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Flow Display Controls

The Flow Plan View Controls are used to control plan (horizontal) displays (flow vectors, wind barbs, streamlines, trajectories, and curly vectors) of vector based data (e.g., wind components). They are similar to the Plan View controls. For more information on what wind speeds correspond to each of the wind barbs in McIDAS-V displays, please see the table in the FAQ.

The seven types of Flow Displays are Vector Plan View, Vector Colored by Speed, Vector Colored by Another Parameter, Wind Barb Plan View, Wind Barb Colored by Speed, Wind Barb Colored by Another Parameter, and Streamline Plan View. Under the 3D Surface displays, additional display types of Vectors Over Topography, Wind Barbs Over Topography, and Streamlines Over Topography can be selected. Under Flow Cross Section displays, Vector Cross Section and Wind Barb Cross Section can be selected. The Layer Controls listed below apply for all display types:

Image 1: Flow Displays Controls
Image 1: Flow Displays Controls

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there are some options that are unique to this display.

The Edit menu has these unique options:

The View menu has these unique options:

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