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Map Controls

Maps in McIDAS-V are shown using the Map Display Controls. There are two ways these controls are used: for the default background maps and for a user created map display. The control window is composed of two tabs, Maps and Lat/Lon.

The Maps tab lists the set of available maps. You have the ability to select which maps are displayed, as well as how they are displayed:

Image 1: Maps Tab of the Map Controls Window
Image 1: Maps Tab of the Map Controls Window

The Lat/Lon tab allows the user to set the visibility of and control the latitude/longitude lines and labels:

Image 2: Lat/Lon Tab of the Map Controls Window
Image 2: Lat/Lon Tab of the Map Controls Window

Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there are some options that are unique to this display.

The File menu has this unique option:

The Edit menu has these unique options:

The View menu has this unique option:

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