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August 2011

Director's Note

best John Roberts

Announcing the new ON-TIME, ON-LINE Time Sheet for Academic Staff...more

Department News


New Library Website! The Library's website has a new look, refined design and better navigation...more

Human Resources

SAVE THIS DATE -- 2011 UW-Madison Employee Benefits and Resource Fair...more

Equity & Diversity

The Equity and Diversity Committee is continuing to work on several projects this summer...more

Comings and Goings



modis animation

Major Milestone - Five Years of Research to NWS Operations

On 07 July 2011, CIMSS reached a major milestone: five years of a successful research-to-operations exercise with National Weather Service (NWS) field offices...more

avhrr chart

Update to AVHRR Polar Winds Processing at CIMSS

A significant update to the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) polar winds processing at CIMSS was introduced...more


GOES-derived Products Demonstrated at NWS Sullivan

On 05 July 2011, Robert Aune and Jordan Gerth (CIMSS) spent the day at the National Weather Service Office, Sullivan, WI (MKX) as part of...more


solar panels

Solar Panels Complete AOSS Sun-Earth Exhibit

In 2008 when Rick Kohrs and Margaret Mooney applied to the Baldwin Endowment fund to acquire the first Wisconsin-based 3-D weather globe...more


BAMS Highlights Weather Quest

Steve Ackerman, Jean Phillips, and Matt Sitkowski, SSEC/CIMSS members of the Weather Quest planning team, contributed to the great success of the first Weather Quest...more



UW-Madison Team Wins NASA eXploration Habitat Academic Innovation Challenge

An interdisciplinary team of University of Wisconsin-Madison undergraduate students won the NASA eXploration Habitat Academic Innovation Challenge (X-Hab)...more


balloon launch

Grandparents University Comes to AOSS

For the 6th consecutive summer, UW Alums and their grandchildren enrolled in the meteorology major at the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Science Building...more


esip group

Teacher Workshop on Climate Literacy and Earth Data Tools

With support from NOAA, CIMSS organized a teacher workshop at the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) summer meeting...more


Presentation at AMS Annual Teachers Training Meeting

Tom Whittaker (CIMSS) presented the newly completed, on-line, interactive Conceptual Energy Model (CEM) tool...more


19th Annual CIMSS High School Workshop held in Madison

Ten high school students from as far away as Connecticut participated in the 2011 CIMSS High School Workshop on Atmospheric, Earth, and Space Sciences, held 26-30 June 2011 on the University of Wisconsin-Madison...more


Training Sessions on GOES-R Fog and Cloud Type Products

Michael Pavolonis (NOAA/NESDIS) and Corey Calvert (CIMSS) hosted two teletraining sessions (07 and 21 July 2011) with the National Weather Service...more


fred best

Fred Best Attains Distinguished Level

Fred Best, SSEC’s Executive Director for Technology, has been advanced to the academic staff “Distinguished” level...more



Science is nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent, common sense rounded out and minutely articulated.

George Santayana