Source code for polar2grid.readers.viirs_sdr

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2020 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC),
#  University of Wisconsin-Madison.
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This file is part of the polar2grid software package. Polar2grid takes
# satellite observation data, remaps it, and writes it to a file format for
# input into another program.
# Documentation:
"""The VIIRS SDR Reader operates on Sensor Data Record (SDR) HDF5 files from
the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership's (NPP) and/or the NOAA20
Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument. The VIIRS
SDR reader requires filenames to match one of a couple different standard
filename schemes used for official products. SDR files are typically named
as below and have corresponding geolocation files::


The VIIRS SDR reader supports all instrument spectral bands, identified as
the products shown below. It supports terrain corrected or non-terrain corrected
navigation files. Geolocation files must be included when specifying filepaths to
readers and ````. The VIIRS reader can be specified to the ```` script
with the reader name ``viirs_sdr``.

This reader's default remapping algorithm is ``ewa`` for Elliptical Weighted
Averaging resampling. The ``--weight-delta-max`` parameter set to 40 and the
``--weight-distance-max`` parameter set to 2.

| Product Name              | Description                                         |
| i01                       | I01 Reflectance Band                                |
| i02                       | I02 Reflectance Band                                |
| i03                       | I03 Reflectance Band                                |
| i04                       | I04 Brightness Temperature Band                     |
| i05                       | I05 Brightness Temperature Band                     |
| i01_rad                   | I01 Radiance Band                                   |
| i02_rad                   | I02 Radiance Band                                   |
| i03_rad                   | I03 Radiance Band                                   |
| i04_rad                   | I04 Radiance Band                                   |
| i05_rad                   | I05 Radiance Band                                   |
| m01                       | M01 Reflectance Band                                |
| m02                       | M02 Reflectance Band                                |
| m03                       | M03 Reflectance Band                                |
| m04                       | M04 Reflectance Band                                |
| m05                       | M05 Reflectance Band                                |
| m06                       | M06 Reflectance Band                                |
| m07                       | M07 Reflectance Band                                |
| m08                       | M08 Reflectance Band                                |
| m09                       | M09 Reflectance Band                                |
| m10                       | M10 Reflectance Band                                |
| m11                       | M11 Reflectance Band                                |
| m12                       | M12 Brightness Temperature Band                     |
| m13                       | M13 Brightness Temperature Band                     |
| m14                       | M14 Brightness Temperature Band                     |
| m15                       | M15 Brightness Temperature Band                     |
| m16                       | M16 Brightness Temperature Band                     |
| m01_rad                   | M01 Radiance Band                                   |
| m02_rad                   | M02 Radiance Band                                   |
| m03_rad                   | M03 Radiance Band                                   |
| m04_rad                   | M04 Radiance Band                                   |
| m05_rad                   | M05 Radiance Band                                   |
| m06_rad                   | M06 Radiance Band                                   |
| m07_rad                   | M07 Radiance Band                                   |
| m08_rad                   | M08 Radiance Band                                   |
| m09_rad                   | M09 Radiance Band                                   |
| m10_rad                   | M10 Radiance Band                                   |
| m11_rad                   | M11 Radiance Band                                   |
| m12_rad                   | M12 Radiance Band                                   |
| m13_rad                   | M13 Radiance Band                                   |
| m14_rad                   | M14 Radiance Band                                   |
| m15_rad                   | M15 Radiance Band                                   |
| m16_rad                   | M16 Radiance Band                                   |
| dnb                       | Raw DNB Band (not useful for images)                |
| histogram_dnb             | Histogram Equalized DNB Band                        |
| adaptive_dnb              | Adaptive Histogram Equalized DNB Band               |
| dynamic_dnb               | Dynamic DNB Band from Steve Miller and              |
|                           | Curtis Seaman. Uses erf to scale the data.          |
| hncc_dnb                  | Simplified High and Near-Constant Contrast          |
|                           | Approach from Stephan Zinke                         |
| ifog                      | Temperature difference between I05 and I04          |
| i_solar_zenith_angle      | I Band Solar Zenith Angle                           |
| i_solar_azimuth_angle     | I Band Solar Azimuth Angle                          |
| i_sat_zenith_angle        | I Band Satellite Zenith Angle                       |
| i_sat_azimuth_angle       | I Band Satellite Azimuth Angle                      |
| m_solar_zenith_angle      | M Band Solar Zenith Angle                           |
| m_solar_azimuth_angle     | M Band Solar Azimuth Angle                          |
| m_sat_zenith_angle        | M Band Satellite Zenith Angle                       |
| m_sat_azimuth_angle       | M Band Satellite Azimuth Angle                      |
| dnb_solar_zenith_angle    | DNB Band Solar Zenith Angle                         |
| dnb_solar_azimuth_angle   | DNB Band Solar Azimuth Angle                        |
| dnb_sat_zenith_angle      | DNB Band Satellite Zenith Angle                     |
| dnb_sat_azimuth_angle     | DNB Band Satellite Azimuth Angle                    |
| dnb_lunar_zenith_angle    | DNB Band Lunar Zenith Angle                         |
| dnb_lunar_azimuth_angle   | DNB Band Lunar Azimuth Angle                        |
| true_color                | Ratio sharpened rayleigh corrected true color       |
| false_color               | Ratio sharpened rayleigh corrected false color      |


