McIDAS-X User's Guide
Version 2024.1

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Building and Installing McIDAS-X 2024.1 on macOS (14+) Workstations

Note: For convenience, the McIDAS-X installation files include both the McIDAS-X core package and the McIDAS-XRD sidecar package (see the McIDAS-XRD Software page for details). McIDAS-XRD is automatically installed on macOS with Podman.

Complete the steps below to build and install McIDAS-X 2024.1 and McIDAS-XRD 2024.1.

1. Log on to the workstation as your user.

2. Build the container using the command below. This step creates a Dockerfile and uses Podman to create a new image by running the full Unix installation procedure automatically within the containerized Linux environment.

Type:  sh  ./  make-pod

The message below is displayed when the build is successfully completed.

./ McIDAS-X make-pod completed normally.

3. Once McIDAS-X 2024.1 is successfully built, uninstall the previous version (if applicable).

First verify that no McIDAS-X sessions are running. Then enter the command below to uninstall the previous version of the packages, replacing version# with the number of the version (for example, 2023.1).

Type:  sh  ./  uninstall-pod

The message below is displayed if the uninstall is successfully completed.

./ McIDAS-X uninstall-pod completed normally.

4. Run the command below to install the McIDAS-X container based on the image that you built in step 2 above.

Type:  sh  ./  install-pod

The message below is displayed when the install is successfully completed.

./ McIDAS-X install-pod completed normally.

Installation Directories

Podman images are binary files that contain a virtual file system that is not visible to the host machine. By default these images are stored in ~/.local/share/containers/podman/machine.

This concludes the instructions for installing McIDAS-X and configuring user accounts. See Starting McIDAS-X for information about the ways to start a McIDAS-X session, and see Configuring McIDAS-X Sessions with .mcidasrc for information about tailoring McIDAS-X sessions to your preferences.

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