McIDAS User's Guide
Version 2014.1
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Sets the state of a McIDAS toggle command or mode.
Use TERM when your workstation is not in a known state. TERM is commonly used in string tables and macros. The valid commands and their toggles are shown below. For more information, see the individual commands in this section of the manual.
Use the TERM IG command to toggle McIDAS-X independent graphics on and off. Independent graphics are off by default when you start a McIDAS-X session; frames display both images and graphics. There are no separate image and graphics frames. Therefore, you cannot display or loop images or graphics independently, and commands like J, Y, LB G, LS G and SG are not valid.
The command TERM IG ON creates separate image and graphics frames, so you can display or loop them independently. This mode is most beneficial for users who create loops of colocated images because they don't have to draw the same map on every frame. Instead, they can draw the map on a single graphics frame and display only that graphics frame while looping through their series of image frames. Commands J, Y, LB G, LS G and SG are all valid in this mode.
You can specify -c 'TERM IG OFF' or -c 'TERM IG ON' in your .mcidasrc file to have McIDAS-X automatically start in the desired mode. If a TERM IG command is not set in your .mcidasrc and you want to change independent graphics mode, you should run the appropriate TERM command when you first start McIDAS-X (before displaying images or graphics). Changing modes later may not work correctly. Problems are more likely to arise if you switch from ON to OFF than from OFF to ON. If problems do arise, it's best to exit and restart McIDAS-X.
Use the SCALE ON and SCALE OFF options to preserve image levels in the range 0 to 255. Each preserved image level is assigned a different display level when enhanced with the EU command. Image level scaling is on by default when you start a McIDAS-X session.
SCALE OFF preserves all image levels greater than the number of graphics color levels. Image levels less than or equal to the number of graphics color levels are not preserved; they are converted to the image level equal to the number of graphics color levels plus one. For example, if McIDAS-X is started with 16 graphics color levels, SCALE OFF converts image levels 0 to 16 to image level 17. Therefore, you cannot use the EU command to enhance any image level less than 17. Image levels 17 to 255 are preserved so they can be individually enhanced with the EU command. The SCALE OFF option is useful if the image you want to display contains little or no information in the lower end of the 0 to 255 range of image levels. It also lets you know which image levels are preserved and which are not.
SCALE ON preserves the same number of image levels as SCALE OFF; however, SCALE ON spreads the non-preserved image levels evenly over the entire 0 to 255 range. SCALE ON is most useful if the image you want to display contains important information in the lower end of the 0 to 255 range.
You can also use the SU command to preserve a specific set of image levels.
This entry starts frame looping.
This entry stops frame looping.
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