Command Line Arguments
There are a number of command line arguments for McIDAS-V. These command line arguments can be applied when starting McIDAS-V using a terminal or command prompt (e.g., from the McIDAS-V-System directory, type: runMcV -noplugins). To view them provide the argument: -help:
mcv -help
- -help (prints this message)
- -properties <property file>
- -installplugin <plugin jar file to install>
- -plugin <plugin jar file, directory, url for this
- -noplugins (do not load any plugins)
- -bundle <bundle file or url>
- -oneinstanceport <port number>
(check if another
version of McIDAS-V is running, and if so, pass command line arguments
to it and shut down)
- -userpath <user directory to use>
- -sitepath <url path to find site resources>
- -nogui (do not show the main window GUI)
- -data <data source> (load the data source)
- -script <Jython script file name> (run the McIDAS-V script
in the background)
- -image <image file name> (create a jpeg image
and then exit)
- -Dpropertyname=value (define the property value)
- -catalog <url to a chooser catalog>
- -chooser (show the data chooser on start up)
- -printjnlp (print out any embedded bundles from jnlp files)
- -setfiles <datasource pattern> <semi-colon delimited
list of files>
the list of files for the bundled datasource)
- -currenttime <dttm> (override current time
for ISL processing)
- -listresources (list out the resource types)
- -debug (turn on debug printing)
- -debugmessages (turn on language pack debug)
- -recordmessages <language pack file to write missing
- -trace (print out trace messages)
- -traceonly <trace pattern> (print out trace
messages that match the pattern)
- -logpath <path to log file>
- -tempuserpath (sets up a temporary directory to act as the McIDAS-V directory, allowing for a clean, pristine session)
- -noerrorsingui (don't show error windows when running McIDAS-V in the foreground. Errors still go to mcidasv.log)
- -scriptargs (all arguments after this flag will be considered Jython arguments)
- -doaction <action id> (Run given action automatically after startup. For a list of actions, see Actions.)
- -nooneinstanceport (don't do the one instance port)
Specifying data source type
If you load in a data source from the command line using the -data argument, McIDAS-V tries to figure out what type of data it is by looking for patterns in the file or url you specify. If it cannot determine the type, McIDAS-V will prompt the user for the type.
You can add in a "type:" prefix to the argument that will specify the type with:
mcv -data type:somedatatype:the_file_or_url_to_the_data
For the different values for the "somedatatype", see Data Source Types.