Listed Below are several common McIDAS-X commands, followed by a brief description of the corresponding method used in McIDAS-V.
DATALOC ADD - Enter server and dataset information in the chooser, or use the ADD ADDE Servers... button in the ADDE Servers tab of the User Preferences window.
DATALOC LIST - Select server in chooser and use Dataset pull down menu to view available datasets.
DSINFO - Select the chooser with the data you want to view (Image, Point, etc.), connect to the server and view "Data" type list to see available descriptors.
DSSERVE ADD - Open the Local ADDE Data Manager and select File -> New Local Dataset.
DSSERVE DEL - Open the Local ADDE Data Manager and select which dataset to delete by clicking on the dataset and then selecting Edit -> Remove Selection.
DSSERVE LIST - Open the Local ADDE Data Manager, which lists all of the remote datasets.