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Flow Displays

For parameters with a vector nature such as wind, vector and streamline displays of flow are available.

Vector Plan View
Image 1: Vector Plan View Display
Image 1: Vector Plan View Display
Streamline Plan View
Image 2: Streamline Plan View Display
Image 2: Streamline Plan View Display
Wind Barb Plan View
Image 3:  Wind Barb Plan View Display
Image 3: Wind Barb Plan View Display
Vector Cross Section
Image 4: Vector Cross Section Display in the Main Display Window
Image 4: Vector Cross Section Display in the Main Display Window
Image 5: Vector Cross Section Display in the Layer Controls Tab
Image 5: Vector Cross Section Display in the Layer Controls Tab
Wind Barb Cross Section
Image 6: Wind Barb Cross Section Display in the Main Display Window
Image 6: Wind Barb Cross Section Display in the Main Display Window
Image 7: Wind Barb Cross Section Display in the Layer Controls Tab
Image 7: Wind Barb Cross Section Display in the Layer Controls Tab
3D Volume Vector
Image 8: 3D Volume Vector Display
Image 8: 3D Volume Vector Display
3D Volume Trajectory
Image 9: 3D Volume Trajectory Display
Image 9: 3D Volume Trajectory Display

For more information see Flow Display Controls and 3D Flow Display Controls.

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