McIDAS-XCD Administrator's Guide
Version 2015.2
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McIDAS-XCD 2015.2 for the First Time
If you are installing
McIDAS-XCD on a workstation that already has a previous version of McIDAS-XCD
installed, go to the previous section, Upgrading
to McIDAS-XCD 2015.2.
Installing McIDAS-XCD
for the first time on a workstation consists of the three tasks in this section
(Adding the mcdata Group, Assigning
Directory Permissions, Loading
the McIDAS-XCD Software), followed by additional configuration steps in
the section Configuring McIDAS-XCD.
Before proceeding
with the instructions below, verify that McIDAS-X 2015.2 has been installed on
the workstation. If it hasn't you must do so before you
install McIDAS-XCD 2015.2.
the mcdata Group
The workstation
running the McIDAS-XCD software must have the group name mcdata which
contains the users oper and mcidas.
Use this procedure to add the mcdata group, if needed.
- Log on to the root account.
- Add the following
line to the /etc/group file. Replace groupid with
a unique group ID number.
For example: mcdata::23000:oper,mcidas
- Log out of the root account.
Directory Permissions
Use the steps
below to assign write privileges to the directory ~mcidas/data.
- Log on to the
workstation as user mcidas and change the group
for the ~mcidas/data directory to the group mcdata.
Type: chgrp
mcdata ~mcidas/data
- Change the permissions
for the directory ~mcidas/data so only the user mcidas and
members of the group mcdata have write permission.
Type: chmod
775 ~mcidas/data
- Log out of the mcidas account.
the McIDAS-XCD Software
Complete the
steps below to load the McIDAS-XCD software.
- Logon to the workstation as user oper and
change to the ~oper/mcidas directory.
- Verify that the PATH environment
variable contains the ~mcidas/bin and ~oper/mcidas/bin directories,
and the operating system-specific modifications listed for the mcidas account
in the McIDAS User's Guide.
- Verify that the ~oper/mcidas/data directory
exists (use command mkdir ~oper/mcidas/data to
make it if it doesn't) and that the MCPATH environment
variable is set and includes the ~oper/mcidas/data, ~oper/mcidas/help,
and ~mcidas/help directories.
- Build and install
McIDAS-XCD 2015.2 using the same settings for optional flags -noopt and -mysql as were used to build McIDAS-X 2015.2. You must use the same compilers
and optional flag settings for both the McIDAS-X and McIDAS-XCD builds.
Type: sh ./ flags install all
where flags is
zero, one or both of the two optional flags described below.
- The -noopt flag is
used to build McIDAS-XCD with no optimization. If you don't specify this -noopt flag,
McIDAS-XCD is built using the default optimization: -O2 for builds with
vendor compilers and -O1 for builds with gcc/g77.
- The -mysql flag is
used to build McIDAS-XCD using the MySQL database libraries. Use this
flag if this workstation will be serving real-time GRIB files from the
NOAAPORT data stream and you have installed and want to use a MySQL database
to make the GRIB data access faster for your McIDAS-X clients/users.
If the database is in a non-standard install location, specify the flag
as -mysql=directory,
where directory is
the root MySQL install directory. Remember, the -mysql flag
must be specified when building both McIDAS-X and McIDAS-XCD.
This script performs the following steps:
- creates
the subdirectories xcd2015.2, xcd2015.2/src,
and xcd2015.2/data in the ~oper/mcidas directory
- uncompresses
the file xcd2015.2.tar.Z
- compiles
the source code and copies the binaries to the directory ~oper/mcidas/bin;
approximately 130 modules are compiled, so this step takes a few minutes
to complete; your compiler may generate some warnings while the macro
commands are compiling
- copies
data files to the ~oper/mcidas/data and the~mcidas/data directories
- copies
the help files to the ~oper/mcidas/help directory
When the
script is finished, you will see the message below.
McIDAS-XCD package installation is now complete
- Switch to user mcidas so
you can install the McIDAS-XCD ADDE servers.
- Run the script
below to install the new ADDE server executable code in the mcidas account.
Type: sh
./ install addeservers
- Exit from user mcidas.
You should
now be logged on as user oper.
- Start a McIDAS-X
- Determine the
full Unix path of the directory in which you want -XCD to write data. The
location where you store data is up to you; be sure to take disk space needs
into account when making your decision. The data directory needs to exist,
and also needs to contain grib and bufr subdirectories. Once you've determined
the path of your data directory, create a McIDAS string named MCDATA that
contains the full Unix path to the directory. From the McIDAS-X session,
Type: TE
MCDATA "/data_directory_path
example: TE MCDATA "/home/oper/xcd_data
In order for -XCD to correctly file data in this example, the /home/oper/xcd_data, /home/oper/xcd_data/grib,
and /home/oper/xcd_data/bufr directories need
to exist. Create the #MCDATA, #MCDATA/grib,
and #MCDATA/bufr directories, if necessary.
- Run the batch file XCD.BAT to
redirect to data files in #MCDATA and to initialize
- Run the batch
file XCDDEC.BAT to register MD file schemas, create
rapid access pointer files, and initialize several data files.
Proceed to the
next section, Configuring McIDAS-XCD,
and complete the configuration instructions for each section.
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