from __future__ import annotations

from argparse import ArgumentParser, _ArgumentGroup
from typing import Optional

from satpy import DataQuery, Scene

from polar2grid.core.script_utils import ExtendConstAction

from ._base import ReaderProxyBase


TRUE_COLOR_PRODUCTS = ["true_color"]
FALSE_COLOR_PRODUCTS = ["false_color"]


[docs] def _process_legacy_and_rad_products(satpy_names, band_aliases, rad_aliases): """Map all lowercase band names to uppercase names and add radiance product.""" for band in satpy_names: # P2G name is lowercase, Satpy is uppercase PRODUCT_ALIASES[band.lower()] = band band_aliases.append(band.lower()) # radiance products for M and I bands rad_name = band.lower() + "_rad" dq = DataQuery(name=band, calibration="radiance") PRODUCT_ALIASES[rad_name] = dq rad_aliases.append(rad_name)
I_ALIASES = [] I_RAD_PRODUCTS = [] _process_legacy_and_rad_products(I_PRODUCTS, I_ALIASES, I_RAD_PRODUCTS) M_ALIASES = [] M_RAD_PRODUCTS = [] _process_legacy_and_rad_products(M_PRODUCTS, M_ALIASES, M_RAD_PRODUCTS) _AWIPS_TRUE_COLOR = ["viirs_crefl08", "viirs_crefl04", "viirs_crefl03"] _AWIPS_FALSE_COLOR = ["viirs_crefl07", "viirs_crefl09", "viirs_crefl08"] PRODUCT_ALIASES["dnb_solar_zenith_angle"] = DataQuery(name="dnb_solar_zenith_angle") PRODUCT_ALIASES["dnb_solar_azimuth_angle"] = DataQuery(name="dnb_solar_azimuth_angle") PRODUCT_ALIASES["dnb_sat_zenith_angle"] = DataQuery(name="dnb_satellite_zenith_angle") PRODUCT_ALIASES["dnb_sat_azimuth_angle"] = DataQuery(name="dnb_satellite_azimuth_angle") PRODUCT_ALIASES["dnb_lunar_zenith_angle"] = DataQuery(name="dnb_lunar_zenith_angle") PRODUCT_ALIASES["dnb_lunar_azimuth_angle"] = DataQuery(name="dnb_lunar_azimuth_angle") PRODUCT_ALIASES["m_solar_zenith_angle"] = DataQuery(name="solar_zenith_angle", resolution=742) PRODUCT_ALIASES["m_solar_azimuth_angle"] = DataQuery(name="solar_azimuth_angle", resolution=742) PRODUCT_ALIASES["m_sat_zenith_angle"] = DataQuery(name="satellite_zenith_angle", resolution=742) PRODUCT_ALIASES["m_sat_azimuth_angle"] = DataQuery(name="satellite_azimuth_angle", resolution=742) PRODUCT_ALIASES["i_solar_zenith_angle"] = DataQuery(name="solar_zenith_angle", resolution=371) PRODUCT_ALIASES["i_solar_azimuth_angle"] = DataQuery(name="solar_azimuth_angle", resolution=371) PRODUCT_ALIASES["i_sat_zenith_angle"] = DataQuery(name="satellite_zenith_angle", resolution=371) PRODUCT_ALIASES["i_sat_azimuth_angle"] = DataQuery(name="satellite_azimuth_angle", resolution=371) DEFAULT_PRODUCTS = I_ALIASES + M_ALIASES + DNB_PRODUCTS[1:] + TRUE_COLOR_PRODUCTS + FALSE_COLOR_PRODUCTS + OTHER_COMPS P2G_PRODUCTS = I_ALIASES + M_ALIASES + DNB_PRODUCTS + I_RAD_PRODUCTS + M_RAD_PRODUCTS P2G_PRODUCTS += I_ANGLE_PRODUCTS + M_ANGLE_PRODUCTS + DNB_ANGLE_PRODUCTS + OTHER_COMPS P2G_PRODUCTS += TRUE_COLOR_PRODUCTS + FALSE_COLOR_PRODUCTS P2G_PRODUCTS += [ "viirs_crefl01", "viirs_crefl02", "viirs_crefl03", "viirs_crefl04", "viirs_crefl07", "viirs_crefl08", "viirs_crefl09", ] P2G_PRODUCTS += ["dynamic_dnb_saturation", "unsharp_true_color"] FILTERS = { "day_only": { "standard_name": [ "toa_bidirectional_reflectance", "true_color", "false_color", "natural_color", "corrected_reflectance", ], }, "night_only": { "standard_name": ["temperature_difference"], }, }
