McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2024.1

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Removing the Previous Version of McIDAS-X on macOS (14+) Workstations

The McIDAS-X installation files include both the McIDAS-X core package and the McIDAS-XRD sidecar package.

If you have installed and tested a new version of McIDAS-X and/or McIDAS-XRD and are satisfied they are working properly, you can remove the previous version of the Podman container. To do so, complete the numbered instructions below.

1. Log on to the workstation as your user.

2. Remove the mcidasversion# Podman image, replacing version# with the previous version number.

Type:  sh  ./  unmake-pod

The message below is displayed when the unmake is successfully completed.

./ McIDAS-X unmake-pod completed normally.

3. Remove the following files:

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