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Topography Controls

The Topography controls allow you to display topography datasets. These controls are available through the 3D Surface->Topography display type. An example of a field that can utilize this display type is the 2D 'Geopotential Height @ Surface' field in model data. The first image shows the control user interface which allows you to customize many options with this display.

Image 1: Topography Controls Properties Dialog
Image 1: Topography Controls Properties Dialog

This is an example of how the display may appear in the Main Display window:

Image 2: Topography Displayed in the Main Display Window
Image 2: Topography Displayed in the Main Display Window

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there is one option that is unique to this display.

The View menu has these unique options:

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