[docs] class ReaderProxy(ReaderProxyBase): """Provide Polar2Grid-specific information about this reader's products.""" is_polar2grid_reader = True def __init__(self, scn: Scene, user_products: list[str]): self._modified_aliases = PRODUCT_ALIASES.copy() if "dynamic_dnb_saturation" in user_products: # they specified --dnb-saturation-correction # let's modify the aliases so dynamic_dnb points to this product user_products.remove("dynamic_dnb_saturation") self._modified_aliases["dynamic_dnb"] = DataQuery(name="dynamic_dnb_saturation") super().__init__(scn, user_products)
[docs] def get_default_products(self) -> list[str]: """Get products to load if users hasn't specified any others.""" return DEFAULT_PRODUCTS
[docs] def get_all_products(self): """Get all polar2grid products that could be loaded.""" return P2G_PRODUCTS
@property def _aliases(self): return self._modified_aliases
[docs] def add_reader_argument_groups( parser: ArgumentParser, group: Optional[_ArgumentGroup] = None ) -> tuple[Optional[_ArgumentGroup], Optional[_ArgumentGroup]]: """Add reader-specific command line arguments to an existing argument parser. If ``group`` is provided then arguments are added to this group. If not, a new group is added to the parser and arguments added to this new group. """ if group is None: group = parser.add_argument_group(title="VIIRS SDR Reader") group.add_argument( "--i-bands", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=I_ALIASES, help="Add all I-band raw products to list of products", ) group.add_argument( "--m-bands", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=M_ALIASES, help="Add all M-band raw products to list of products", ) group.add_argument( "--dnb-angle-products", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=DNB_ANGLE_PRODUCTS, help="Add DNB-band geolocation 'angle' products to list of products", ) group.add_argument( "--dnb-saturation-correction", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=["dynamic_dnb_saturation"], help="Enable dynamic DNB saturation correction (normally used for aurora scenes)", ) group.add_argument( "--i-angle-products", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=I_ANGLE_PRODUCTS, help="Add I-band geolocation 'angle' products to list of products", ) group.add_argument( "--m-angle-products", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=M_ANGLE_PRODUCTS, help="Add M-band geolocation 'angle' products to list of products", ) group.add_argument( "--m-rad-products", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=M_RAD_PRODUCTS, help="Add M-band geolocation radiance products to list of products", ) group.add_argument( "--i-rad-products", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=I_RAD_PRODUCTS, help="Add I-band geolocation radiance products to list of products", ) group.add_argument( "--awips-true-color", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=_AWIPS_TRUE_COLOR, help="Add individual CREFL corrected products to create the 'true_color' composite in AWIPS.", ) group.add_argument( "--awips-false-color", dest="products", action=ExtendConstAction, const=_AWIPS_FALSE_COLOR, help="Add individual CREFL corrected products to create the 'false_color' composite in AWIPS.", ) return group, None