target]
elif not areas:
areas = [None]
return areas
def _products_to_preserve_resolution(preserve_resolution, wishlist, scene_to_resample):
if preserve_resolution:
return set(wishlist) & set(scene_to_resample.keys())
return set()